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Kung Phooey: A Martial Arts StoryNES

Chinese~? Or Japanese~?

Spoiler :
Name: Genki Komeiji [玄輝 古明地] [AKA Xuánhuī Míng when posing as a Chinese person: 玄輝 明] [Written western style here] Multiple other aliases.
Nationality: Japanese [Specifically from the city of Kōfu]
Style: Tessenjutsu [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tessenjutsu], Shurikenjutsu [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shurikenjutsu], Tantōjutsu [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantojutsu], Himistudō [a sub-ninjutsu discipline focused on espionage, stealth, and escape consisting of the individual disciplines of Shinobi-iri, Chōhō, Hensōjutsu, and Intonjutsu]
Signature Techniques:

発煙扇 Hatsuensen- "Smoke-emitting Fan". A diversionary escape technique where a mixture of saltpeter, sugar, baking soda, and a tiny bit of plain old small-granule blackpowder is caked onto an iron fan, ignited, and swiped through the air distributing smoke in the general vicinity of the user, as well as making the area smell like caramel.

短刀縄 Tantōnawa- "Roped Tantō". Swinging a foot long knife around on a long rope isn't very stealthy, but it is very effective as a weapon. Throw the actual knife in the general direction of your target, and whip the rope around. Continue swinging the rope around for a few minutes for maximum effect.

覚念写 Satorinensha- "Conscious Thought Photography". Even without his trusty Canon 35mm rangefinder camera, Genki is still able to create rather accurate sketches and diagrams of an event through combining various 'snapshots' mentally recorded throughout the events.

Character Background: Born in the city of Kōfu, Japan, Genki Komeiji is a young reporter that was enlisted by Empire of Japan for a crucial yet secret task. So secret, that, in fact, even after months of training, Genki himself was still clueless to what his task might be. It wasn't until a few days prior to his boarding a ship for Manchukuo that he was briefed on his task. As it turns out, the Japanese Emperor, after garnering the utmost curiosity [and paranoia] about espionage and spying, decided to assemble his own private espionage force. A ridiculously small force that, as a matter of fact, only had one member. Genki was also briefed on why he, a perfectly average reporter, was chosen for the task. In the early days of his career, Genki corresponded with both Chinese and Japanese peoples, and acquired a very good grasp of the Mandarin Chinese language, albeit with a northeastern accent. Nonetheless, he learned that it was his expert hold on the language, as well as his close news correspondents across China that singled him out as the most likely candidate for the position. As it turns out, there was no way to escape, considering his ship was in just a couple of days. And so, he was shipped off to Manchuria. From there, he took a train to Inner Mongolia, where he stayed a couple of days to polish his Chinese a little. From there, he took a hike. Literally. A long hike to Beiping, it was. Luckily for him, he managed to beat the Japanese army there, and managed to sneak in to a portion of town where he had a few contacts.
Location: Beiping [China-side]

Very interesting.

I shall write something up at some point.
Welcome aboard to all our new players!

