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I've figured out why I don't yet like this game!

White Out

May 29, 2009
It's Sim City 4. It's pretty, has some cool new ideas... but it's been streamlined and dumbed down for the masses. I love some new aspects but in general they've removed a lot of great things that made me want to play. I like micro management, I like tough AI, and I like a complicated strategy game. What do we have in 5? Watered down Civ with an AI that's incompetent or god like depending on the game you start. removing a dozen good features and simply adding 1UPT doesn't balance the equation. THis game needs the following to be playable for me:
-Consistent and good AI
-Diplomacy that makes sense
-City state system needs a total overhaul
-religion back into the game
-more focus on cities themselves and not just the empire as a whole

PS: For those who enjoy the game, great, happy for you. This is my critique of the game and I don't claim to know more than anyone else here.
I'm not sure which Civ you were playing, but I don't really recall any good AI's there. "Make a giant stack of stuff" isn't exactly rocket science.

But everything else is pretty much spot on. I mean, they had HOW MUCH TIME to improve religion and espionage? How many YEARS? And what did they do? Just tossed it aside. Shameful. Its like they didn't even bother trying to learn something from Civ 4.

I will say one thing in its defense though. It doesn't deserve all the crap it's catching. Yea, its not even on the same planet as perfect or "ideal", but its not really "bad" either.
The problem isnt about being watered down. Its about terrible AI, balance issues, flaws, etc.

It does have great new ideas. The execution of the old ideas sucks however. Which should be the easier part to get right...

The game should become very good once it is sufficiently patched (or maybe modded) and the AI fixed.
I agree with you OP.

I feel that this is Civilization for children.

I feel like I'm in Civ Daycare with these giant next turn buttons, and pop-ups everywhere.

Perhaps this is just the grognard in me, but I hate all the new abstractions like the policies. Give me civics that I can change to suite my needs! To me the maps are not large enough for real hex based strategy. the AI something that is absolutely horrid, and I doubt can be patched with much luck.

The bugs also make it almost unplayable at this moment (permanent peace and open borders anyone?).

I've played through twice, and I've already shelved it for my other strategy titles.

The only thing I think will save it for me, will be when some quality mods come out for it.

I'm particularly looking forward to a Rhyse and Fall, or if Dale will do another WWII mod (although whenever I play the Civ IV WWII mod I tend to just quit halfway through and go play HOI3).

All in all this feels like a console game on a PC.
I can't believe I was so hyped about this game a few weeks ago. After 3 easily won games I have to say that it sucks balls. It really is a Civ game for the mentally handicapped and the difficulty slider doesn't change that fact. There are some interesting new features, but why did they have to get rid of the well oiled ones from Civ4? I'm glad I didn't buy it, I'd be so upset about it now.

Looks like we have to wait at least months until a decent mod comes out and makes the game enjoyable.
Agreed, I'm pissed that I got this game on day 1. Looking forward to a amazing patch or mod.
I think you meant "Sim City Societies" since SC4 was basically an improvement and continuation of previous SC releases.
Maybe they should release a 'command-line' version of Civ where you have to input text and scripts to control every action. That would make us all feel more like 'grown-ups' while playing :D

As for the OP: you think Simcity 4 was 'dumbed down' compared to the previous versions? I think you'll find that SimCity 4 was enormously more complicated and immensely more well-featured than the previous SimCity games.
Good I am not the only one then, thank goodness

Also agree with many of the Op comments,
I was Monarch level using WolfRevolutions on Civ 4 but this version at the minute is just not my cup of tea.

Will be checking the Mods screen often to see when some good mods show up
yeah, first civ5 game was a huge game, slowest speed. boring. and that's how I usually like to play, largest map possible slowest speed possible. ended up abandoning that game.

so then I decide to do something different. Tiny map, standard speed. Not nearly as boring, but way way too easy.

need better AI. and I don't mean bonuses to enemies to make up for bad AI. I don't want to play a puzzle game where its my job to figure out how to beat an unfairly advantaged enemy. That is challenging but not the kind of challenge I want. I want to have to out-think an opponent on an equal playing field. I mean *smarter* AI.

Some say its dumbed down. That don't even matter to me, a non-issue for me. I don't mind less or more. A game w/fewer elements can still be challenging. W/*smart* opponents, a simple game is still a challenge to win. Loved warlords 2/3 multiplayer, for instance. Would love a warlords V (didn't like IV).

No pitboss, boo.

I like the 1upt. I like the new look. Even the interface has grown on me.

But each of the new things I like, has a problem. I like the 1upt, but the AI can't seem to cope w/it. I like the new look, but I miss being able to zoom out to see a spherical planet, its superficial of me, but maps just feel like artificially cut off sandboxes now rather than entire worlds. And when I build a world wonder its now almost a non-event. The interface ain't bad, but I'm always finding myself wishing there was a screen somewhere that I could find such and such info. Doesn't have to be on the main screen, I don't mind if its a buried window somewhere, but let me get to the info.

And steam. why oh why? For people who like steam its cool. For everyone else, it leaves 'em in the cold since its like the bible belt's 'love it or leave it'. Unlike w/d2d, or stardock's impulse, I have to run steam to run the game. I have to be online to run steam. I can tell steam to run in offline mode, but I have to get online w/steam to tell it to run offline (that's like having a new vcr w/vcr setup instructions included on a vcr tape). So if my internet goes out, I can't get on to steam to tell it I now want to temporarily run in offline mode until my internet comes back up, because my internet is out hehe. Only when my internet comes back up can I can tell it I want to run it offline, but then I don't want to run it offline because my internet is up. Of course, people who've pirated the game dont' have to worry about any of this, they in effect, have a better version of the game than I, the paying customer, do. I'd take d2d or impulse any day over steam. Not to mention patches coming late, etc... Digital delivery, fine, just don't be exclusive w/steam.

If the game had a pitboss or a pitboss like thing I could get around the bad AI with by playing MP games w/my friends I'd still be able to have fun w/it while I waited for the single player game to get up to par (I work nights so pbem is the way to go for me). But there is no such thing, so that is not an option.

That being said, I don't regret buying this game. I'm hoping and expecting some good mods. I hope i"m not let down. In the meantime, however, I'm temporarily shelving the game. My regret is only in buying this game so soon, in letting myself expect too much too early. I hope they don't take the $ I gave them as a sign that I approve. I do not approve, I just mistakenly expected more than what was delivered due to past iterations. 100% my fault. I don't mean to say otherwise.

There's still hope to turn this around. Civ5 still seems like a great base to build off of, and I"m hoping this is what will happen.
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