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Israel to stop Jordanian Nuclear Power?

Way to purposefully dodge the point. All the information is basically from the same source, Jordan. I want some other source than vague Jordanian claims.

A Source for what? Do you want a statment from the American Ambassador or something?

Are you truly claiming there was no real Israel/Jew hate and standard demonising attempts before my initial criticism?

Well lets look at all the posts before your first post.
-OP asks why anyone should object to Jordanian nuclear power
-civ king says that nobody should object because it seems to be very peaceful
-Pacifist46 comes up with a few suggestions as to why Israel might object
-Silurian offers that Jordan may not want to rely on oil imports
-taillesskangaru gives a rebuttal to one of Pacifit's ideas, stating that if Israel is concerned about a nuclear accident in Jordan they should bring it up in public.
-amadeus makes a dig about how nuclear power is cost inefficent
-Silurian says that is more economically feasable for Jordan to use its own uranium for power rather than foreign oil.
-Ekolite gives the first actual criticism of Israel, stating they appear to be antagonizing their neighbours
-Formaldehyde adds that Israel hasn't had to worry to much about foreign policy reprecussions, due to US protection, and states his opinion that Israel knows from experience how easy it is to develop covert nuclear weapons, and is worried about its neighbours doing the same.
- amadeus and Silurian return to the topic about how economically feasably nuclear power is for Jordan.
- JohnRM states that he doesn't think Jordanian nuclear power is a threat, and thus Israel has no grounds for complaint
-Nomnomnom states that Israel should get a swift kick in the pants for all the bullying they are doing.
-You state how much hate their is directed at Israel.

Now of these posters, four stated their anti-Israel opinion. None of these posts are just blantant hate, all of them have a reason for the criticism. Now the criticism may or may not be valid, but given that nobody has but in the effort to prove otherwise, their reasons stand.
Is it bad if I'm anti-Israel and anti-Arab? Personally, I think we need to tuck another Europe down there... we may not get along all the time, but you Euros are all right by me. :goodjob:
The reactors we are looking at are Generation III-plus, which is by far the safest and most capable technology. It is safe from earthquakes, natural disasters, terrorist attacks. The technology we are looking at is one, if not two, generations ahead of what you have. We will, and we all should, be transparent when it comes to nuclear energy," Abdullah told Haaretz.

When asked when this transparency also applies to neighboring Israel, Abdullah said: "Everybody. The problem that we have when it comes to the nuclear issue is that there is no transparency."

"It's sort of a dark subject. And that applies to Israel as it applies to other countries. I think we are trying to be the model of how to do the process correctly," Abdullah said.
He seems reasonable
most definitely
Wouldn't Israel's nuclear reactors be under much more of a threat than Jordanian ones?

If there is a one state solution then Israeli nuclear reactors could end up under the control of former members of Hamas just like former members of the IRA are in government in Northern Ireland.
More likely Israel would do what South Africa did and dismantle their nuclear program.

That was the nuclear weapons.
The US would remove these in the same way that Russia removed weapons after the breakup of the USSR.

South Africa has two nuclear reactors generating 5% of its electricity at Koeberg
From the BBC 08/03/10
Mr Landau is expected to tell the conference in Paris that Israel is considering building a nuclear power plant, reports say.

He has reportedly discussed the possibility of co-operating in the project with French Energy Minister Jean-Louis Borloo, together with neighbouring Jordan.

France is one of the world leaders in electricity production from nuclear power.

So Israel is also thinking of nuclear power.
From israeltoday 17/06/10
Israel denied Abdullah's claim, but has expressed concerns over Jordan's plan to build its first reactor in the Red Sea port city of Aqaba, which sits on a major fault line. A sizable earthquake in the area could crack such a reactor and cause enormous damage to the region.

A different reason for objecting
Nuclear power plants don't explode, if you design one right it must be sabotaged to fail
Israeli type logic, we made three blokes born Jewish Prime ministers of New Zealand so we could then turn around and blame Jews when things went sour in the economy ;)

Damn, those Mossad blokes were lucky Key was not PM when they tried to nick our passports or they would have got a bit more than six months in the slammer.
Of course Key would then be a self hating Jew :mischief:
But this discussion revolves around Jordan, concerns Israel's actions towards Jordan and based on Jordan's allegations...