I'll add everybody to the character lists when there are backgrounds up. :)
Name: James Kennedy
Nationality: Irish/British
Style: A mix of armed/unarmed. James uses throwing knives, regular knives and fists/feet interchangeably.
Signature Techniques:
Survival Specalist- James has trained himself to be especially danger ready in unfamiliar settings.
Silence of the Night- A killing technique that is very effective and powerful. Last resort tech.
Like a Fox-James uses this agility technique for when faced with a more powerful opponent or one with a gun
Character Background:Born and raised in Hong Cong, James' grandfather came over from Britain with his wife (who was Irish) during the Boxer Rebellion, and stayed in HK after falling in love with the city. James was sent as a young boy to a very prestigious boarding school in London, and moved back to Hong Kong to help with the poor after converting to Buddhism (his parents had been Agnostics), and learned martial arts from several monks at a temple. His goals are that he wants to make Hong Kong poor free and crime free, being a sort of superhero from the comics that he read while in London.
Location: Hong Kong
Name: Jimmy "The Shadow" Lincoln
Nationality: British
Style: Though lacking an official name, Jimmy jokingly titles it 'Damage-Fu', due to its main tenet being to deal as much damage as possible as quickly as possible. However, it has another side, based on stealth and evasion. It is his training in this field that allows Jimmy to be so effective as an insurgent.
Signature Techniques:
None, as Damage-Fu is based on adaptability.
Character Background: Born in China to the British ambassador, he was educated in the UK with frequent trips to China. Once he graduated university, he joined the military, and was stationed in Tibet. There, he met a master of an unnamed art of fighting. Entranced by the mysterious man's wisdom, he deserted the army and trained hard with the nameless teacher. He honed his body to a pinnacle of fitness and fighting skill. Afterwards, he returned to Britain, but escaped to China via Hong Kong after being charged a traitor. There, he joined the Chinese army, using his unique abilities to deal death to the invaders.
Location: In and around Shanghai. However, he's been nearly everywhere in China, and has connections through both his father and his campaign against the Japanese.
Name: Chen Zaofu
Nationality: Chinese
Style: Chen is weaker, slower, and more fragile than pretty much any other master in the East. His motto, then, is "Age and Treachery". He's fought hundreds if not thousands of people, and can read from very little information what his opponent will do next. Thus he defends by acting before an attack takes place, and attacks by waiting for his opponent to tire and make mistakes. Or, in some cases, attacking while his opponent is utterly unsuspecting.
Signature Techniques:
Groin Shot: Generally used while appearing to be an old man leaning on a staff. Also generally used concurrently with a kindly, lying smile.
Redirection: If, say, you try and punch him, you can expect him to sidestep, grab your wrist, and pull.
Imagine something along these lines for the third move.
Character Background: Chen was born in 1862 in a village an hour's walk east of Chengdu. Chen met his teacher at the age of eighteen in that village an hour's walk east of Chengdu. Upon the death of his teacher in 1897, as the school passed to another student named Tong Rugao, Chen struck out and founded his own school in Chengdu.
Two years later, as three of Tong's students came to do their monthly shopping, Chen beat them up singlehandedly, and when the whole of Tong's school came looking for the culprit, they found Chen, alone, idly tending to an empty banquet table in the garden. They beat him to within an inch of death, whereupon the whole of the Chengdu police department arrived for the banquet. Tong was executed, and his students jailed and dispersed throughout China. Tee hee.
Chen has spent the rest of his time (until this game's start) picking fights with arrogant youngsters and dispatching them quickly, before returning home to take a hot bath or tend roses. Now, only travelers from outside Chengdu fight him, as everyone in Chengdu already has, and lost. Or was arrested. Again, tee hee.
Location: Chengdu. Yes, I know this is out of the way for the moment.

For an introductory story:
"Fourteen," opened Chen.
"Fourteen? Fourteen, for this many leeks? Fourteen?!?" the shopkeeper screamed back. "You are insane, and I will do no business with you."
"Then you deserve to starve, old woman. Fifteen."
"No less than twenty-six, you cheating dog."
"Impossible, woman! I have only sixteen with me."
"Then your robe as well," came a voice from behind.
Chen turned unhurriedly. Behind him was the tiny old shopkeeper's significantly larger son. He would be tall, and broad, even among the foreign devils.
Chen shook his head. The young man began to ball his right fist. Chen leaned left and stepped forward, and the punch sizzled past his right ear. His right hand came up into the young man's face, and pushed him to his right as Chen's right foot planted itself behind his. Unable to step sideways to keep his balance, he fell heavily. Chen knelt, and his left knee made contact with the young man's face. There was a slight crunch, and the young man lay unconscious. The entire altercation had taken two seconds. Chen turned to face the old woman, head slightly cocked, considering.
The shopkeeper turned purple. "You Trotskyite revisionist hyena! Five seconds ago you said sixteen!" To her credit, she seemed unfazed.
"I said I had sixteen," Chen corrected. "Thirteen."
"Fifteen," said the shopkeeper.
Chen handed the coins over with a smile, and stuffed his leeks into a cloth bag. He walked home, extra coins jangling cheerily along to his whistling.
The Missing Man and the Rakish Grin

The missing man dangled from a tree, a rough hemp rope tied carefully around his neck. The party, Japanese in origin, had been sent to look for him three days ago, after his wife reported him gone from their bed and the window wide open to the cold night breeze. They would have paid the claim no heed, it being from a Chinese citizen (and a woman, at that), but the alleged victim was a prominent Japanese sympathizer and a wealthy business man. Investigations confirmed he was in fact missing, but even then, a search party wouldn't have been dispatched, save the fact that four other reports had come in, stating the same tale.

