Installing driver update question


Nov 1, 2001
NVidia has an update for my card, and I want to know the right way to proceed.

I've heard it both ways — that you should uninstall your old driver first, then install the new; also that you should just install the new and forget about the old. The NVidia site doesn't say one way or the other.

I seem to recall that in the old days, it was almost universally recommended that you basically strip your system of old drivers before installing new ones. But now I'm told by some people that newer driver installations take care of all that and you shouldn't worry about it. Just install the new.

What's the real answer? Thanks,

Personally I do mine through steam now, they have them far quicker than windows update and it's easy to remember to push the button when I start steam. I used to unistall then re-install but don't bother now unless there was a problem which there hasn't been.
Thanks for the quick answer!
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