It also revolves arout Israel and how they are the bullies of Middle-East, get away with everything and deserve a swift kick and people jump to these conclusions because of claims from Jordan. Asking for 3rd party source that has no reason to lie about what Israel actually did doesn't seem too demanding, does it?

I cannot speak for other posters.

Then why stand up for them and their valid justified hostility?

However I can definitely say that my posts had no anti-Semitic intent whatsoever.


Who would have thought? Jews are capable of racism!

Even when Israel bans segregation you do not manage to say anything positive about them but indeed just a degrading generalisation about Jews.

I define anti-Semetism as bigoted hatred of Jews. Your definition seem to cover every criticism of Israel ever.

I have no problem with people honestly criticising Israel. But people applying different standards along with the general open hate towards Israel or even Jews and attacking them at every available thread. I call it like I see it.

So it seems you suspect anything that Jordan says but takes everything Israel says at face value.

I'm more than willing to agree that Israel has every reason to lie in the situation and any hate or wishes of castration based solely on what they say about Jordan's actions is unfair, wrong and quite hateful.

Jordan is a stable country and a member of the NPT.

The reactors that the American contractors and operators build will be designed to produce electricity and heat for desalinisation not plutonium

I can not see Westinghouse secretly building Nuclear Weapons for Jordan.

Israel actually did what you wanted them to do, say they do not oppose Jordan's nuclear power and makes its objections in public. Why is that not enough now? Ironically, if you read the Haaretz source by taillesskangaru even the seller doesn't seem to be very comfortable with the idea of Jordan enriching uranium themselves.

A Source for what? Do you want a statment from the American Ambassador or something?

People often discredit Israeli/Jewish sources for the simple fact that they are Israeli/Jewish sources and demand that some other source given before they believe it. Nothing more is needed. I'm simply asking the same in the case of Jordan.

Now of these posters, four stated their anti-Israel opinion. None of these posts are just blantant hate, all of them have a reason for the criticism. Now the criticism may or may not be valid, but given that nobody has but in the effort to prove otherwise, their reasons stand.

I'm not really interested in going semantic arguement over the definition of blatant hate but it's apparently fair to say we disagree strongly on the issue. As for the second statement, they actually have been proven to be wrong, from Haaretz, from the mouth of the Israeli goverment. Unless of course that source somehow is more unreliable than the Jordanian source.


Despite all the time this thread has been here and the times Ive asked about it, I still don't know what Israel actually did and what this undermining of Jordan's nuclear project was that makes people so eagerly criticise Israel. Thats pretty good.
Originally Posted by Rumilus
Israel actually did what you wanted them to do, say they do not oppose Jordan's nuclear power and makes its objections in public

I have only seen unattributed reports no public statements like the one made by the Jordanian head of state.

Ironically, if you read the Haaretz source by taillesskangaru even the seller doesn't seem to be very comfortable with the idea of Jordan enriching uranium themselves.

And the US is not the country that Jordanian head of state said the Israelis were lobbing not to supply Jordan.
It also revolves arout Israel and how they are the bullies of Middle-East, get away with everything and deserve a swift kick and people jump to these conclusions because of claims from Jordan. Asking for 3rd party source that has no reason to lie about what Israel actually did doesn't seem too demanding, does it?

What third party? You mean the contractors? I can think of many reasons why they would lie.

Do you know what sarcasm is?

I'm not really interested in going semantic arguement over the definition of blatant hate but it's apparently fair to say we disagree strongly on the issue. As for the second statement, they actually have been proven to be wrong, from Haaretz, from the mouth of the Israeli goverment. Unless of course that source somehow is more unreliable than the Jordanian source.

What is this? Again, you seem to suspect anything that Jordan says but takes everything Israel says at face value. Why would either government sources be more credible than the other?
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