Interesting Screenshots

Perhaps he was running low on funds?
^^^ I don't recall what was offered in the peace negotiation, so it's possible.
Nobody should have to follow that set featuring SweetChuck and his "raining gold" shot so Im breaking to commercial to show some screenie tricks. :p Nothin tampered with here we got its an actual unstaged screenshot of a freshly uncovered continent I call ' Some Boats by the Beach' . Before a blow up like this would crash me back to desktop.

This isn't a change in res. Its one of those blueteeth mice that does the trick. With just a push of one its 5 buttons you can make a window much like a magnifying glass and streach it any size or use the wheel to raise/lower the magnification. Its cool for battles cus some artists render thier units so nicly they actaully look cooler close up...:cool:

,,OK product placement over. Back to the show.. :)
Thanks! Ya The mod has over 800 units and lots of boats some better then others. Funny I think the Firaxis boat(red) looks a lot more shabby then the local artist's sail boat (centered)
Heres a looks at the same scene before I pushed the button..
Spoiler :
Russia has a GREAT startong position in this pic, don't they? :)sarcasm:)

A narrow penninsula on an island that is shared with Egypt, the most powerful civ in the game! I envy you, Catherine!
Speaking of which, Egypt declared war on Russia in 530 BC. So far, nothing has happened yet, but something probably will.

Of course, that's a spoiler for my story, isn't it? :mischief:
If i were russia, Egypt would never feel the calming sense of peace again... i would never let up.... not until she died :mad: :mad: :mad: i have held a grudge against them ever since the 1st game i played
@kiwidude: it means I own Artillery that has been captured from the AI, or in this case more likely upgraded catapults and trebuchets that were captured (It means that you don't pay upkeep for them).
You see the same thing if you have slaves and you add all your native workers back to tour cities, also if you only have settlers built from foreign cities
ok, thanks, i thought it was a bug ;)
Took me a little while to figure that one out too.
That will also happen if you lost your last of that unit that turn and look at the military advisor both before and after you lose it. I think...
Yes. You should have said that when that screenie was posted, 6 months ago.
569 workers!! :eek:
(and about 200 slaves)
That's not so sensational. I've had hundreds of workers myself, and the majority were slaves.

77 settlers is something else, that's 77 towns that has not been founded!

Who needs a pile of unused settlers? Do they cook??
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