It's A Three Way Street

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Mar 4, 2002
It's always sad to see a situation get out of hand. Gaming Sites and their forums are STRONG Communities. They are made up of a bunch of people who share a common love. While they don't compare to "real life" relationships... strong bonds can be formed. Some of us even meet and enjoy each others company in real life.
The time I spend at gaming sites is pure enjoyment. And I hate when somthing sucks the enjoyment out of it. Remember, we are all GAMERS FIRST!

I've been reading the latest soap opera, and it saddens me.
I see little enjoyment.

The strength of the communtiy is based on the Owners... The Mods... and The Posters. Our enjoyment is ultimately determined by how the three interact.

The three groups have simple objectives...

Owners... Have a place of their own... maybe make some money... feel pride in themselves for creating a community based around something they love... HAVE FUN!

Mods... Help the owners... give something back to the community they love... enforce the rules of the owners... but, HAVE FUN!

Posters... Feel like a member of community... learn more about the games they love... discuss things that are important... HAVE FUN!

While the three have many different objectives... Having fun is a goal they all have.

With that in mind... I provide a few simple rules to live by. Granted, I am no expert on the subject. But I am an old fart who has experienced a lot of life... and I do have "some" experience with gaming forums ;)


Your task is hard... the work you put into your site is simply amazing. I don't know how can do it. I hope you do make some money in the deal... but I bet if it were broken down as an hourly wage, it would amount to next to nothing...

Take pride in your work... You've earned it.

There is far too much work to do. Pick the people who seem best suited to the tasks... AND LET THEM DO THEM. Trust them... and if you have any questions, go to them FIRST and simply ask.
If you are going to disagree with them, do it in private...


The nastiest of the jobs. Everybody hates policemen... Just simple posters like everybody else, but with an extra job.

First, always make sure the owners are aware of your actions. A simple note... or a post in staff forum... There is nothing worse than a "surprised owner"... They may not agree with whatever action you took, but knowing about it makes it easier to deal with.
Remember... it is THEIR SITE, and THEIR RULES. While you may not agree with ALL the rules, it is your job to do as they wish. If you can't do that, you shouldn't be a mod.

Second... respect the posters. Never EVER let personal feelings effect your actions. Base all actions on the rules, and only the rules. And when you do act... Be VERY clear on your reasoning.
Whether you do it by PM... EMAIL... or in a thread... COMMUNICATE. Everybody will NEVER agree with all your actions.
But if you are consistent... and explain your actions completely, it's all you can do.

The easy job... and the most fun. Enjoy... that's what gaming sites are for.

That's all... This is a private site, by becoming members, you have agreed to follow the rules. The owners and mods spend a lot of their free time to give you a place to have fun. Show them the respect they deserve. It is ok to disagree... but it is not ok to rant and rave and throw out insults. Mods and Owners ARE interested in your opinions... but opinions are far easier to listen to when they are done in a calm and civilized manner.

So it all comes down to civilized communications... how appropriate for a Civ Site.

Thank you for your time.

Your task is hard... the work you put into your site is simply amazing. I don't know how can do it. I hope you do make some money in the deal... but I bet if it were broken down as an hourly wage, it would amount to next to nothing...

Take pride in your work... You've earned it.

There is far too much work to do. Pick the people who seem best suited to the tasks... AND LET THEM DO THEM. Trust them... and if you have any questions, go to them FIRST and simply ask.
If you are going to disagree with them, do it in private...
It's a tough job indeed because owners/admins are caught in the middle. On one hand, you don't want posters to think that mods can do anything to them, and on the other hand, you don't want mods to think you reject or question all their judgements/rulings. It's certainly a fine line to walk on.

Mods tend to want to ban people much more than I do, so disagreements on whether a poster should be given a ban are inevitable once in a while... :p It's only natural. ;)
Your site... Your rules... I'm behind you 100% ;)

I just think better communtications is the key here. The mods are in place to enforce YOUR rules... and disagreements should be discussed in private, with a united front presented to the members.

If you don't like to see people banned... ALL POWER TO YOU!
This needs to be made perfectly clear to your volunteers...
They are your arms and legs, and you are the Brain... and the pocketbook ;) Both you and they spend a lot of free time making this the great place that it is...
"This is not a Democracy. If you don't like it, vote with your cyber feet."

Posters come here to enjoy and spend time. I think common sense goes a long ways even if it ain't so common to some posters. A quick once over of the rules will do it. You have to comply to the rules when you become a member.

And why can't a PERMAban be PERMAnent?
Ming I don't see where Yin fits into the street?

Originally posted by kittenOFchaos
Ming I don't see where Yin fits into the street?


He's sitting on his porch... with a drink in hand... trying to direct traffic :D
Originally posted by Fez_Monk
I see you have had your PC reduced, floppa..
And he never thanked me!! I am the one that bothered TF until he did it. :) Well, it didn't take too much bothering. And I was just tired of him asking all the time. ;)

I am another one that agrees with what Ming posted.
I have never understood why he wanted it reduced...

I guess some things are better kept a secret though...
I agree with Ming too. In fact, I encouraged the same communication in the staff forum. Then PH had to talk about toenails and Matrix started discussing girls. Lefty then pulled out his gun to prepare for the forum apocalypse. Either way, communication is still key.
Ha Palehorse! Thanks buddy! :goodjob: I had no idea you had a direct involvement... I thanked TF and all, but you... YOU!! :goodjob: :love:
Originally posted by Fez_Monk
I have never understood why he wanted it reduced...

I guess some things are better kept a secret though...

Getting his PC reduced, allows him to *post* alot more, without anyone ever noticing...
True sort of... My PC has been reduced twice now, without it, I'd be over 1000 posts. I don't say enough of importance to have over 1000 posts... :D
floppa, some day I could reduce your PC to -1000. :D [I don't even know this is possible or not! ], maybe not. It would make you too unique and that's bad. :D
Originally posted by Thunderfall
floppa, some day I could reduce your PC to -1000. :D [I don't even know this is possible or not! ], maybe not. It would make you too unique and that's bad. :D

Now you've done it. Floppa will be all atwitter at the thought of having a negative postcount. You'll never again get a moment's peace from his begging. :eek:
Hmmmmm... do a full system backup (just in case), then try inputting a negatinve number, LOL! :)

The floppa could rename his tag to "Perma PC abductee" ;)
Well it would be interesting but it is true, it WOULD be a bad hassle. I already have enough autograph requests to deal with, then everybody would want to talk to me through PMs and crap... :rolleyes: Sheesh... :p

As for YOU Switch... One does not get "atwitter"... (sound like anyone? ;) )
I actually got an email from someone recently asking me to help them. They had decided to email me because my PC is large and they thought I would know, I think I did manage to help them in the end.
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