The sergeant muttered a swear word under his breath before sending two men to cut him down. His body would be sent back to his home for burial, a customary honor for a man killed in battle. Finding the man had been hard, the forest being as large as it was, but the sergeant was feeling good, if a bit unsettled by the emptiness of the forest. Now, finally, he'd have good news to give to the captain.

The body hit the ground with a thud, and the sergeant, a peasant named Isukuru, went over to inspect it. The neck was torn up, probably a product of being hanged, and his body was covered with bruises. The most noticeable thing, though, was a deep laceration ran down the left side, jagged and puckered. Isukuru grimaced as the smell of rotting flesh hit his nose, and cringed as he saw the damage ravens had done. He was a military man, but his lack of courage had always held him back. The empty eye sockets gazed up at him, making him feel sick, and he turned away.

He ran his eyes over the body once more, knowing his duty was to report about the condition of the victim, and saw a flash of white. Looking back, he noticed the sharp corner of an envelope protruding from a pocket. He reached down, holding his nose with one hand, and grabbed it. Unsealed, the envelope was crisp. "It's been placed recently," he whispered.

"I'm sorry, sir?" a subordinate asked, standing under the tree.

"Nothing, it's just th-." His words were cut off as a bullet buried itself in the back of his torso. Falling to the ground, a look of surprise etched on his face, he let the envelope fall to the ground. On either side of him, screams echoed through the forest. They were surrounded, men rushing in, bones breaking and heads shattering.


Jimmy sat in stillness, every muscle in his body aching for battle. The leader, presumably a sergeant for a party of that size, was agonizingly slow in his inspection. As the absurdly formally dressed man rose, so did Jimmy, the latter bringing a gun to his shoulder as he did. To his dismay, he didn't read the note, which always put a look of satisfactory terror on their smug faces. No matter, he thought, smiling in anticipation. It's a little too dramatic, in any case. Cheesy.. The cool night air nipped at his bare arms, but the heat of battle would soon overcome it, he knew. The sergeant said something, but the distance was too great for Jimmy to make it out.

The soldier replied, but before the sergeant could utter a word in return, Jimmy squeezed the trigger. With a ringing report, the bullet impacted between the leader's shoulder blades, sending him to the ground. Grimacing slightly at the recoil, Jimmy screamed a wordless war cry, charging into battle.

Fighting was an odd experience for Jimmy. He often lost track of time, so completely absorbed was he in the fray, but every moment had a crystal clarity, as if he could see and feel and live better than any other time. His emotions left him for the glorious duration of the battle, and he did not grow tired nor did he feel pain. Flying from man to man, doing hand springs and back flips and roll was more releasing than any other thing Jimmy had ever done.

And this fight was no different. A picture of equanimity, Jimmy engaged the first Japanese soldier, grabbing his arm at the wrist and twisting it awkwardly before kicking the man in the groin and sweeping the legs. Jumping over the prone body, he moved over the intervening space between him and his target faster than any big cat. Like lightning incarnate, he feinted an attack on the face before hitting the stomach hard. As the man doubled over, he was met with an elbow to the face. Hearing a crack from behind, he bent over backwards, watching as the bullet grazed his nose. The hit spot started bleeding, but Jimmy's adrenaline blotted out the pain.

Then he whipped around, facing a Japanese soldier mid-charge. Grabbing the rifle butt from the solder, he pushed it upwards, cracking the mans skull and leaving him most likely dead. Turning to survey the battlefield, he saw with satisfaction as his small group dispatched much of the 15 man search party with ease. His eyes alighted upon a lone soldier apparently skilled in hand to hand combat. He was concentrating on fighting a particularly green disciple, but soon took notice of Jimmy when his neck snapped.

