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Island Conquest V.3 beta needs playtesters

i cant do it, this mod it too weird and unbalanced
Because of the lack of response to this thread. :confused: I have been working on improving the scenario as well as increasing its replay ability. Any one who wants to prewiew this scenario should PM me. My next thread should be in a while and the new version will be vastly improved, just based on what I have done already. Thank you Cabbit for playtesting and for your comments.
Just a teaser for v3.1 but I just finished making the civlopedia current and helpful. *New release Preview* the next release will only have one alliance, Pirates and Scallawags, oh, and now there will be starting locations but the player will be random. This means no more starting in the same place. Also, I will be releasing a tiny and small map versions. The tiny map version will be a multiplayer. A new resource, Aluminum, will have a small impact on the game it will be required for many of the best units, uncluding.... air units, thats right, I said it! This upcomming version will have at least 4 air units and cruise misslies, no nukes though, It would take away from the hand - to - hand feel of this scenario. Here's something else I'm working on for the new edition: Fixing all the ugly graphics (this is nearly done), Making gov't required wonders for all the government forms, and of course, new units, buildings, and techs.
One change I have made to the new version is the dreadnought is no longer in the game. It has been replaced by a naval recon unit, the 'Sloop'. On the dreadnought: while no one mentioned anything about the Dreadnought graphics in the old versions I always felt they were terrible so I finally just got rid of it. The Sloop is way bad ass any how.

If anyone has any new ideas for the next release, just reply to this thread.
I don't know if you planned to add this anyway, but if you are going to add any airplanes (if this is what you meant by "air units") you may as well add an aircraft carrier type unit as well.

Of course if your adding, say, dirigibles, than this doesn't really make sense.
check and double check on the carrier... :)

I thought about the blimps and... no i didn't include them. Maybe by the time i release v3.1 they will be in there though! lol

Cabbit: I think you'll like V3.1, it's really celaned up alot, I've almost got it looking pro-style. I can't believe I am putting so much work into this scenario when you are probably the only person who's actually played it :rolleyes:
This mod looks really good! I'm just working my way through a Rise and Rule Archipelago (vikings!), and it got me really into naval battles that aren't galley-frigate-modern boats, so this looks right up my alley. I also like the idea of varied resources (you mentioned jade for gr. galleasses so there must be new ones, I mean, if JADE is in there, they has to be!).

Two things (although I've never played it!):

-I think the airplanes (and carriers) are a very good idea, and I really liked rise and rule having bi-planes before WW2 fighters come out. Also, with this being seriously islands, I think they would really make the scenario better.

-Could you reconsider removing dreadnaughts? Having not actually played this, I can't know what I'm talking about, but I like having that step between the 1800's and WW2. Actually, come to think of it, having an entire WW1 set was one of the things that really got me hooked on Rise and Rule. Anyway, there's my 2 cents on that.

Will you have the airplanes included version out within the next two weeks or so? If so, I'll just wait for that one, let me know, but consider me another playtester. I'm at the Monarch-is-too-easy-but-need-good-start-on-emperor level of skill.
One other quick thing: I hope you included submarines in this, and if you did, I think it would be cool to have the "submersible" WW1 era submarine before WW2 or post-war nuclear subs. Just a thought. I'm not trying to push these ideas, just throwing them out there.
Landmonitor said:
One other quick thing: I hope you included submarines in this, and if you did, I think it would be cool to have the "submersible" WW1 era submarine before WW2 or post-war nuclear subs. Just a thought. I'm not trying to push these ideas, just throwing them out there.

First off, thanks for the comments.
Well I have included submarines, there are 3 different ones.
I wanted to do a DaVinci type sub; however, 1) I haven't found this unit and 2) they would be a little redundant because the privateers of the time are invisible already.
Great! (vis a vis submarines), and if you wanted, you give the DaVinci sub stealth attack but make it slower than privateers and without hidden nationality (assuming your privateers have HN).

So I'll be checking for the airplane update, this is definetely going to be my next game.
The updated version, with the planes and everything, will be out next week, look for a new thread.

Landmonitor: cool, glad to have you on for the latest and greatest. hehe
I would wait, next week I will be uploading the new version and it is worth the wait, it's on a whole other level. I don't want to burst your bubble, my scenario has a more expansive tech tree than conquests but it only has 100 or so techs total, so its not like the double your pleasure. My scenario is more of a warmonger scenario with an island hopping twist and some other surprises.
I'll also be keeping an eye out for the next version of IC. I'll fit this in between my betatesting games of Tjedge's Mystara Mod. :)
Blaze Injun said:

Hate to ask this but what Civ cities do the Pirates use. I just get a black hole for the cities.


Blaze Injun

They use the arab cities. I used some custom graphics but the file names are the same, If youre having a problem here its on your end. Oh and by the way, V3.1 is out and is much more refined and expanded.
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