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Is it time to move on? - Discussion/Debate

Damn, didn't even catch that OP wasn't playing above Prince! That makes the 1400 hrs even more impressive, really...I haven't played V in a while but I don't remember ever feeling challenged on Prince!
But my question to you all is.. are you guys ready to move on?

...But do people even want Civ 6? Would you guys buy it?

I've almost reach my saturation point with Civ5. Just last night I had free time and could have played a save or started a new game but just didn't have the desire. Would I buy 6 ? Absolutely...unless the demo leaves me with the same feeling that Beyond Earth left me with...

Am I ready for 6 now ? No. I'd prefer a break. Once I've gotten 5 completely out of my system I'd like a couple of months to recharge. If they release this time next year I'll be ready.

With 5 I waited until G&K to purchase. Not sure if I'll wait again or jump right in with vanilla.

Why are you still playing on Prince ?

Why play on Deity ? If the answer is "because I enjoy it", wonderful. OP has played and enjoyed thousands of hours of Prince play. Its clear OP is a sandbox player. If the AI would produce more troops on King, I wouldn't have ventured beyond King other than to be able to say "I can beat Deity". Well, more troops and a coherent strategy...but thats a topic for another day.

Point is OP has gotten a lot of enjoyment out of Prince. OP and Civ5 on Prince won.
I've almost reach my saturation point with Civ5. Just last night I had free time and could have played a save or started a new game but just didn't have the desire. Would I buy 6 ? Absolutely...unless the demo leaves me with the same feeling that Beyond Earth left me with...

Am I ready for 6 now ? No. I'd prefer a break. Once I've gotten 5 completely out of my system I'd like a couple of months to recharge. If they release this time next year I'll be ready.

With 5 I waited until G&K to purchase. Not sure if I'll wait again or jump right in with vanilla.

Why play on Deity ? If the answer is "because I enjoy it", wonderful. OP has played and enjoyed thousands of hours of Prince play. Its clear OP is a sandbox player. If the AI would produce more troops on King, I wouldn't have ventured beyond King other than to be able to say "I can beat Deity". Well, more troops and a coherent strategy...but thats a topic for another day.

Point is OP has gotten a lot of enjoyment out of Prince. OP and Civ5 on Prince won.

Thank you for getting it, I'm just glad I'm not being stoned because I am saying I get bored. I'm not bored with difficulty, I am just burned out with the game. I get it, there's no big surprises with Civ 5 anymore. I know what I will get, it's the same-ol' same-ol' and it's difficult to stray away from ti

Right now I"m working on a scenario with custom rules so that takes some of my time and I'm not complaining.

Other than that, the reason why I'm not one of the more elite players (and don't get me wrong, I have mad respsect for Diety players like Madjinn and anybody else who does it) But many people approach it with different styles, my style is like whyidie said, i"m sandbox player (Sims included). I enjoy making an empire but nto actually having to focus on strategy too much (although I do admit I actually use some strategy, I don't just build randomly, I try to have some sort of set of rules)

Maybe part of me just senses that Civ 6 is around corner.

And I gotta say I'm quite amused at the amount of surprise, let's put a twist and say taht I actually just recently turned to Prince :lol:
As a change of pace, have you tried any other 4X games?

I'd recommend a run through of one of the Europa Universalis games. Its a new set of strategies to master, a far worse game than Civ in many ways, and a far better one in many ways. Personally I find the EU games lack the longevity of Civ games, but I'd definitely recommend them to someone who likes the sandbox build-an-empire sort of game.

One fun thing about it (or unfun, depending on how you look at it) is that the game doesn't set you a specific victory condition: you just play out the clock then look back at your achievements. Also, because its geared towards versimillitude rather than balance, the challenges you face depend a lot on who you pick. So if you want to play Milan and see if you can form Italy, then establish Italian Africa, you can do that. Or if you want to play as Spain and conquer the New World, you can do that too. Or (with expansions) if you want to unify Japan under the rule of Oda Nobunaga, and then have his descendants struggle to keep the technologically superior western powers from taking over your land, you can do that too. Its a game with much stronger narratives than the Civ series, even if it lacks some of Civ's better features.
I tried to play both Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis only to come to conclusion I should go back to Kindergarden, the learning curve is really hard in Paradox games.
Moving up in difficulty lvl is a definite option but I also struggle on any lvl above King, besides, I don't like having to take a specific path to achieve victory, dictated by the best way to win, I like building my empire as the game flows, so I fully understand your point.
Since you have played as every tribe you can come up with ways to make it more challenging for yourself, like choosing to research techs which the leader you are playing as would be most likely to choose, same with warring or being peaceful according to your leader's historical personality-although that is kind of decided for you in part by the tribe you choose to play as, or having to for sure build all the wonders your tribe did in fact historically create.
Definitely not ready for Civ 6 yet, give me a year, maybe two.
What I'm doing is to win as every single leader. I play Epic and Large. So it takes a while.
I'll buy CiVI, but probably after the first expansion pack gets out the bugs/imbalances. I only get a handful of hours to play each week, so I still have a ways to go before I get bored. I don't think I'll start to get bored with SP until I've at least won every VC on Deity with every ideology, and then I'd try again with "suboptimal" leaders just for a challenge. Still haven't touched the scenarios yet, either, and I'd have to find a dedicated and understanding group to MP with. I, too, need at least another year or two.
I tried to play both Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis only to come to conclusion I should go back to Kindergarden, the learning curve is really hard in Paradox games.