It was then that he heard a sort if muffled groaning coming from his left, and he turned to see the sergeant. His once immaculate uniform was covered in mud and both the blood of his soldiers and his own. His cap lay crumpled in the dirt nearby, having fell there after the sergeant collapsed. Jimmy smiled. "Quite a predicament you've gotten yourself into there, isn't it?"

All he got in return was a barely audible oath, something to do with rice, glass and his wife's mouth.

"I'm not married. More of a... drifter." When the man seemed vaguely confused, he added with a rakish grin. "Ladies love me. And I sure do love them." Bending down, Jimmy picked up the dirty envelope, and opened it, reading it aloud for his "friends's" benefit.

"The Shadow's come. And strange things walk in the darkness." He stood in silence for a moment, then gazed contemptuously down at the helpless being.

"Rather beautiful, don't you think? I was thinking of making it a haiku, but I am not very good at poetry..." He laughed, then turned to walk away. He had gathered up his supplies before he turned back to the leader. "Oh, and I'm going to let you live. One to spread the tale and all that, you know the gist. Do make sure to tell them how dashingly handsome you find me." Laughing, he turned away once more, heading back towards the city.

17 more bodies hung from a tree that day.

OOC: Please critique. Please?
Excellent story Arrow Gamer! We're off to a great start! :)

Welcome aboard to all our new players! I'll keep adding to the characters list as the required components are filled out.

@Bair_the_normal: Your background cuts out mid-sentance. Just when it was getting good!

talonschild: I'm getting Uncle vibes. I'm loving it! :)
OOC: Introductory story. Warning: Because I do not know much of the geography of Central China, I have a few fictional names for some places. Also, I will post the link of this story, and all other I will post, in my sign up post.


The Pass of Death

Beiping, July 10th, 1937

Wu Xiang Chin is in a terribe position. He is commander of 6,000 men in Beiping, which is under siege by the Imperial Japanese Army. Chiang Kai Shek, a personal friend of Xiang, gave him this position last year. Xiang thought that he had gained a very good position, but he was a bit disappointed. While it was good that his friend Chiang had promoted him to such a position, he was now away from the battles against the Communists bandits and their leader, the "Mad Dog", Mao Zedong.

Xiang wanted to be on the battlefield. He always wanted to stay in history as a great military commander and make his ancestors proud of him. His great-great-greatgrandfather was a Qing military commander and defeated many enemies of China. Now Xiang also wanted the glory of destroying China's enemies.

But on the other hand, he was away from the danger and in a few months, he could hope that Chiang would promote him and he would send him to command an even larger force against the Communists. Then, he could gain the glory he wanted.

But now, that the Japanese are laying siege in Beiping, Xiang at least has the chance to gain glory. Althought having an untrained force against an elite Japanese force is not what Xiang had hoped for, Xiang still believes that he can win the Japanese.

But many of his men do not believe so. One of those is Fu Mang Zhen, close friend of Xiang and commander of the "Republican Guards", an elit group of 40 highly trained men whose job is to make sure that the rest of the soldiers do their job and punish those who do not follow Xiang's orders.

Mang cannot hide his belief that the odds against the Chinese are growing every day. Now Mang has decided to talk to Xiang himself about this.

"Xiang, my friend, I cannot see how can we defend Beiping. We are outgunned and have to face an elite army with our untrained soldiers. Morale is very low."

"We can defeat the Japanese, Mang. Or at least, we shall hold them until Chiang replies to my letter in which I ask him to allow the army to leave from Beiping in the night and re-group in the South."

"I do not think, my friend, that we shall be able to last until the letter comes to us."

"Of course we can, Mang. Dont you remember when he had to fight the Communists in the Pass of the Wang Mountains......."


Fort Tang, May 15th, 1935

Chiang Kai Shek and the nationalist army are in conflict with Mao Zendong and his Communist Army, which is hiding in Central Asia. Chiang has decided to start a general offensive against the Communists, but he needs to know their location. So he has send several small groups to search for the Communists in Central Asia. Xiang is one of those that have been chosen by Chiang to search for the Communists.

Now Xiang, riding his white horse, the "Dragon", heads for the Fort Tang, where his friend Mang commands a force of more than 7,000 men. Once Xiang enters the Fort, he dismounts from the "Dragon" and is greeted by Mang.

