Internet Game - CFC game

Yeah, I understood you were asking about a specific issue with Rev in a MP game. I just wanted to address that and at the same time mention how I felt about Rev in MP: better turn it OFF.

I'm glad to know you have no problem with that ;)

LoR vs Vanilla BtS, I know what you mean, although I still enjoy both (and other mods as well, like Next War). Yeah, it's silly to jump from frigates to destroyers directly, but I can live with that if I want a less "clogged" game from time to time, I just go and play a regular BtS game.
Trafalgar Square is awesome, although I think it's OP (striving to get it is usually worthwhile, getting it is great; the problem is when someone else gets it :cry: )
I've never used inquisitions (I'm actually the opposite type, putting a good deal of effort in spreading the largest possible number of religions to the largest possible number of my cities).
Regarding IDW, I haven't had the chance to experience its full depth yet. Actually I didn't know most of the things you mentioned about it in your previous post. I'll surely look more into it.

Anyway, you have your only condition (LoR game) as I have mine (Rev OFF), that's OK, let's play a no-rev LoR game! :D

What do you say, Knoedel?

And anyone else?

What you explained about dealing with revolutions is enlightening, I'll comment on it inside the spoiler.

Spoiler :
I've found out several of the concepts you mentioned while playing my first LoR games. I didn't know the particular uses of IDW and attacking a city culturally to create the scenario you described when that city revolts to you and gives you several benefits. That's quite interesting.

What I think happened in my game is instability (local, mostly) gradually built up and eventually got to a level that got me locked in endless uprising cycles. That is around 2000 local instability in each city I conquered from an enemy in a continent other than the one I spawned in.

At that time I tried everything (eventually messing with Worldbuilder to check whether my actions would have any positive impact): the civics you mentioned, combinations of OrgRel/Teo with the shrine and running only 1 religion across my empire, or the opposite approach of Free Religion with several religions everywhere. Lots of numbers in garrisons were only useful to prevent the city from being captured. :) and :health: were fine across the board. Nationality I wasn't able to fix, I queued a lot of :culture:-providing buildings that never got built because the cities were revolting constantly. Distance and Colony seemed the worst factors, providing the most negative instability/turn. So I Worldbuilder placed a Palace in the city situated in the middle of the other cities in the new continent. And it brought stability/turn bonuses to those cities.

But none of that was enough due to the already massive instability counter causing each city to revolt constantly.

That's what I don't like about a game mechanic: when you can't do anything to fix the problem. I could have bribed the rebels, let's say that would have solved the problem: what's the fun of the feature, at the end of the day you enabled Rev just to lose money?
Or let's say you let the rebels form their own civ. What did you conquer those cities for in the first place?

But well, enough rant :lol: I understand a lot of people really enjoy Revolutions, and that's fine, but I just don't :p
Yeah, a LoR game without Revolutions sounds fine to me. That´s three players for now, anyone else up for it?
So in about 24 hours? Sounds good to me.
Sorry to hear that gpcii. :(
Anyhow, I will be in the lobby in about half an hour to wait for those who do come.
I'm on too and hosting the game. It's name is LoRCFCGame and the password is 1234.

As of now it's only me and lunfa_reo, any chance more will join?
Alrighty then since nobody showed up its only me and lunfa_reo. Game starts... Now!
Sry guys, I couldn't spend time home yesterday. Today I guess I'm going to share the same fate, so let's try something next week. I'll keep an eye here to see when you guys want to play another game.
Don't worry, we'll get another chance to play, probably next weekend.

We experienced OOS hell in our LoR game with Knoedel, so I don't think a LoR MP would be a good idea, the OOS was really annoying and game breaking.

But we got to play another game with Knoedel, and boy, he's attacked every game he plays with me, and he promptly dispatches every enemy who dares declare on him!

Stonewall Knoedel! :clap:
Gee, thanks, but I didn´t really dispatch my enemy. Sure, I gave him a helluva fight but in the end he did capture my GLH city and left because he would have won anyway.
When I experience OOS in Lan games, we simply re-host the game and it works. Before we used to choose one of us to leave and rejoin, but we discovered that doing this the chances of the OOS remaining are bigger. I'm not sure how the game works in this MP mode you play, but maybe you can try this.
So, anyone up for another game this weekend?
Well, it is Saturday, at least in Central Europe. Anyone up for a game in about 5-6 hours?
I guess that´s a no? :/
I might play. Sorry, did not read the whole thread. Can someone summarize? Map size, settings, game speed?

Do you guys have previous experience with MP or are you trying it for first time?
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