Jedi Knight Collection II (Improved)

I had nothing to do with this units nor did I ever installed them, so all I can tell you is the way of adding units in general. But with a minimum of thinking you should be able to add this units if you got the main idea behind. First of all here are two threads that cover your question, again in general:
- thread 1
- thread 2

I assume you already have any kind of mod you want to add these units, too. It's not necessary that this mod does anything, but it should not crash if you load it. This mod should be in the Beyond the Sword/Mods subfolder of your civ4's installation directory. The structure of the mod can variate, although there is some kind of standard (the best will be if it mirrors the civ4 file structure in the Assets folder). However, before you change anything in your files you should think about some basics. First of all: which unit should be replaced by these jedis? Normally there are some more questions like which civilization should get these units? For example If you have added the galactic empire and the new republic as additional civs (don't know if there are enough graphical sources for this, but I doubt), it wouldn't make much sense to give the republic Siths as units it can build or good Jedis to the empire. You could then add these units as unique units or only as unique artstyle. However, we don't care for this here. All we do here is adding this unit set to any civilization. As example we will only add one unit, not all three. And as I said we do it in a somewhat theoretical way as I don't know your mods path structure.
We will now replace the default swordsman by a jedi, let's say the sith. What we do first is copying the files of the 7z package distributed here to our mods files and then copying the following two files from Beyond the Sword/Assets/XML/Units and Beyond the Sword/Assets/XML/art into our mod: CIV4ArtDefines_Unit.xml and CIV4UnitInfos.xml. Generally spoken the first file is about where to find the graphics of the units, the later is about which properties the units have (strength etc.). We won't cover the second file here much, it is not needed to only add graphics. We will now edit the copies we created in the mods files. Open the Artdefines file and search for ART_DEF_UNIT_SWORDSMAN. The line where you can find that, should be the second line of the section that is about the swordsman. In this section you have to search for these 3 entries (each on a line alone):
Al these entries have an opening and a closing tag, this is xml basics. The firsts value is the path to the nif file, which is the 3d modell of the unit. The second one is the path to the units animation, a kfm file. The third is again a nif, also a 3d modell of the unit, but with special properties. For most modded units the two nifs are the same file. If you ask me, all three things should be in the same folder, even if the new unit uses a default animation. The value of this 3 entries are paths, all you have to do now is changing that path to make it fit to your mods file structure. As animation use the one that is in the Jedis Anime subfolder of the 7z package distributed here (copy them to your units folder without making a subfolder). There are other units on civfanatics that don't come with an animation. They are using a default animation of a unit that comes with civ4. You have to figure out which by your own or ask the creator. However, if you don't plan to change the units properties, you are done. Otherwise open the unitinfo file and search again for the Swordsman. Make your changes (there are a lot, I won't describe here which entry is about what, I don't even know them all). That should do it. Next time you start the game and load a mod you should see the jedi instead of the default swordsman.

For further details about modding, check this section. To have an overview about which tutorials are available, see this list (there are not all tutorials listed). If you need more help, search for a tutorial that fits to your problem, maybe the two I mentioned above, and ask there for help.
The link to download your Jedi graphics doesn't work. It just takes you straight to filefront. Your Jedi look pretty cool though. Love to get my hands on them.
The file isn't at the link
If you can wait till friday, I might have the graphics. PM me please or else I'll forget.
I tend to keep all my archives, and when going to post an update to this collection I noticed the somewhat-recent complaints about the file being down. Seeing as how it says Chuggi hasn't been around since Oct 2009, I've gone ahead and re-uploaded Chuggi's original file, unmodified, from when I downloaded it in July 2008.


ADDITIONALLY, I have posted my Sound Fix Update. From the file description: Chuggi's Jedi Collection II uses Samurai animations, which means his Jedi and Sith units also use Samurai sounds. You can set sounds for Selection and Action (ie Pillage) directly in XML, but you can't modify the movement, fortify, combat, etc sounds that way.

This package is designed to be installed on top of Chuggi's full .kf and .kfm set, which is found in the folder Jedi/Anime/ in his .7z archive. It ALSO requires RogerBacon's sound package, which is available from post #13 of this thread.

My files replace the normal axe/sword swoosh sound with RogerBacon's lightsaber sound, and they also replace the Samurai armor clanking sounds with extra footstep sounds (since Jedi tend to move around pretty quickly, but definitely don't wear heavy metal armor).

Note that the Jedi and Sith versions in my package ARE different (since the latter also makes use of the Vader breathing noise in lieu of speech), so you will need to make two copies of Chuggi's .kf files and then apply my updates separately to each.

I have NOT included any XML, but as far as XML goes I recommend you set Action to the lightsaber sound for all 3 units, and both Train and Selection to the Vader breathing noise for the Sith unit (the tags for these are in RogerBacon's download). I've also increased the run speed for these units from 1.75 to 2.25 in MongooseMod, which is a subtle but neat effect.

Does anyone still have this file? I know i's a longshot, but I'd rather hear a no than assume one.
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