"Mang, my friend. How are you doing? A lot time has passed since I last saw you. Look at you now. You have become a Commander of 7,000 troops! I am so proud of you, my friend."

"Xiang, my friend, I am very good. I could not have been more happy. The job here is very good, I am well paid and I am proud to help in the destruction of the Commies! Now, Xiang, tell me about the mission that Chiang gave to us."

" Chiang plans a major general offensive against the Communists. But he wants to learn the location of the Commies. So he has decided to send several small groups to search and find the location of the Communists. Our mission is to search the area in the Wang Mountains."

" Very good. We will start our mission tomorow. We shall lead 5,000 troops in the mountains and leave 2,000 here to guard the Fort."

The next day, Xiang, Mang and their 5,000 soldiers begin their journey to the Wang Mountains. Five days later they arrive in the mountains and have to pass the narrow mountain pass of Winxia. The first line of troops is 700 men. They are the vanguard of the army. Because the pass is very narrow, the soldiers march one after the other instead of ten or more men marching together. Behind the 700 men, there are Xiang, Mang and seven other officers, mounting their horses. Behind the officers, there are 4,300 troops.

The army stretches for miles because of the narrowness of the pass. And that is what Xiang is afraid of. When Mang proposes that their men rest for a few hours, Xiang declines for just this reason.

" Mang, my friend, I believe that we are in grave danger. We are vulnerable to the enemy. We are too stretched and if the Communists decide to ambush us now, our forces, even if we outnumber the Communists, will not be able to survive. For our men do not have space to deploy and use the tactics they are trained for. But the Communists know well how to wage guerrilla warfare. So, our troops must march so we can leave this pass as fast as possible."

" Do you really believe that the Communists will attack us now? They do not know where we are and they may not be here is the first place."

As Mang talks with Xiang, a soldiers runs towards Xiang.

"My Commander, Communist forces have attacked our vanguard! They must be 2,000 or more Communists! They come from all sides!! Some of them are on the top of the mountain and they are throwing huge stones and grenades at us!!"

"Dammit!! I told you Mang that this would happen! Hey, troop, tell to all the soldiers to create groups of four men and create small Squares! It is the only ways we can fight the Commies!"

Xiang also sends an other troop to send orders to the soldiers behind.

"Tell the soldiers behind that our vanguard has been attacked and that they should start to orderly retreat."

The soldiers in the vanguard try to form small squares but the narrowness of the pass means that few actually manage to for the small squares. Tens of soldiers die every second. Meanwhile, the troops that are behind the vanguard and have not been attacked yet by the Communists begin an orderly retreat. But as they retreat, they find out that the entrance to the pass is now at the hands of the Communists. Now the army of Xiang is trapped inside the pass and the soldiers have to fight for their lives. They either defeat the Communists and live to fight for an other day or this pass will become their graveyard.

The Nationalist soldiers desperately fight against all the odds. The battle is becoming a vicious hand to hand fight. The Communists and the Nationalists fight as they are squeezed by the narrowness of the pass. Xiang, riding on his horse, shouts to his men.

"Soldiers!! Today you fight for democracy!! Today you fight for freedom!! Today you fight to save your country from the evils of Communism!! Today you fight for your wifes and children, for your friends and your parents!! Today you fight for China!!!!!"

Xiang dismounts his horse and runs against his enemies. A communist soldier tries to shot him, but he misses his target. Xiang, now very close to the soldier, kicks five times the soldier in the stomach and punches his fists seven times in the face of his enemy. The Communist soldier, bleeding, tries to hit Xiang, but Xiang manages to block all the attacks of his enemy and counter-attacks. He grabs the soldier and hits his face to the rock nine times. The soldier is dead. The rock is painted red with the blood of the soldier.

An other Communist soldier aims his weapon on Xiang and is ready to fire, but suddenly Mang pulls out his pistol and fires three times on the soldier, killing him.

"Mang, you found me in the right time!"

"Yes. Now, Xiang, it is time to kick some communist ass!"

