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Kill MIA Thread

Tubby Rower

Chronic Slacker
Nov 15, 2004
Middle of Virginia Hair: None
Discuss and kill here
Let's start with getting the Nutters in on our mission. An SS with us is still their best option, especially now when were likely to be the weaker one standing when MIA falls. It's very frustrating for me not being able to do IM chats at the moment. Diplomacy couldn't be more fun than right now. I urge everyone who can to really make solid friends with Homer.
Here's the current status.
sure (10chars)
You can't abandon your capital. And yes I would assume that it is the likely target for next turn's blood bath

Simon's plan said:
OK started from the west and worked my way east

Apefish- the can's south of that move one south and get him to bombard the road leading into wilde side-means they cant attack there for awhile.

dresden-gift to the nutters, could make MIA declare war on them and means that they'll be involved either way but it means that we could safely move our workers out perhaps.

elfing whomper room, im undecided what to do about this, eventually it'd get lost but if you bombard enough roads in and around it then MIA will be worried about whats inside it and so be forced to send some units up against it.

move the units on the coast into polecat, crackhead and nincompoopcity.

2 in each and the 3rd in polecat

rush cavs in polecat, crackhead, gilfrach, stoogeville, ignoramus, notfullshilling, SKTWD, Jesterton and the rax in devils soul, rush pikes in nincon, apefish, switch to pike in dionysthis, frozen lake-pike, pike in paradise hotel.

On battle isle-all them cities which are building wealth-switch to workers as we will have a chronic shortage of them soon.

We need to try and save as many of the workers we have wandering around as possible.

knucklhead cav should go and take out CV chaos cav

the cavs in elfing whomper room we can use as scouts to see what is about and whether we can save dresden at all- im not going to explore but whoever plays the turn can take screenies and see.

get them galleys out scouting to see if MIA are planning on launching a sea attack on battle isle and dump them cannons in frozen lake if possible-that for me seems to be our last stand city on green isle and therfore we should try and get it to size 12 for max defence benefeits (Add workers etc)

anywhoo we can get nationalism in 8 turns with 70 defecit so thats not going to happen.

Also there will be some INCREDIBLE WW so something needs to be done about that it may be worth after the rushing just switching to monarchy to tone it down a little.

Well there just my thoughts- i imagine someone who is better at c3c will come on and point out the flaws but :shrug:
We should change some builds for horses since they disconnected our saltpeter. That could actually be a benefit with Leo's. We will have saltpeter the turn after and speed will be key in whacking their incursions and disrupting their rail line.
FYI::: Once we get enough of a plan organized to play the upcoming turn, we should go ahead and play. The longer we take here, the more that MIA will realize that they not only caught us with our pants down, but also with the farmer's daughter.
Simpleton can be attacked next turn, just in case no one has seen that.

Simpleton Attack

MIA needs to rail to the Blue Dot, then build a city on the Blue Dot. And maybe rail to the mined grassland NW of the city. From there, Pink Line is 1 MP, Yellow Line is the 2nd MP and attack on the 3rd MP.

Do we a count of MIA workers / slaves ?

Simpleton is far enough away from other cities that MIA cannot leapfrog from one city to the next. Not without building a city on the way. But if they can do that, then they see this plan also.

I see now, but did not earlier, that the Cav stack near Blue Dot could attack Simpleton next turn also. At least, I think it can. I am only using Whomp's screenshot, not the game, so GIGO.

Don't like to add bad news, but this needed to be reported.
Vind2 said:
Has MIA had it's GA yet?
They have. It was wonder activated when they got Newtons.

BTW Vind...it's not your fault. ;)
means its mine.... :p ;)

we dont actually have anything solid to do yet (unless your all actually planning on doing what i advise) and we have got an extension so we should maybe get on with deciding what to do now :D
BCLG1000 said:
Cheer up you lot, christ anyone would think you was dead already.

No point in bringing troops back to defend the island however there is a whole lot of point in putting them all in boats and moving either to the battle isle or down south and hit the remaining MIA cities.

also gift those cities closest to MIA to the nutters and make sure they dont have a RoP with MIA-this will give us valuable time to build up some form of rearguard while the rest of the units are brought over to the battle isle.

Shove as many workers on the boats also.

nutters and MIA will eventually have to go to war and we'll be left with a small highly fortified area on the battle isle ready to attack either of the nutters/KISS.

Also do we have much gold? rush a load of units-then switch to monarchy and pop rush a load more units, get the nutters to step on it with nationalism so we can draft.

