Is This a New Feature?

Mr. Do

Oct 9, 2003
In my new conquering ways, I've noticed that sometimes if you're attacking an AI civ, they can pop out a new unit in their cities during your turn, presumably through slavery. Of course as they're unfortified and unpromoted at that point, they're usually simply more experience points, but this seems like a pretty naughty cheat to me. It was one of the only genuine AI cheats in Civ 3, and I don't think I've noticed it before Warlords, so is the ability for the AI to rush out a new unit in the player's turn a new feature?
I've noticed un-promoted AI units, but not any that were created during MY turn. Something in the logic should be changed so that the AI promotes its units when they are created - it's almost as if the AI's builds are completing at the END of their turn instead of the beginning.

As for rushing the units, either Slavery or Universal Sufferage would allow a rush build or Nationhood allows drafting units. But again, once my turn starts, I have not seen any additional AI units being created.
I've seen defenders appear in a city that were not there when I started attacking. I'll have to check the next time I se it happen to determine if they had Slavery at the time or not.
At least in vanilla Civ4, there are some timing problems.
In my last game I realized a worker to finish a fur camp in the midst of the turn, which was quite annoying since I did some trading prior to that.
It happens all the time. If you are defending and you have a new unit due next turn it will pop out and defend if neccessary. Some kind of last ditch defense clause.
I've noticed that too, though the AI has a tendency to keep units meandering all over its land during peacetime. Barbarians are even more aggressive in Warlords; a Barb city will send out Archers that previously would have just sat around defending. I have yet to have a perfect view of all the terrain to make sure this wasn't the case. If it's an Archer, it was probably pop-rushed; if it's something else, chances are it was floating around somewhere.

It could also just be a qlitch in the timing. I've noticed several lags in reporting, especially AI declarations of war-- sometimes I've been able to get two actions done before the trumpet sounds. As of now, I'd just chalk it up to too much going on at once.
your unit are produced at the END of your turn after you hit enter on the space bar so you get 2 promote it at the BEGINNING of your next turn. its not a "last ditch defense clause"
I do the same thing all the time, and you probably do too. Ever whip or draft a defender when the AI is on your doorstep? It appears after you hit enter to end your turn, in time to defend. If it lives and has enough xps you can promote it on your turn. Sauce for the goose...
It's rather like flying a unit with the airport. You don't get to do anything with that unit until the next turn, but it's there to defend the city if someone attacks. Do i have that right?
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