They aren't as hard as they seem really. They also are really sandbox game so even if you have no idea what you're doing you cannot really lose. Also it's mostly a matter of learning all the options, the difficulty is that you can do many things just from the get go but once you play a game or two it's pretty easy to understand.

These game are very good for sandboxing. If you try to play them optimally on the other hand they have a tendency to feel broken.
Agree with Acken here, though its definitely the case that the UI is less transparent than the Civ one, and accessibility is a definite relative weakpoint.

However, in the age of the internet, its not hard to find play guides for optimisation, if thats what interests a player. Certainly, outside help is probably needed to achieve global domination within the allotted timeframe, but generally speaking thats not what the game is about. Its more a case of guiding your nation through a time of change, and having fun along the way.
I don't want civ 6 - not now anyway. I would like it to be an awesome game but last 3 years or so are very bad for video games in general. Fail game following by disapoitment game and some obvious cash grab games bringing nothing to the table but adding next number to recognizable franchise, unfinished products which "patches and DLCs will fix" and all these early access crap... All companies seem to be affected by these trends.

After BE I have doubts Firaxis is able to come up with next and improved civilization game where you'd feel like a leader building your empire.

I love Civ5, with bc1 mod i can play it for hours and never get bored. Still I'd wish i see next DLC to this game which would further improve it like last 2 expansions did.
lol CK2 is just a bit too much RPG to put yourself into the boots of a clubfooted idiot right after your 70 year old guy got killed by your cousin lover.
those sandbox games have a ton of choices which is kind of scary if you want to figure out the "optimal" playstyle, but the game itself isn't even designed to have particularly obvious win conditions.

I still think civ 5 has some life in it, but the community playing the game and analyzing its different aspects have pretty much matured. there's not a lot of new stuff to excite people unless we play with mods.
I agree with the OP stance on the level of difficulty. I find a good balance at King. I feel like developers don't give the AI the right types of advantages and it distorts gameplay and takes you out of the universe. All of a sudden your doing equations to figure out if it's optimal to chop the forest or hold off for the log mills later. It's just a drag.

King and Prince feels like the intended gaming experience for civ.

To stretch out the game to avoid bored on I play on huge maps that spread the AI out. And I play create games for myself really playing within that civs UA, even if it's sub optimal like opening piety for Ethiopia.
I am on Prince now which I moved up from last Summer. I really want to win with Culture but in my current game I see that Washington has double the total tourism output. I am in the lead by points but far behind in tourism output. I took my battle ships and a marine and took out his capitol like it was nothing. So perhaps it's time to jump up to King after a few more games at Prince.

Brew God
I guess I can understand if some people prefer sandbox play, but for me the most enjoyable thing is roleplaying in an environment where the AI offers a challenge and I actually have to work to survive.

For me that difficulty is Emperor, any higher and I'm doing more work than I care to do (also have to play optimally like crazy and can't really roleplay at all), any lower and I feel the AI is just sitting there waiting to be smacked by me.
What is roleplay when referring to civ5 game style? I have seen this term before and google doesn't really help.
My best guess is actually developing a civ like a RPG character by adding social policies, religious beliefs, wonders, etc. on top of the initial Unique Attributes of that civ. In other words going wild when selecting SPs and tech order, beliefs, etc instead of doing the optimal development. Is that correct, or am I totally off?
claudiupb said:
What is roleplay when referring to civ5 game style? I have seen this term before and google doesn't really help.
My best guess is actually developing a civ like a RPG character by adding social policies, religious beliefs, wonders, etc. on top of the initial Unique Attributes of that civ. In other words going wild when selecting SPs and tech order, beliefs, etc instead of doing the optimal development. Is that correct, or am I totally off?

Essentially, yes. I try to play for historical flavor as much as possible, instead of doing optimal play. I like to think of the game as an actual universe with different civilizations/cultures interacting rather than a game I'm trying to win. I don't even really play to win: I only finish a small proportion of the games I start. I will usually just stop playing as soon as I'm in a position to win, and for me the game is more fun the later that point is.
I agree with the OP stance on the level of difficulty. I find a good balance at King. I feel like developers don't give the AI the right types of advantages and it distorts gameplay and takes you out of the universe. All of a sudden your doing equations to figure out if it's optimal to chop the forest or hold off for the log mills later. It's just a drag.

Difficulty in a turn based strategy game has to come with more pondering of the options. It's unavoidable.

Not enjoying that part is perfectly fine and this is why there are 8 difficulty levels. I think emperor could be removed and something beyond deity added though. I find emperor and king rather redundant in difficulty.

What is roleplay when referring to civ5 game style? I have seen this term before and google doesn't really help.
My best guess is actually developing a civ like a RPG character by adding social policies, religious beliefs, wonders, etc. on top of the initial Unique Attributes of that civ. In other words going wild when selecting SPs and tech order, beliefs, etc instead of doing the optimal development. Is that correct, or am I totally off?

It's playing for flavor rather than trying to get the mathematical best option.
Acken said:
Not enjoying that part is perfectly fine and this is why there are 8 difficulty levels.

Yep. For me I like doing some calculating but I don't like the game to be all calculation.
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