You cant go abandoning cities because they leave the roads there and for 3 move cavs it isnt going to make such a huge difference unless the culture is good.

Anywhoo there just my ideas thus far and i havnt looked at the save yet.

BCLG1000 said:
OK started from the west and worked my way east

Apefish- the can's south of that move one south and get him to bombard the road leading into wilde side-means they cant attack there for awhile.

dresden-gift to the nutters, could make MIA declare war on them and means that they'll be involved either way but it means that we could safely move our workers out perhaps.

elfing whomper room, im undecided what to do about this, eventually it'd get lost but if you bombard enough roads in and around it then MIA will be worried about whats inside it and so be forced to send some units up against it.

move the units on the coast into polecat, crackhead and nincompoopcity.

2 in each and the 3rd in polecat

rush cavs in polecat, crackhead, gilfrach, stoogeville, ignoramus, notfullshilling, SKTWD, Jesterton and the rax in devils soul, rush pikes in nincon, apefish, switch to pike in dionysthis, frozen lake-pike, pike in paradise hotel.

On battle isle-all them cities which are building wealth-switch to workers as we will have a chronic shortage of them soon.

We need to try and save as many of the workers we have wandering around as possible.

knucklhead cav should go and take out CV chaos cav

the cavs in elfing whomper room we can use as scouts to see what is about and whether we can save dresden at all- im not going to explore but whoever plays the turn can take screenies and see.

get them galleys out scouting to see if MIA are planning on launching a sea attack on battle isle and dump them cannons in frozen lake if possible-that for me seems to be our last stand city on green isle and therfore we should try and get it to size 12 for max defence benefeits (Add workers etc)

anywhoo we can get nationalism in 8 turns with 70 defecit so thats not going to happen.

Also there will be some INCREDIBLE WW so something needs to be done about that it may be worth after the rushing just switching to monarchy to tone it down a little.

Well there just my thoughts- i imagine someone who is better at c3c will come on and point out the flaws but :shrug:
Tubby Rower said:
Tubby's Check

cavs lost: 10
MI lost: 6 check

6 1/4 cavs
4 2/4 cavs check
7 3/4 cavs
2 3/5 cav
11 4/4 cavs (a few of these attacked an undefended city and therefore can't attack again)
30 left

1 5/5 knight

2 4/4 MI check
1 3/4 MI check
1 2/4 MI check

Cavs lost: 11 check
Muskets: 6
MI: 4 check
LB: 2 check
pikeman: 1
cannnons: 5
workers: 5
settlers: 1

9 cities lost. <- one of which is Dunderhead which is 3-4 tiles from our capital
Simon has our best, most concrete plan of action so far. I put it here to make it easy to see and foucs on. And Tubby has the body count.

The shock is over, the dead are dead and we the living have to put things right.

We have work to do. We can panic later.

What is our city count and how is it divided?
What is our military composition and where are they located?
Where are our workers and what are they doing?
What cities can we/will we gift to the Nutters?

We need to know what we have while we attempt to figure other things out.

Can we mount a localized counterattack anywhere without losing the attacking units to MIA next turn?

Can we disrupt their lines of attack? Barricades? Fortress?

It looks like MIA has 11 good order Cavs right now and 7 more that are lightly wounded. Where are these located? On rails or roads?

If we defend strongly enough these 11 Cavs may be the only attackers next turn. If these 11 take enough losses, the wounded will not be used. On the other hand, if these 11 walk all over us, the wounded will be thrown at us also.

Has anyone looked at the map and plotted the course of the attacks? It doesn't seem that they wanted Leonardo's Workshop greatly or they would have made a bee line for it. But this is just a guess on my part. If the Workshop is the Grand Prize, I would have done everything possible to plan to get it on the first turn of the war. And maybe they did. I don't know the map well enough to be able to say.

We appear to have been a target of opportunity, from some of the other posts. Under what circumstances would we attack an AI with 40 Cavs?

We need to play with their minds. Make them think that we are a bunch of crybabies and ready to quit, while we continue to sharpen our knives.

Khan: Surely I have made my meaning plain. I mean to avenge myself upon you, Admiral. I deprived your ship of power, and when I swing around I mean to deprive you of your life.

Kirk: I see your point. Stand by to receive our transmission.
[sotto voce]
Kirk: Mr. Sulu, lock phasers on target.

[Kirk remotely commands Reliant's shields to drop]
Joachim: Our shields are lowering.
Khan: Raise them.
Joachim: [pounds fists on console] I can't.

Kirk: Fire!
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