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JB01 Newb/Rookie C3C training game...

No problem logging in either. Spyware or something of that ilk I suspect.

Azzaman, you can take if you want and we 'll work Mirc in when he's active again. If neither of you two take you'll be tempting me beyond what I can be reasonably expected to resist. :)
jb1964 said:
No problem logging in either. Spyware or something of that ilk I suspect.

Azzaman, you can take if you want and we 'll work Mirc in when he's active again. If neither of you two take you'll be tempting me beyond what I can be reasonably expected to resist. :)

If you want it soo much, you can take it before me. i prefer peace times tbh.
Why do we have a number of grassland tiles irrigated? It’s a waste of worker moves unless you’re going to bring the water to plains. Some of the irrigation is just going into grass. Not good.
We’re chopping the jungle next to Ta-Tu when we should have chopped the forest and then tossed down a mine in the same time.
We have also roaded the mountain by Silk Generator. It would have been better to have continued roading to the tip of the peninsula or mine the iron hill.

OK, we ply Alex w/ Libs and now is at war w/ the Germans and Carthage as well. That ought to keep them nice and stupid.

We’ll, we’re only 11 turns from the GL so I guess we have to finish it. I'm bringing in workers to fix the irrigation and mine the hill.

Leptis is being starved to pop 1 to prevent a flip. We'll also be crushing a few towns in the neighborhood.

Many units were left on auto-move. Although they’re heading probably were they belong it’s better to leave the movement for the next player.

Combat settler is dropped on horses and later settles. BTW, this was a nice idea.

We’ve got swords dispersed about to discourage a random landing.

The Dance...
Wanting to get into the German's face I approach the hills and are met by two MI's. We step back and hope to coax them into the desert. The MI's keep moving back and forth and keep stepping up w/ more units. Finally 5 MI's step into the desert and away from the hills and for some stupid reason the pike separates. We reward this foolishness by bombing and slicing the 5 German MI’s at the loss of a sword. To rub it in we go after the pike getting an elite win and a GL.

We take Carthage and abandon it.
LM is starved to one and will build a racks. Man, why didn’t I use the peeps to make it! Stupid.

The horses and ivory are connected! Happiness and Keshik pre-builds.

We’re making mucho horses.
I’m tempted to use the GL for a FP, although a Keshik army would be killer. I make an army and park him for keshiks.

We take Utica and add furs to the list of luxes.

Well we got the Great Lib and pull in Fued and Mono. Chivalry is next. In hindsight that’s going to work well for us because we’ve been in Despotism way too long.

The GL earned us Chivalry so we can build Keshiks now.

We take Theveste.

Many gallies go down just at the boarders across the waters. We'll keep trying.

OK, we're at a crossroads. We can trigger our GA in no time at all but there's no way in hell we want to do that while in Despot. We have only a few turns left on our agreement w/ Alex so here's my idea.

Revolt to Republic now. When we come out the other end we can start our GA and research towards Mil Tradition.

Some concerns...
We've been at war a long time and we could drop into Rep w/ a buttload of war weariness.
After triggering the GA we may want to make peace all the way around and prep for the overrun of the continent. Abandon warriors and non-elite swords.

After complaining about units left on auto-move I found that I had done exactly that w/ the galleys and cat. I corrected it and reloaded the file. :blush:
I don't know about you, but at the moment we are in quite the offensive position. I'd rather not tech towards Calvary and instead go to 0 research rate. Is there another continent? We probably should think about suicide galleys. Revolt immediately, if you haven't already. The 4 luxuries and a nice big lux rate as we go into republic can control the dissent. From there we can adjust the rate down, continue the war, and trigger the GA. Again, I must reccomend a peaceful GA where we build primarily Marketplaces. I'd also like to rush build improvements in the Capitol and use that again for another wonder, but you guys can decide that.
@drakan, I think you hit the nail on the head.

Revolt, war, trigger GA when in Rep, find the other continent.

We have been running a number of gallies over the ocean that have only have gotten as close as to find the outline of another civ but sank. Keep sending them.

The level of WW will be interesting once we get over the revolt but I think we can handle it.
@Lurkers and team,

We will soon be in a position to own our continent. We'll have 5 luxes hooked up and be in our GA.

