Issue w/ Harvesting Fish


Feb 25, 2007
I have the Celestial Navigation tech which claims to allow harvesting of fish, but my workers do not get the option to do so. Do the fish have to be within your borders? This would seem strange. Has anyone else had this issue?
Resources can only be harvested within your borders. Nothing strange with that if you ask me
OK Thanks! (I guess part of why I find it strange is that you can chop down trees and entire jungles halfway across the world and instantly transport them home. Oh well!)

edit: Another reason it's strange is that it makes the harvesting option almost pointless because the resources within your borders are best to be used by the city.
Another reason it's strange is that it makes the harvesting option almost pointless because the resources within your borders are best to be used by the city.

Cities can grow beyond the 3-tile reach though, those far away resources you can harvest.
Omg they should add that restriction to wood chopping. Look at Yogscast playthrough, Lewis goes around chopping woods all around the map for boots to his capital. Quite ridiculoius xD
Good to know that in-borders restriction code exists, perhaps a modder could enforce that on wood chopping too.
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