Just saw the coolest Strategy game feature!!!

Are you guys playing Disharmony 1.1.42? I've read that it added loads of crashing. Problem is, it improved alot of features that I don't want to play without. I'm on a 64 bit machine, but I feel like that really shouldn't be the problem in 2014.

Also, didn't realize how jerk ass my previous reply sounded until I reread it just now.

Yes on the Disharmony. I didn't crash with ES Vanilla, nor on ES: Disharmony. Okay, that's to entirely true. With Disharmony, a save got corrupted when my laptop ran out of charge and shut itself off. I asked about it, and was given help but two different developers within a few days and I was able to clear the crash log and continue playing from an earlier autosave.

Now, here's what I do know... ES and ES: D had major de-synch issues for MP. I don't play MP because my playing is very sporadic at most times, and I don't know a single person that would put up with something like that. Is that is what you're referring to?
No I'm talking single-player. I get array index out of bounds about diplo options during the AI's turn. This happens fairly frequently, enough that I cant finish a game without getting it at least once. My fleets also seem to get stuck in an inconsistent state where they cannot act. They get greyed out like they are busy, but don't do anything. While not a crash, if it happens to my first colony ship it's pretty infuriating.

Also sometimes when launching a ground invasion, the system ownership circle goes clear and it gives a null pointer exception about how it lost the handle to the star system. The invasion thing only happened during one play through, and it was the same one where the saves were corrupted, so maybe something weird about that one game, idk.

I've also seen the star system names "move" from one star to another as I roll across the map. Zooming in fixes it, very weird. Might be related to the bad invasion thing.

From what I've read, some ppl just have these stability issues, and other don't, and there is no fix.
No I'm talking single-player. I get array index out of bounds about diplo options during the AI's turn. This happens fairly frequently, enough that I cant finish a game without getting it at least once. My fleets also seem to get stuck in an inconsistent state where they cannot act. They get greyed out like they are busy, but don't do anything. While not a crash, if it happens to my first colony ship it's pretty infuriating.

Also sometimes when launching a ground invasion, the system ownership circle goes clear and it gives a null pointer exception about how it lost the handle to the star system. The invasion thing only happened during one play through, and it was the same one where the saves were corrupted, so maybe something weird about that one game, idk.

I've also seen the star system names "move" from one star to another as I roll across the map. Zooming in fixes it, very weird. Might be related to the bad invasion thing.

From what I've read, some ppl just have these stability issues, and other don't, and there is no fix.

Whoa, yea... I can see where you'd be pissed. Like I said, we all have different experiences. It sucks your has been bad.
Haven't had a single crash with ES despite that my system is quite dated. I guess I'm the lucky one...
'Endless Legend' a 4x not dissimilar to Civ came out today.

In options there is something called the 'big screen interface'.

It makes all the fonts and those little bits and bobs on the screen WAY BIGGER AND SUPER EASY TO SEE!!!!

What an awesome feature. I sure hope BE has something like this. I am old and even with a big monitor and reading glasses games it is not easy to play some games.

CiV is fair at this - not great, not terrible.

But check this feature out on 'Endless Legend' - Why don't more strategy game companies do this!!!!!!!

I thought the same thing when I saw
Just gonna add my voice to the "Endless Space doesn't crash for me" choir.

It's a decent game, I just find that it quickly devolves into "direct a hosepipe of ships at all my neighbours" and the factions aren't really different enough for me to replay it as much as say, Civ.
I just wanted to point out that although Endless Legend is advertised as a Fantasy 4x. There isn't that much magic. Only one of the factions really uses magic as part of their abilities. It's more of a kind of Fantasy/SciFi hybrid. Where "Dust", Like "Spice" in Frank Herbert's Dune, powers the magic.
"Dust" is just gold, really. In their space games it was nanobots or something, but in Endless Legend every time you see "Dust" you can easily replace it with "Gold" and it'll make no difference at all.
"Dust" is just gold, really. In their space games it was nanobots or something, but in Endless Legend every time you see "Dust" you can easily replace it with "Gold" and it'll make no difference at all.

So "magic" runs on "dust" nanomachines which are effectively gold? Does that mean every caster in Endless Legend is an auramancer? :gold:

Now I want to make a D&D character who literally uses his gold stash to power his spells.
Endless Legends is fun. It, like Acken said, has some of the same issues as Endless Space. But I couldn't get into ES, because it was a game largely played through windows. The map consisted of black space and a few colored dots as systems. "But it is space! Of course it is vast and empty!" So what, I can still dislike it for that reason :p

In contrast, you get a beautiful map in EL. And it is cool because when you zoom out half-way, it will list resource icons, ruins, and cities. Then when you zoom out farther, it will color the controlled regions, list region names, basically look like an actual map.

