Is it possible to unlock the main game achievements when playing scenarios?


Mar 28, 2019
I have a question regarding achievements. Is it possible to - for example - unlock one of the Victory Condition Achievements or Counting Achievements (or any other main game achievements for that matter) playing only scenarios? Or is it that in scenarios I can unlock only the achievements specific for the given scenario?
Usually, no. Main game achievements require the main game rule set (either base game, or G&K, or BNW, or all three), not scenario rule sets. Note that some achievements are only available on certain versions (for example, I recall (perhaps incorrectly) that the Ottoman Barbary Pirate achievement may only work on vanilla)).
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Thank you for the reply. Could you elaborate on the "usually" - do you know of any exceptions to that rule? Can I unlock the domination victory achievement playing scenario?
By usually, I meant that all achievements usually can be unlocked by any combination of vanilla, G&K and BNW being enabled, with the notable exceptions being some (I can't recall which for sure) vanilla achievements only working in vanilla, and of course those involving G&K and BNW civs and mechanics require those expansions. I cannot recall any scenario achievements that also unlocked a main game achievement.

EDIT: And frankly the easiest way to get the Domination victory achievement out of the way is to fire up a game as the Huns on a Duel (one opponent) Great Plains map. I recall doing it several times for the LOLs for CFC Hall of Fame submissions. I think my fastest was 6 or 7 turns.
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To reply to your edit: my goal exactly is NOT to accidentally unlock the domination victory by playing scenarios (as some of them are domination only).
A super-late reply, but some achievements are possible on scenario runs, provided it can be done the same way it is in the main game. For example, "Lion of the North" and "Yoink" can be done playing Into the Renaissance (as those civs are available with required mechanics for the achievement). Likewise, "Capture of Brielle" was done when i played Conquest of the New World Deluxe (where the required Sea Beggar is available for everyone and not just the Dutch). Some "Win as X" can be done through scenarios (including any stand-ins they are doing) but some (usually smaller DLCs) cannot.
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