Ithkul--First Mod Project


Jul 6, 2009
Good Evening,

I wanted to make a new civ, namely the Ithkul from MoO3. The Ithkul eats enemy population instead of food. Obviously, they aren't well liked by any biological civ. Therefore, they are at almost constant war, so they need to be very strong to survive a combined attack, but not so strong to win every game.

Can this be done in XML or Python? If Python, I know nothing, but am willing to learn...Can anybody point me in the right direction?


If I understand correctly you will definatly need Python or SDK work to get this to function. Could you be more specific in terms of how exactly you want the function to work? Saying "The Ithkul eats enemy population instead of food" gives an abstract concept, but in coding you need concrete functions to make things work, so you really need to describe the desired behavior in specific terms that use math to get help with this.

Try thinking about what you specifically want in terms of the desired behavior of this civ, and break it down into functions the computer can read and understand. Then try to write out this function in psuedocode. Since you don't know python or C++, don't worry about syntax yet, just try to present something so that those of us that read the forums and can offer help can understand what you want, and see if we can help you write something to get it to work.
I thought since the Ithkul would need Python, this would be the appropriate forum...I can post here, or in the MoO2 Civ development forum...your choice..I'll keep posting at the link that TX01 post in the meantime.

Well, all I actually meant was, is there's a link where the ideas have been ironed out a little more.

Not saying you should discuss here or there, just providing information (which phungus420 asked for)
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