Be sure to micromanage elite attacks to try and spawn Great Leaders. Armies always go a long way to busting down the door. We should also consider using a GL for the FP in what would otherwise be a totally corrupt city. There's some sweet territory w/ hills, grass and plains in the middle of the Carthage expanse that I covet just for that.

Our goal is domination and it's always tough for me to determine strategy at this point in the game. We can research our way to MilTrad and Astronomy and look to invade the other continent w/ cavalry or we can play nice, concentrate on building libs, univ, markets, etc., for a few hundred years and wait for Tanks.

I guess we should finish the short term goals of Revolt, Conquer our continent, make contact w/ the civ's over the sea. How well our campaign goes and how well the other continent is doing will probably dictate our strategy.
You need to consider your economy before you revolt. Being a regular C3C game, instead of a GOTM mod, you have no unit support in Republic. Civ Assist estimates that a switch to Republic will cost you 108gpt in unit support, forcing you to lower your science rate to 10% just to get to -2gpt. Your GA will help but not much. Even in a GA setting you'd still have to lower sci to 30% to hit +2gpt, which will only provide you 71 beakers per turn (bpt). This means it will take 16 turns to research Engineering.

In Monarchy during your GA you can set sci to 50% at +6gpt. This allows you 94 bpt, which will allows you to research Engineering in 12 turns. Your only going to be able to completely research 1 tech during your GA under either government.

You need to find out if you can reach the other continent with galleys. If you can then I'd probably turn off science, switch to Monarchy and continue to steamroll everyone. If you need Astronomy or worse Navigation then you need to reassess the situation. Your cities have no libraries or markets, which are needed in Republic.

The Greeks are already up Theology on you and possibly Education, so you can't rely on the TGL for many more techs, you'll get some but not alot. You need contact with the other continent to determine your standing. This may also net you a few more techs and obsolete TGL at the same time.
Anybody? Anybody?


We can't stay in Despot and I'm open for a revolt to either Monarchy (if we have that tech) or Rep. There is unit support in Rep (1 for city <=6 and 3 for 6 < city <= 12). I'm about certain on this but feel free to correct.

With Rep we'll need to manage WW. W/ Monarchy we'll need to stay on top of trades and make good decisions on research paths if we want to continue tech'ing. Although I don't like Monarchy it is a bit more in line w/ our culture.

We can dominate our continent w/ Keshiks but will need to get to Astro or Nav and MilTrad to take over the neighboring continent. And Yes, there is another continent. The lists that have popped up have shown Babylon, Spain and Inca. Almost undoubtably the Inca and Babs have spent their GA's.

If no stong opinions then I say Azz flips a coin and makes the call.
markets. and then more.
then libs.

think about disbanding your warriors etc. (5 warriors = no military might AND 10gpt cost)

i saw LOTS of villages (size 1-3) building UN-RAXED pikes and suchlike.
why not pump workers out of these resister transistors?

war goals for now:
take out Hanz and the northern part of Carthage.
that should do it for now.

you have 4 luxes hooked up already, so markets are the way to go.

GA and REPUBLIC - only after you have solidified your fronts and marketed your core towns (which will allow you to lower lux too)

just some general comments from the Jive Talker.
waiting for windows :vomit: to finish updating and im off home :dance:
another thought,
go :king: kill of the continent.

by that time youll have cavs.

have a town or two make nothing but galleys till they stop dropping off the edge of the earth.

and trades and keeping upto snuff will sure help too :D
Interesting thoughts all. I support revolting to monarchy and finish ASAP the rest of the continent (as SW does) before considering Republic. IMHO the unit support costs of rep are a bit on the high end and I fear the effects of WW as the wars against our neighbouring civs is likely to last for a while. :)
Free for all, whoever wants it, take it... oh, and post an "I got it!"

azzaman333 (2) - Can't take it
jb1964 (2) - Played last
Mr David (1.4) -
Vaiar (2) -
drakdan (2.1) -
Mirc (1) - Busy

SW/Gator, feel free to take a set. We're going Monarchy. :king:
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