JTranslator for Civ5


Mar 30, 2007
This is a program to translate text xmls.

What it can:
- edit existing text entries, has a button to add [NEWLINE]s
- edit the languages name (in case of english texts, this is the Language_en_US-tag)
- can compare to xmls to search for missing or additional entries, existant only in one of the two files, those entries can then be removed or added; this function is meant to keep files easily updated after patches; however, it might take a while till the comparism is complete - comparism can now be interrupted, v1.1
- it's programmed in Java, so should work for Mac users also (is there a Mac version of civ5?) - untested
- can add new entries (by double click or right-click on root element of tree view on the left) - v1.1

What it can't
- deal with files, that contain more than one language

Changes in v1.2:
- Bugfixes: comprism of two files -> correction -> load another file -> another comparism -> correction led to error; file closed to early when user opens another file (cancelling the open dialog would have led to closed file); correction after comparism led to saves to a wrong path; correction after comparism added / removed only one entry

Changes in v1.3:
- Small bugfix related to the clean up of the lists giving entries that are missing in one of the two files the user compared with each other
- Made the two loading file dialogs more independent from each other leading to a more efficient working; see post 6 for details

Changes in v1.4:
- corrected some spelling issues
- feature to adjust font size; requested by a user who told me about too small letters; this can be caused by incompatibility between Java and video cards - you might also try to disable AntiAliasing


This is an early version, so there might be bugs. Always keep a backup of the file you are working, please. In case of bugs, please report. Let me also know under what circumstances the error occured and tell me what the status line at the bottom said when crashing. It might also be useful if you'd provide the file you were working on.

Just updated to version v1.1.
I've just uploaded v1.2 containing a couple of bugfixes. You better update, guys ;) I'll list up the changes in the first post in a minute.
:goodjob:yes the language-thing is a problem for modders. Good that you take care of that.

so far i dont find where i can change the game-language. so i had to do work on two NewText files at the same time:(

Can you give us some Screenhots of the JTranslator? please
I will upload a few screenshots in a minute.

Please elaborate on your problems regarding languages. There is a wiki page for how to add new languages to civ5 (the main game, not mods). If this is your problem, I can give you the link, but it contains some flaws (if you ask me, steam and civ5 are at beta stadium...). Mainly, you will have to switch your game to english, then edit the config file as the tutorial suggests. For some reason, the language specification is ignored if the game is not set to english via steam. Besides of this, the config trick might not be necessary for some users as it seems that some versions provide a language switch option in the settings menu.
Also, it can help to set the config file (btw in My Documents/My Games/civ5/ where the path can be partially translated) write protected as te game seems to overwrite the file if some minor things do not work as it expects them (would call these things an error though).
Also, switching the language of the game to a language that is officially supported can be done via steam. Go to game list, select the game, right click and from there on, you should find you way. For some users, steam doesn't support switching languages. That depends on which version of the game you have. For example, there are german users that bought their copy on the british amazon page and that therefor got the US version. Not enough, it seems the US version made its way into local shops as well. And guess what? If you bought the wrong version, you can't bring it back... Thank you, steam. If you are one of those lucky guys, plase shot steam, firaxis and 2k games (;)). No, seriously, in this case, you'd require that someone posts the languages text files. This might be illegal, but might also be provided as a patch. In this case, you'd have to activate the language via the config trick or from within the game (if your version supports this).

EDIT: See post 1 for previews.
Updated to v1.3. Changes:
- Fixed a bug that didn't clean up the lists with the entries missing in one of the two files compared with each other under certain circumstances.
- Made the file dialog that chooses the file to compare with more independent from the file dialog that lets you select the file to open or save the file you like to edit. This ways, the second file dialog will use the files name, that you are about to edit, as default filename while it keeps to be in its own directory. This should lead to a much more efficient working when updating translations for a patch as you won't have to browse that much through your directories and files. Normally, you will load files to edit from one directory, while loading files to compare with from another. At the same time, the filenames of the two files you want to compare with each other will be identical. The file dialogs will support this in a way, that you'll mostly have to click the open button only - directory and filename will likely be correctly suggested.

I've also provided an english user manual introducing the main features - see description text of the file dbs entry (follow download link in post 1).
Just updated the program to v1.4. Besides of some spelling corrections, I introduced a new function that allows the user to set up the font size. Seems like for somes the letters were too small, probably caused by some incompatibility between Java and certain video cards. In this case, disabling the AntiAliasing is said to help, too.
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