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JB01 Newb/Rookie C3C training game...

Yep, I did: yellow and red, right? :p

I agree with jb's plan, sounds fine :goodjob:

Nevertheless, how is WW on emperor level with republic?
I'll play soon.

So are we going to immediately revolt, or wait to develop more infrastructure so our economy doesn't die?

Also, what tech should I go for after finishing Republic? Stop research?
I'm not sure what techs are available. We probably should resort to the "what will the AI research next" page. I think someone already put it in this thread.

One thing we don't want to do is go through our Golden Age while in Despot. Big waste.

MrD, can you play up to the completion of Rep and then post for some analysis and feedback?
Preturn: Looks good. I'm assuming we are gathering our troops in Fort Apache?


IT: Silk Generator- Cat>Cat
Incans finish Pyramids... I guess we won't be capturing it anytime soon.

1. Bunch of moving around. Lots of workers! That's very nice.

IT: Kazan: Worker>Sword(?)

2. Nothing

IT: Tatu: Sword>Sword

3. Found Choyr

IT: Republic comes in...

Options for research:
Literature, Construction, Currency, Polytheism and Map Making. We can get Poly, Maps and Construction with Republic so should we turn off research or try for currency?

Also, Revolt or not? I'm guessing we'll revolt
Err, had to leave that screen so I had to accept the revolt. Saw nothing gamebreaking.

Here's the save one turn before Republic finishes. Nothing new happened. But, directly after you finish Republic, you can go to Big-Pic, trade advisor and I saw that you can reach tech parity with trades.


  • JB_01_690_BC.SAV
    109.3 KB · Views: 65
Wait wait, I didn't finish my turns yet. You suggested that I stop after researching Repub for analysis and decision. I'm still waiting for a consensus on revolting or not
OK, totally misread your post.

OK, research can be pulled back to 50% and still get Rep in one turn.
Capitol looks good.
I would let Tar-tar grow and change build to a sword. It has the developed tile to work.
Batshiret should not build a warrior. I would make it a worker factory for now.
The barracks in Ereena and Baruun-Urt were pre-builds for needed harbors. That is if we get the tech which will work if we research Maps, Poly and Lit. Make Lit last.
Ya know, the real good news is that the incense and the ivory are pretty darn close.

OK, whatcha ya’ll think of this….
1) We don’t have near enough troops to attack Carthage.
2) We have a lock on Rep and the AI is unlikely to go for it.
3) At 80% we can get Maps/Lit or Poly in 8/8 or 7 respectively.
4) The Statue of Zeus is being constructed in Leptis Magna.

If we take 20 or so turns to collect Lit and a few other techs we may be able to trade ourselves into the next age w/ Rep & Lit. If lucky we could even get a tech in the next age. This will be the turn, or turn prior, to attack Carthage.

The trigger to attack Carthage will be the completion of SoZ!!!

Collect swords, cats and some archers in the desert just outside the Leptis boarders.

Everything might not line up exactly but here’s how I hope it goes…
Units pile in the dessert.
SoZ completes.
Make shrewd trades.
Check for Carthage in Anarchy. If so, even better. If still in Despot give it a turn.
No matter Carthage’s government we should declare.

It would be nice to hold a tech or something back to pull Greece and maybe Germany into the fray.

Within 20 turns we’ll have the horses and ivory.
Make peace w/ Carthage and screw them out of anything we can.
Revolt to Republic and build keshiks.
Dow on Germany and collect the incense.

I think this is far enough into the future.

I do like, but how about that thar Great Library? I always take a stab at it, and while we should research up to Chivalry ASAP for early Keshiks, we can drop the research rate to zero after that. Ideally, I'd like to revolt right before we end the war with Carthage and use some Keshiks to trigger a GA the first turn we get out of Anarchy. This would get the Golden Age at the onset of The Republic, and then we can then use cash flow from GL/GA to rush Marketplaces and Aqueducts, which will solve our cash flow problems once we're out of the Golden Age.
Only problem (but it's a biggie) is that we'd end up being slow out of Despotism and slow researching the 3 middle-age techs we want. Especially important would be seeing if we can trade Republic around for Feudalism or Monotheism. Either one would make me say go.

I think we can afford to chase the Great Library as well as the Statue of Zues. If we should revolt now, and/or time it to coincide with a GA and high-revenue period is up to you guys, but that's an idea I'd like to try out.
Ok, I'll play tonight.
:mad: I won't be able to play today as an uni-assignment is getting out of hand. Will Drakdan or Mirc take my place for now? I can play tomorrow afternoon or evening after them. Ok?
Umm, I think we're waiting for David to post his final 6 turns.

The concensus at the moment seems to be to hold off on the government switch.

We don't need to build the SoZ because Carthage is building it for us just over the boarder. The moment that thing finishes we trade/give Hannibal Republic and then declare.

Also, I don't want to promote Wonder Addiction but we could probably pick a city to start tossing sheilds into a pre-build. I'm not very good at the long range planning thingy.
azzaman333 (2) -
jb1964 (2) -
Mr David (1.4) - 48 hours since post of first 4 turns.
Vaiar (1 -
drakdan (1) -
Mirc (1) - Fair game

I'm going to be posting the roster like this to see how it works. Anyone who's "Fair game" that posts an "I got it" is Up.
I'm tracking total number of turns played so nobody get's ignored. However, if you go on and extended absence (vacation, whatever...) we'll park you off the list until you return.
Vaiar can play before me. Or mirc. But I want it after those 10 please. Or not, I can still take it.
I'll play this afternoon ;)
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