Is the AI still stupid like Bread?


Jul 21, 2007

with the steam special I just want to ask the question in the topic:

Is the AI still stupid like Bread?

So tactical AI still can easily outmoved?
No good attack plan when AI is attacking.

I'm an experienced wargamer so I want some expert oppinions from people who are used to play the game on "deity" difficult level.

Simple answer:

The AI is even more stupid than bread.

War is a piece of cake in this game, I can successfully fend off an attack of 6-10 AI units with just 2-3 archers.

If you dont already have Civ 4, I'd recommend getting that instead for £3.75 and waiting until Civ V is cheaper.
I would hardly mind the AI's inability to use troops if they weren't diplomatically impaired. If they wouldn't declare war on me right out of the blue, then I wouldn't be forced to kill off all of their troops. It's very difficult to immerse yourself in the game when the AI try to act like humans. Sadly, the part the developers missed was that humans have logic. They should have based the AI off of humans in the real world. This does not mean people playing a computer game, but people ruling over a country. This would allow them to act in the best interest of their nation, not the worst interest of the player. The AI should act as if they were actual leaders in the world and history. That means they will bend for peace when necessary, make trades when necessary, and declare war when necessary. I have no idea what would make the developers ever think that the players would even want to go against AI who simulate humans beings in a computer game. It all contributes to the general awareness that I am, in fact, playing a computer game. It doesn't feel like I am the leader of a real empire, playing against other real empires through out history.
Its still really dumb, thats why I mostly play for scientific, cultural or diplomatic victories. I feel like I'm trying to play with children when I go head to head militarily
Hey bread isnt that stupid you know!

There's something to be said for yeast.
One strategy you can take is to buy with the discount now in hopes the AI is improved later.

But no, if you're in the game for tactical wargaming, it's not there yet. The basic plan seems to be "Zerg!!!! Oh wait, my archers are in front of my swordsmen. Oh well."
The series went from war being too hard for my liking in Civ IV, to far too easy in Civ V.

Im not a warmonger though so its excusable for me as it makes setting my cities up a lot easier. If I train just two warriors and four archers, and split them with 1 warrior and 2 archers per group with the warriors upgraded to swordsmen when I can, I end up completely invincible and easily decimating enemy cities if I need to.
What diffuculty are you playing at? I find a good challenge only on the hardest 3 settings.
Well, the developers said the ai was more thinking like a human now. Two situations can apply :
1)Fireaxis is a big mess
2)or they think every CIV V player is stupid. If that is the case the ai is not bad but the game is not suited for you.
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