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JFD's Rise to Power

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A. Well... You never said you started working on said leader(in you thread).
B. You have four WIP projects?! Well I shouldn't be surprised, but it extraordinary. Its much more then what other modders have.
C. As I write that, I'm still amazed by the amount of mods you made.
(Maintaining that is an achievement by itself.)
I got ninjad.
Well, I agree with the above. All of it.

a. No, but I did say I would do it, and this is enough, apparently, for some people to presume to ask when it would be done.
b+c. So you understand if I don't want to take on anything more, even if by comparison that task seems small.
Yeah, I do...
On other note, sister?
This may be the wrong place to suggest, since it seems as if the Piety part of the mod seems pretty much finished.

Still, I had an idea and would ask if it's possible to include here (or in any mod): Reconciling two religions with each other, via an Ecumenical Council.

- Two founder cultures of enhanced religions share open borders, have both adopted Religious Tolerance (Piety Tree) and still control their holy city.
- At least one city of each follows the religion of the other, or instead at least 1/4 of the religious population of the one follows the religion of the other.
- Each religion may only participate in one such Ecumenical Council; or there may even be only one such Council in the course of a game.

In that case, an event is triggered, both leaders must choose if they wish an Ecumenical Council and link their religions to each other.
- Both religions must abandon one of their follower beliefs. This allows them to adopt the remaining follower belief of the other ecumenical religion.

Effects of said Council:
- Both religions work together instead of cross-purposes: They add their influence in spreading the religion. They add to each other when determining dominance: In a city of 15 pop, 5 followers of religion A and 4 followers of religion B add their support: A+B = 9 followers, A is city religion. The same applies nationwide to majority religion and state religion.
- Both religions gain the benefit if one of them is adopted as World Religion.
- There is no diplomatic penalty between the two religions. This also applies to city states and other nations that follow the other's religion.

If these effects are considered too imbalanced, I could also imagine a linear series of events where the Ecumenical Council comes together every X rounds and both leaders have to spend gold/faith or even a scientific or cultural setback to work out the interreligious problems before implementing the next effect. As an ultimate step and reward, they may even sacrifice their enhancer beliefs to gain the other's founder belief.
After this, therefore because of this, more correctly.
After this, therefore because of this, more correctly.

that would be post hoc, ergo propter hoc, IIRC.
Not learning you Latin? Caedite! Iugula!

OT: I'd say missing buttons can also have something to do with enhanced user interface, or the community patch-thingy behaving erratically. Respectively removing and reinstalling these fixed it for me when I had missing buttons anyway.
I am using CP, P&P, ExCE, and Cultural Diversity and have run into an issue where all my decisions went blank after I selected a religion. All the active and available decisions including the option to adopt another civs religion were showing up, but after I founded a religion I went into the decisions screen and all the decisions were gone.

Piggybacking off of this, I got the exact same error while trying to play on Historic speed using Chuck Findley's Longer Eras - Historic mod.

EDIT: Going into the lua files, and changing every reference in every lua file of a certain game speed (in this test's case, Standard) to Historic fixed it for me.
Beta testers? Why nobody ever asks me... I mean, I use so a much mods...
Is there anyway to download Beta Prestige now, or is that for the Beta testers exclusively?

No beta testers; just me :p Prestige isn't in a playable state yet. When it is, because it'll need significant balancing I expect, it'll still be considerable beta even with all features implemented.
Oh, I had thought other people were playing it, based upon previous months of responses. I just really want to play it; Piety doesn't feel whole without the other half of Prestige (Do correct me if that is an incorrect semicolon). I suppose all good things come with time... Balancing is very much a challenge. Like board games, it needs to be near perfect to achieve maximum fun and fair challenge.
Nah, people have just been inferring based upon the information I've given, and that's been indispensable enough. I'm notorious for keeping my modding to myself :p

Prestige will take time, yeah. I like to strike a balance between working on new stuff (Prestige, Colonies, new Civs, etc.) and maintaining older stuff, and right now Prestige is pushed behind a much needed Piety update, an update to Colonies, and a few scenario updates. But I'll get there.

There are also supposed to be religious (Papacy, Imperial Cult, Mandate of Heaven, Patriarchy, Caliphate) and prestigious (HRE) institutions, but these may not ever be realised because of time constraints - Prestige is still quite some time away from being finished, and I want to finish it first - and because of some technical issues when I was working on them. If that were to happen, however, the mechanics of the Papacy and perhaps the Mandate would be stripped down and converted for us by [REDACTED] and Yongle, so it wouldn't be a total loss. Too early to say yet though; depends how much extra work my next trimester is going to afford. So far, I've devoted time to modding that would otherwise go to uni work, and that may not hold indefinitely.
Like all passion projects, it's a WIP over a long period of time. Don't feel like you need to cut something just because you want it released sooner than later, I think most of us would prefer to wait longer if it meant more/better features. Of course, if it's simply not working out game play/modding wise, then scrap it :p Take as much time as you need, especially to make sure it's not at the expense of schooling.
P&P full edition without institutions just sounds... wrong. I don't care how long it takes, I just want to be able to be a Pope, or Caliph, or to hold the Mandate of Heaven in this game. The institutions have been my most wanted feature for some time, and seeing them disappear would be such a shame...
I should clarfiy: there's going to be a point where I will have no time at all to spare; either out of my academic workload (which is ever-increasing) or disinterest (which would climax with Civ 6) or stress (which increases the more mods I create and the more involved my mods). And so I want to merely indicate that possibility in the future, and to note that the functions of those institutions themselves, at least in part, would find a home. What is of primary important to me is to create a functional base for Prestige.
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