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Its strange to play the scenarios...


Jan 16, 2006
Norway. You'll never leave
I've just got Warlords and the expansion pack doesnt do much for me mainly because i cant enjoy the scenarios very much. And that's warlords biggest selling point. Is there anyone else who find it very strange to strart a scenario where you take over a civilisation that doesnt start from scratch? ..like all (i think) the scaenarios in warlords. I simply cant get a feeling of control of my empire when i havent been there and made my empire up from the first settler.
Can anyone relate?
yes - I haven't even tried them because I know I won't be satisfied taking over someone else's civ. It's just not civ!
I know what you mean, one of my few forays into mp CIV IV started with me taking over someone else's Russians, with me just getting cossacks and the next most advanced still without even longbows!

The game was over before I'd even started, and yes I too can never get into playing a Civ I didn't start from the first settler lvl with....
What I do when I first start a scenario is to familiarize myself with it. Look at the in-game reference material and learn what all the techs, buildings and units are. Go through all the cities and game status screens. This will give you a good idea of where things stand. Once you figure out the end-goal of the scenario then you just figure out how to get there and go for it.
what about the barbs, omens, and Gk u start from scratch in those games except in Barbs you dont build citys you just order the troops which i find very fun... Stratgy games were ment to be played as a rpg.. Rpgs were ment to be played as stratagy... thats why world of warcraft did better as a rpg then a rts and thats y the Barb scienrio is so fun u can just have 1 super unit or like a "party" of okay units with promos

and i do hate your empire made for u already i find that annoying so in a way i can relate 2 u
I confess that scenarios take a little getting used to, but I have played two scenarios now-Vikings and Chinese Unification-and I have had an absolute blast (though they need to do something about these so-called 'treasure locations' IMO). Believe me, I NEVER really played scenarios in Civ2 or Civ3 (except Age of Discovery) but am really enjoying the ones I have played in Warlords.

I find many of the scenarios disappointing because the tech tree is boring beyond belief. The Rise of Rome scenario sucks hard because it is just a constant quest to upgrade your super unit, and that's it. No other advances at all are to be found. I thought just about anything would be better than the Greek World scenario from the vanilla game, but the Rise of Rome scenario is a real stinker.
snipafist said:
I find many of the scenarios disappointing because the tech tree is boring beyond belief. The Rise of Rome scenario sucks hard because it is just a constant quest to upgrade your super unit, and that's it. No other advances at all are to be found. I thought just about anything would be better than the Greek World scenario from the vanilla game, but the Rise of Rome scenario is a real stinker.

Can you play as someone other than the Romans? Wouldn't that give you different units and more challenge?
Yes, in the Rise of Rome scenario you can play as Egypt, Carthage, Rome, Macedonia/Greece (I forget which one) or the Celts.
Sofar, the Chinese Unification was a blast for me, with the Rise of Rome scenario as a learning theater. Only too bad the Mongol scenario crashes on me when this specific civ is found.
Murky said:
Can you play as someone other than the Romans? Wouldn't that give you different units and more challenge?

It would, but they're the same as well. Their tech trees all amount to "upgrade your uber unit or make a great person." It's just not fun to play as anyone in that scenario.

Now the Chinese Unification scenario is where it's at. That's one well-designed scenario with a good tech tree and some amazingly diverse civics. That's the scenario I've been most pleased with.
snipafist said:
It would, but they're the same as well. Their tech trees all amount to "upgrade your uber unit or make a great person." It's just not fun to play as anyone in that scenario.

Now the Chinese Unification scenario is where it's at. That's one well-designed scenario with a good tech tree and some amazingly diverse civics. That's the scenario I've been most pleased with.

Odd, I found that scenario to be somewhat boring. There are no leader heads, just the names of families written in Chinese and it's difficult to get them to open up and interact.
A quote from sun tzu and he doesnt like the warring states scenario, thats a shame
quizibuk said:
A quote from sun tzu and he doesnt like the warring states scenario, thats a shame

I like most of the warring scenarios but that one seems somewhat dull because of the lack of having animated leader heads.

On quote, I just liked reading Sun Tzu. I'm not that big on chinese history.
I've never touched 'em an don't plan on it. As has been said before, it just doesn't feel right not playing from scratch. Take over a prebuilt empire? No thanks.
Argoth said:
I've never touched 'em an don't plan on it. As has been said before, it just doesn't feel right not playing from scratch. Take over a prebuilt empire? No thanks.

Ah, but in the Chinese scenario, the empire has not been pre-built; you just have a few cities, without many improvements. Also, if you like the Chinese scenario, you can certainly create a custom map for that one that starts with
no units or cities on the board, and with no civs having techs...

Edit: Actually, I just did that: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=2400
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