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Key witness in Botham Jean case shot to death.


Escaped Lunatic
Sep 26, 2011
News that Joshua Brown, a key witness in Amber Guyger's murder trial, was fatally shot Friday night drew national interest and concern, as it was only Wednesday that jurors had sent her to prison for 10 years. But two days after Brown's slaying, Dallas police had released little information about their investigation of his death.

The Police Department confirmed Sunday afternoon that the 28-year-old Brown was the victim whom officers found about 10:30 p.m. Friday with multiple gunshot wounds to his lower body. Police spokesman Sgt. Warren Mitchell said Saturday, before Brown had been publicly identified, that the victim died at Parkland Memorial Hospital.

The timing of Brown's death has raised public speculation about whether the shooting was tied to his testimony.

Lee Merritt, a civil rights attorney representing the Jean family, indicated he had spoken with Brown’s mother.

"He had no known enemies," Merritt tweeted Saturday. "He worked for a living. We need answers."

Here he is giving testimony:

Look, I'm not going to call this a police conspiracy, but I'm not ruling it out either. This is really strange, no? I'd put my money on some kind of lone wolf white nationalist.
Is there any other kind?
Most people of your... political persuasion would insist on it.

We had a lone wolf shooter here in Canada a number of years ago who was a Moslem. He was immediately labeled a "terrorist," and NOT a "lone wolf shooter," before his motivation and acquaintances were even known. And going a bit further back, we must remember that the Virginia sniper of infamy was also Moslem, and not tied by affiliation or motive to any "terrorist" group of "Islamist" persuasion. But, law enforcement tends to automatically and pre-emptively slap the "terrorist" label, as opposed to the "lone wolf" label before anything other than race and obvious religion are at all known. Funny that.
I saw this story yesterday and said to myself his killer will never be found by the Dallas PD. Its probably already sitting in a cold case drawer.
Honestly, it appears to be a robbery and there is so far no evidence otherwise. Not that little things like evidence are stopping the conspiracy theory loons.
Honestly, it appears to be a robbery and there is so far no evidence otherwise. Not that little things like evidence are stopping the conspiracy theory loons.

A robbery in which nothing was stolen and police have no suspects or motive.
Not that little things like evidence are stopping the conspiracy theory loons.

And on the pedestal these words appear: my name is Lexicus, meme of memes
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair
It is prrtty common for a would be mugger to panic and run after thing escalated to a shooting. :shrug:

And drive away in this case.
So basically we've gone from it appears to be a robbery to maybe it was a robbery.
Your theory is nothing more than that atm.
And drive away in this case.
So basically we've gone from it appears to be a robbery to maybe it was a robbery.
Your theory is nothing more than that atm.

I strongly suspect the thought process here goes something like "black victim...probably a robbery, I know they do that a lot"
Lone wolf killers want attention, don’t they? And to make a statement. This doesn’t do that.
So US police are just doing vengeance killings now?
I doubt it. He was targeted in a shooting outside a strip club a year earlier and there’s also been suspects arrested over this one.
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