Is anyone besides me happy with the game?

I am loving it. I like hexes and the new combat system, the social policies, the slower tech pace, the ability to buy particular tiles, the new happiness system, the more limited use of roads, the city-states, even the new barbs. I'd like to see prettier rivers, I've had couple crashes and some minor video glitches, and I wish there were a "circular" diplomatic screen as in Civ 4 (or was it Civ 3?). But on the whole, I love it.
With the caveats that I only played for about an hour last night, on earth where I was dropped alone in the Americas and my machine is on the weak side so I’m playing with all of the graphics and minimum settings…

I’m enjoying it. It feels like civ. I think I’m going to start a new game tonight to get a little more interaction with other civs though.
You should also remember that when a new game has just been released there's always some problems, especially with PC games.

Those who come to the forum right after playing the game are almost always those who are having problems with it or who are just dissapointed and want to vent

Or have to go to work :cry::cry:
I am having a blast with it even though I am crashing very often. Hopefully they can find a solution to whatever my problem is. Thank God I can autosave every turn!
I've only played 1 complete game so far but I'm enjoying it more than Civ IV mostly because late game no longer requires me to micromanage hundreds of military units.
2nd one up
Hate the player not the game :D
I've only had time to play it for a few hours since release, but overall I'm happy with it so far (stupid work...making me feel like I need to keep showing up just because they're the only reason I can pay my bills ;) )
I just finished my first big game and I love it... a big part of it is the new combat system, and also what someone mentioned before: playing it on Marathon would take AGES... because Civ V is much, much better paced than Civ IV was. No more 1 hour until classical era and then 20 hours after that, the game keeps an even pace through and doesn't bog you down in the later eras (though it still can if you're not careful) - so many little changes I can see that made this - the technology tree tweaked, each unit being much more valuable, giving your armies less units overall.

So far I have no wish at all to go back to Civ IV, as much as I loved that game.
For me the combat system is miles and miles ahead of Civ4. That is civ5's great step forward imo.

However, I am worried about the lack of push back from the AI. Granted I did play my first game with Prince. Has anyone noticed the AI doesnt like to expand much? How about the harder levels? Have they built any decent sized cities? Maybe they are trying to take advantage of the "civics" I guess that increase your starter city's gold along with other bonuses?

They did a pretty decent job at defending the actual capital. I had multiple archers, backed up with spears and horsemen raping my invaded force lol. But I won in the end. Thankfully, the AI had the one city or it might have been bad for me via a counterattack!! lol
Only got the demo, generally I'm liking it (especially my last playthrough - captured London on turn 100 after a protracted siege). Seems about as polished as Civ 4 was at release, maybe a little more so. Combat is much improved from Civ4 for my tastes.

A few niggles, such as one screen which shows all the AI's trade resources, which city states they're allied with, etc would be handy.

The ability to highlight military units only would be good too.

The game log in Civ4 worked by clicking on the appropriate passage of play and the map would centre on that - whereas here it's just a list of events.

Also the AI seemingly travelling across the globe to settle on my front lawn (gerroff my lawn!)because there's some cotton there, when there're oodles of resources near him (presumably this is because of the citizens demanding one type of luxury resource over others), but it does make for a very fragmented game map.

Also a little more info on pacts would help.

Probably a few more things I'll think of once I've played the full game, but hopefully these'll be fixed in time by either Firaxis or modders just like Civ4. And based on the demo I'm pretty happy so far, it's different to in gamestyle, but about equal in terms of enjoyment, to a release day unexpanded Civ4.
For me the combat system is miles and miles ahead of Civ4. That is civ5's great step forward imo.

However, I am worried about the lack of push back from the AI. Granted I did play my first game with Prince. Has anyone noticed the AI doesnt like to expand much? How about the harder levels? Have they built any decent sized cities? Maybe they are trying to take advantage of the "civics" I guess that increase your starter city's gold along with other bonuses?
Maybe it's just the civs you've encountered so far. Askia, for example, seems to be extremely aggressive, even on the low difficulties. He conquers city states like it's going out of style. In one game, he and two other civs were located on a separate continent from mine, and by the time I developed the tech to contact him he'd taken one of his neighbours out and was finishing off the other.
Maybe it's just the civs you've encountered so far. Askia, for example, seems to be extremely aggressive, even on the low difficulties. He conquers city states like it's going out of style. In one game, he and two other civs were located on a separate continent from mine, and by the time I developed the tech to contact him he'd taken one of his neighbours out and was finishing off the other.

Ya I cant really make a judgement from one game on normal difficulty. I think I will pick one of the much harder levels and see if I get smoked. :crazyeye:

I sure like the UI in this game though! I cant believe people are thinking that it is geared towards consoles lol.

You "could" play this game on console but that's because the game is so well designed and streamlined lol. :lol:
I was playing on prince, and Ghandi and Caesar teamed up to war on me. O.o shame on you ghandi! They took my city, and I raised an army to take it back. I had all my swordsmen ready and had just assembled a catapult. It was going to be so sweet, but the very turn I was going to fire, some scout from nebuchadnezzar walks up the hill and stands RIGHT IN FRONT of my catapult and I couldn't fire it at the city. o.O I couldn't move anything to defend the catapult either, so of course, next turn, nebu moves his scout right before caesar's turn, caesar marches up with a legion, punks my catapult. Without that, I'm about a turn behind taking his city before his reinforcements arive, and I end up losing. RAEG
I only played for about 2 hours last night, which was around 80 turns I think, and I enjoyed it and thought it flowed very smoothly. Only thing which seemed off was how slow production was and that I had not built a single building in my 3 cities after so many turns in the game.
Only an hour of play for me now, but I like what I've seen and I cannot wait to play more time tonight. Anyway if someone don't like the game, stop playing and return to Civ IV or anything else.
I only played for about 2 hours last night, which was around 80 turns I think, and I enjoyed it and thought it flowed very smoothly. Only thing which seemed off was how slow production was and that I had not built a single building in my 3 cities after so many turns in the game.

Yeah, I think part of that is that they don't want to allow you to pump out too many units since only one unit is allowed per tile now.
I'm enjoying it.

The game peforms flawlessly on my machine. Zero hitches. Zero crashes.

I'll reserve final judgement on the tactical combat AI til I play more - initially I'm disappointed.
I've had some problems with crashes (although that might be my system) and I'm not a fan of the city screen, but I'm enjoying Civ 5 now more than I enjoyed Civ 4 when I first bought it. I loved Civ 3, and was still playing that long after Civ 4 came out, since I was too poor to get Civ 4. I tried the Civ 4 demo and I couldn't get into it. I hated the fact that you had to build your first worker and research mining, agriculture and the like before you could do anything with him. Once I bought Civ 4 and got really into it, I could never go back to Civ 5.

Now I'd given up on Civ 4 about a year ago, but once I started Civ 5 I liked it. I really like the combat and the social policies, and I like that gold, science, culture, food, and production are all separately generated and all have an important role. Culture in Civ 4 was kind of useless - either you were going for a culture victory or you just needed enough culture to pop your borders out to work your BFC.
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