is it just me or does a game of Civ 5 take a REALLY long time?

It's hella slow, like playing civ4 with 50 civs kinda slow.
I'm playing on epic and its taking longer than CIV4 not that much longer though . I'm enjoying it.
Yes, and I wonder if the game pace isn't the fundamental reason a lot of people aren't taking to Civ5 the way they did to earlier versions (personally I didn't feel Civ2/3 were particularly slow compared to feels like Civ5 has the slowest pace of all of them)
And that bar really does need to change color between processing and signaling next turn. Its easy to miss that prompt to hit next turn again.


It needs to change border art too and switch to green when it's time to press next turn. Red for processing, yellow for stuff needs attention, green for go.

(We'll ignore the issue of why it's necessary to press next-turn so often without any meaningful interaction with the game world on many turns...)
Its definately longer. Standard game feels like an epic game on civ IV. I never played standard on Civ IV, it was too fast to me. Now standard is standard for me on Civ V.
Hey, OP- GO GIANTS! Guess who's in first right now? Uh HUH! :king:
Turn times are absolutely ridiculous late game, to the point where i have to move like 30 units to equal the time i take clicking next turn.
My average time for a game played is about 8 hours on Normal. Haven't tried any other settings but I feel like I would enjoy a longer game.

ETA: Games probably feel longer due to 1upt.
My first game of Civ5 on Meso map dlc took 24 hours to complete (exactly).

I don't think it was that tedius really. I found Civ4 constant build changes more tedius.

At the end of the game the amount of time it took to wait for comps to finish their turns became quite long, but only at the end.
If we only could raze capitols and city states there will be tons of staff less to take care of with a great speed boost in the overall game despiting the set pace
No trouble with waiting for next turn on large/epic, just a few seconds.

Buuuuut.... build times are killing me. I realize that this is epic, and I may not have managed my empire perfectly (not many production boosting buildings due to all the happiness required after conquest and a big empire, and money requirements to go with it). Better planning of what I build and where, will help, but even so.

They just added a ton of turns and increased build times correspondingly, so you'll spend 10x the time in-game but get exactly the same amount of activities done as in a shorter game. When I play epic or marathon, I want to get a heck of a lot more stuff done in each era. I have 4 new techs by the time I have a new tank produced.
The issue is that the tech tree progress is out of synch with units/buildings speed.

Despite your set pace it always happens that you achieve a tech every few turns meanwhile it takes 20-25 turns to build a unit or building. Same speech on Epic and Marathon

This way when the unit is finished you already know 3 new techs and the unit becomes " obsolete " just before the end of its production...... that's a paradox
I like the pace.

Also don't quite understand what people find wrong with construction pace. You need less units in Civ5 than Civ4 and you don't need all buildings in all your cities either. Makes you think more about what to build.
Also, when warring, I find that you have to move all your individual units to their places, instead of just moving your one stack of doom. This is what is making my games longer. Plus the lack of road spam. :)
I played only one game - I like the slow pace of the early ages, but I have to play more to have a real opinion on speed balance in all
So, here is my take on the issue:

1. The down time is way too high. The turns for the computer civs are not very fast. It often take a minute or more to wait for the computer players to finish their moves.

This would not be that bad if a human player had a lot of things to do on his/her turn. However,

2. The game is bordering on being a simulation. Most units/buildings take a long time to produce, which means most turns take 10-30 seconds (unless you are in the middle of a war), and then you need to wait for the next turn.

Since so many facets of the game have been "streamlined" or "dumbed-down" or "simplified"... there's really not much thinking required in order to manage your empire. You are really just checking for happiness and what building you need to produce... and then you wait... This means that a half-way decent player will make most of the same decisions as a good player given the same set of conditions... so, the game can be quite boring.

I agree that it is hard to keep the will to finish a game. I have known for over a day now that I have won the game... but it takes forever to finish things. The computer players are smarter, but they are not human-smart. They often know what I am thinking, but they don't know how to stop me. So, my army moves forward, capturing/liberating city after city. While I believe the new combat system is far superior, the AI can not consistently put up a good fight.

anyways, it takes a realllllly long time to feel marginally satisfied. I think this does need to be addressed.
Playing on standard map with standard speed, I get about 10-13 hour games in Civ 5.

In Civ 4 I used to clock around 30-60 hours per game, but that was on epic/marathon and gigantic maps. I think I'll move towards longer games in Civ5 as well, as soon as I get my new video card and some more time on my hands.
I have noticed that it took a lot longer the first time I played. But I'm on my second game and I'm a lot further along and it doesn't seem like it took as long to get there. I even upped the map size. The game is definitely vanilla and has so much potential that I'm afraid for when they improve it.
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