Is this game good yet?


If A implies B...
Jan 26, 2008
Do the controls work decently yet? No, you still need 2-4x the amount of inputs in this game as a game that did a BAD job previously.

Does MP work at all? No, and this will always be no until you can still move after pressing "end turn". Objectively, unless you think we're playing "double move V".

Are turn times reasonable yet, as in is it hard for the human to spend less time actually playing than waiting? Nope.

Do the AIs each consistently try to win within their flavor? Negative, so not even all of the players in a game are playing. Nope.

Can this possibly be a "good game" with bad performance above recommended specs, a game mode that is completely and objectively shattered (and I haven't even gotten into the MP DLC issues), and shoddy controls/UI? No.

These things are so bad they instantly strip any hope of a good game until they're fixed. But hey, it's only half a year from release. We're STILL waiting for control patches to civ IV so that they actually work, not to mention some tweak to the joke that is the Apostolic Palace. Some good has come of this patch, but it's like fixing a leak in the roof when one side of your house lacks a wall.


Mar 3, 2011
I know exactly what you mean...

Sooo excited about civ 5 after the great civ 4, hoping that firaxis would continue improving the game (as with their expansion packs in civ 4), taking to heart awesome mods like RoM, and make civ 5 the most complex, challenging, and in every way GREATEST civ game ever.

Purchased civ 5 on release, after reading some pretty positive reviews (a big **** you to those reviewers btw), spent a small eternity installing it from steam, and then finally started up the game. And what do i get? Some sort of children's version of civ... they actually made the game SIMPLER!!? They REMOVED stuff instead of adding??! All in all, the game seems to be a lot less than previous civ games... it's like they thought "well, people say that the civilization series is one of the greatest pc games series ever, but nevermind that. I'm sure they don't know what they're talking about. Probably, what they want is something completely different.. something a bit more... simple. Not so much building a great empire and researching technologies, building vast armies and all that.... i guess what they actually want is to move single units around on a map. This means we have to put a lot of effort into the graphics, so the map will look nice."

On the positive side, i do enjoy the fact that ranged units can bombard. And the hex thing is ok. If they only added those aspects to civ 4, the game would be ten times better than civ 5 (well, even if they didn't add them, civ 4 would still be ten times better).

So, i'm hoping mods and angry fans would have pushed the game in the right direction by now.. sadly this thread does not indicate it, but i'm gonna give it a try anyways....

And if any developers happen to read this: Consider the money I spent on civ 5 as a bonus for making civ 4 such a good game;)


Jun 27, 2006
World's largest lentil producer
Does MP work at all? No, and this will always be no until you can still move after pressing "end turn". Objectively, unless you think we're playing "double move V".

You know, I've heard you say this multiple times. Does MP work at all - no? Seriously? Probably 50% of my play is multiplayer. I'm playing multiplayer for quite a few hours a week.

Yes, the "no movement after turn end" is a huge issue which needs to be fixed to allow competitive multiplayer to really work smoothly, but MP in general is pretty good. Solid net coding as far as I can tell, very few crash issues... To say "no" to the question of "Does MP work at all?" is just letting personal frustration over a major problem make you misrepresent an issue.

If I don't respond to anything you say immediately, my apologies - I have a several hour MP sessions scheduled with a friend tonight. I'll let you know if I'm out early because it doesn't work at all - but don't hold your breath.


Mar 31, 2002
Nobody seems to be mentioning that in this patch they fixed two major memory leak bugs that caused several players not to be able to finnish a large map. I was one of these people and now it works faster and doesn't lag at all. Also I disagree of AI's diplomacy being still screwed. First time in my games I had an ally nation that staid as my friend for the majority of the game. It got careful only after I had taken care of few other major nations on the continent. In thatkind of situation its not a suprise that they did that. Still even after that the civilization in question hasn't declared war on me and still has kept good relations and the denouncements don't really have that big of an impact anymore as they only last fifty turns.

It also is not anyway bad AI when AI asks you to make open border deal and few turns after you accepted it they denounce you. They got what they wanted and you fell for it.


Sep 11, 2009
This is very good to read, but how long did that last? IIRC when I did that before the person liked me for at most 4 turns then hated me shortly after. If they did fix that it is one out of many small issues that subtract from game enjoyability.

The civ I liberated stayed friendly until it was killed off by somebody else some time later.

I think it depends on AI personality. In that game I beat up Isabella and knocked her down to one city. She went friendly as soon as we made peace. Then Washington declared war. I beat on him, took his capital and he eventually capitulated, but kept a couple of cities. He went to guarded, back to friendly for a while and then guarded again (and I certainly didn't deserve more). It was in the midst of all that carnage that I liberated Isabella from Washington, but after I made peace with George, he went back and killed Isabella again. I was fighting somebody else so I couldn't be bothered to care. But anyway, George was never a problem for me after that. I could trade with him some, but he didn't have much gold. I think I got him to sign a couple of RAs without needing to bribe him while Gandhi, who was my friend, wanted 100 gold for a RA.

Same game, Ramkhamhaeng declared on me and actually caused some trouble with those elephants, but I eventually prevailed and knocked him down to two bad cities that I didn't care about. He was grumpy for the rest of the game despite having zero military and the whole thing having been his fault. He denounced me a few more times throughout the game, but having absorbed the bulk of three (eventually four) other empires, I didn't really have need for polite diplomacy anymore.


Aug 23, 2002
Despite great improvement on crashes and waiting times, the game is still boring and has still bad gameplay.
Production has been increased, but gold has been reduced.
Result : the diplomatic victory for the AI is out.
(Btw, the AI doesn't have a clue what to do with gold anyway, except buying RAs or city states.)

Some examples of bad gameplay :

Hiawatha and Bismarck are at war.
Spoiler :

My destroyers had a visibility of 7 hexes. Way too much.
Spoiler :

The AI doesn't improve its lands at all or ignores to improve after a city has built a resource related building (granary, stable etc.).
Spoiler :



Feb 28, 2011
So far I would say it's good for two things that have been fixed since launch.

1: turn times... I can't say this enough; turn-times have been improved and the game is very playable on bigger maps than before.

2: Happiness... It still isn't hard to keep your empire happy; but it is harder than it was before. At least now you do need to focus some of those happiness tiles a bit more and waste some time building some happiness structures.

A lot of other stuff as well such as A.I improvements (it isn't great of course; but it is vastly improved) and general bug/crash fixes.


Mar 31, 2002
Despite great improvement on crashes and waiting times, the game is still boring and has still bad gameplay.
Production has been increased, but gold has been reduced.
Result : the diplomatic victory for the AI is out.
(Btw, the AI doesn't have a clue what to do with gold anyway, except buying RAs or city states.)

You are wrong about the diplomatic victory for the AI. My latest game one civilization was quite close to win diplomatic victory but most likely failed in it as it was in war with its neighbor during the whole late game.


Sep 17, 2010
The AI doesn't improve its lands at all or ignores to improve after a city has built a resource related building (granary, stable etc.).

This needs a fix more than anything else, its the most blatant bug/error. I almost feel like restarting when I see a civ that wont produce workers.
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