My only complaint other than the obvious issue of poor AI is I wish there were a 4th unique unit to each faction in the later eras. It just doesn't feel right to have your army "complete" by 2nd era and play all the way to 6th with nothing new. You can supplement with minor faction units, but still... Perhaps in a future expansion or something.
I've been an avid watcher of streams/YT recently and AI is not that terrible, I've certainly haven't seen anyone tackling highest difficulty AI with ease (on the contrary to Civ5 vanilla after release).

The game is beautiful and although I've enjoyed ES for some time I'm thinking about buying EL now, should definitely keep me going until Civ:BE release...
Balance is off quite a bit (again). Playing OCC with a customized Cult faction, I was able to get more than 10k science per turn during the late game, finishing with a science victory shortly past turn 220.

Hint: Buy luxury ressources and use them as boosters - they are insanely powerful for their cost... X_X
I enjoy Endless Legened quite a bit but it has some serious issues that hurt my enjoyment of the game.

The only 3 + Minor Faction on units gets very, very old fast. It also makes comparing armies to each other very confusing, they all look the same but can be equipped differently.

The combat is just terrible, its really hard to describe how horrible it is. You just use auto-resolve and that also gets old really fast.

The map is wonderful. Yet, it ends up having large open spaces and cities spots are more about available space to build the correct pattern than the tiles.

I think it has huge potential though but it really still needs a few more balance passes and a rethink on some mechanics, mostly the combat.

*fixed Endless Space = Endless Legend
@Nashoa - I find the combat a great mix of 1upt and stacks, what makes it "terrible" in your opinion? (Aside from AI not being able to beat your unbeatable combat tactics, that is.;)) Autoresolve is not the way to go if you want to win, tbh.

I would love to see ZOC and LoS introduced, but there are tons of tactical decisions to be made with the current system (not to mention that one can manage one's economy while battles are playing out). Perhaps you don't get the options? The feedback/tutorial is rather poor atm, which is true of the game in general, unfortunately.
Yea, the game needs lots of balancing and tweaking, but then again it's an indie studio. SO I will keep giving them the benefit of my doubts.

What's important is that the game is fun to play and very rarely (2 so far) crashes for me (60 hours of play).
@Nashoa - I find the combat a great mix of 1upt and stacks, what makes it "terrible" in your opinion? (Aside from AI not being able to beat your unbeatable combat tactics, that is.;)) Autoresolve is not the way to go if you want to win, tbh.

Oh I love the design of it, its a great mix as you said. Not thrilled about limited unit designs and armor/weapons being the improvements but I still think its an elegant solution. That just gets very dull to me. I think it could work in Civ with some tweaking.

I find the give an order and hope they don't kill themselves aspect of it horrible. It should be full tactical or none, the mix of it just ends up being far to frustrating to deal with for me. I like it in theory, give an order like a commander and all that, but honestly if I want that I'll play a Total War game. Which does it a thousand times better in a full setting.

But to be fair a lot of my play time I dealt with it was in the alpha/beta stages. I'll give it another go since its release now. I've just been using auto-resolve since release and I've not had any problems tbh. Maybe the AI has improved a ton on it since then.

Oh I just noticed I put endless space in the first post. I was talking about Endless Legend. Editing to fix it. Not sure if we are talking about the same thing due to my error.

Just played a bit. Now its a choice every turn which is much improved. In earlier versions you would target and then 2 and 3(I think early) turns would pass before you could reissue orders. Which was horrible, because they would kill the target and then just do stupid insane things.
Im pretty sure you guys talk about the same thing since there was nothing tactical about ES combat.

I'll have to side with Nashoa here, I just feel the combat is actually the worse of both worlds. I just don't get why they went with their "order then wait 30seconds system" instead of classic tactical combat. I just don't see a single good reason for it and the current system is just not my cup of tea.

I'll give the game more tries though.
It's 4AM here after playing far too much Endless Legend, and I work in 4 hours. The game is fun, addicting and as much a just one more turn as Civ V.

But still sticking with the combat complaints. I did the manual combat, almost every time, this game. While it is improved a ton since the beta it is still very frustrating. Many times my ranged would ignore my order and move up to shoot, or melee would fall back. As soon as an enemy dies, moves, or another unit blocked a path the AI goes to hell and it becomes very, very frustrating. It's simply the worst of both systems. It needs to go full tactical, like Heroes of Might and Magic style or another variant.

I do like the only 6 turns and it ends, even with units alive, concept.
I just got a new EL record today, finished my last OCC game on turn 180. I guess you could even go as low as turn 160, depending on the terrain and luxuries available. :rolleyes:
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