Both Xiang and Mang run towards the enemy. Scenes like these are repeated all over the pass, as the pass of Winxia becomes the pass of death. In the end, the better training of the nationalist soldiers and their vast numbers prevail over the surprise of the Communist attack. In the end of the day the Communists retreat, having suffered 700 losses. The Nationalists suffered 1,200 losses. But they have managed to push back the Communists and to locate the position of the Communist army. A few days later, Xiang and his army return back to Fort Tang and inform Chaing of the location of the Communist Army. The mission was a success.

Beiping, July 10th, 1937

"Mang, back then we thought that everything was lost, yet against all odds, we won! We can do it again, my friend!"

"Yes, but Xiang, then we had to face the Commies, now we have to face the Japanese Army, one of the best trained forces in the world. I have belief in you. But I do not think we will be able to win this fight."
Sub post. Will probably make a character to join when I have time, leaning towards Beiping for my location.

Question: Would a blind swordsman like Zatoichi be too "unrealistic" for this NES?
Duel to the Death

Shanghai, April 5th, 1934

Xiang is usually very preoccupied with his military duties and leaves his best students to teach Wing Chun in his schools in Shanghai and Hong Kong. But this April day of 1934, Xiang is teaching himself his students in his school in Shanghai.

"Wing Chun is about hitting your enemy before he can hit you. You try to hit the enemy first instead of trying to wait for him to attack you. You go straight for the face. You--"

As Xiang talks to his students, a tall muscular British enters inside the school and heads towards Xiang.

"Hey, you! Short Chinese guy!! I want to talk to you, little man."

Many of Xiang's students felt very angry. But Xiang tried to be polite.

"What can I do for you, sir?"

"My name is John. I heard that Chinese martial arts are good. So I went all over Shanghai and tried the Chinese martial arts. I have beaten everyone I fought with. Your martial arts are good only for dances!! Hahaha.... now I will beat you and all of your students and then continue beating Chinese martial artists until I prove that you little Chinese guys, who think that your martial arts match our Boxing, know nothing of martial arts."

"Very well. Lee, give this guy a lesson!"

Lee is a small man and his body is not very muscular, but Lee is one of Xiang's best students.

"Yes, master. I will give him a lesson."

Both John and Lee prepare for the fight. Lee strikes first, as he punches his fists seventeen times in the face of his enemy. But, althought bleeding a bit, John has not felt anything.

"Ha! You call this martial arts?! Now I will show you!!"

John tries to hit Lee with his fists, but Lee avoids John's fists. But John manages to grab Lee from his hair.

"Now, I will show you, you little Chinese bastard!!"

John throws Lee to the wall. As Lee tries to get up, John runs towards Lee and kicks him five times in the head. Lee is bleeding and loses his consciousness. John grabs again Lee from his throat with one hand and with the other he hits Lee again and again in the face. He then throws Lee again to the wall. As Lee hits the wall, his back is broken. John then punches his fists in Lee's left leg and breaks it.

Xiang can no longer stand by and see one of his best student being beaten,

"Stop! Come and fight with me!!"

"No! Now that I have started a fight, it will stop only with the mine death or that of my enemy!!"

John then kicks three times Lee's head. Lee is dead.

"How, how could you do this?! How could you kill a man?! Is there no law here?!"

"I am a British. We are big and powerful. I can kill as many Chinese as I want here in Shanghai. What can you Chinese do?! You are a weak nation of weak people!! Hahahaha!"

"Enough you bastard!!! I am going to teach you a lesson!"

"Good. I will have the pleasure of killing one more Chinese!"

Xiang and John prepare to fight. John is the one who begins the fight this time. He tries to grab Xiang, but Xiang avoids John. Xiang then gets closer to John and kicks six times his genetic organs.

"Oh, you Chinese bastard!! I will kill you!!!!"

John kicks Xiang eight times in the stomach. Xiang bleeds, but he takes his revenge. He kicks John's genetic organs other nine times. John, very angry, tries to grab his opponent, but Xiang punches his fists in John's stomach. John starts to bleed. Xiang then kicks fifteen times John's left leg. John falls on the ground. Xiang jumps on his enemy and punches his fists again and again and again in John's face. John's face is painted red with his blood. John shouts in pain but Xiang continues to hit him in the face. He cannot forget Lee's eyes when he was dying in the hands of John. But he also cannot allow himself to fall in the same level as John.

"I have beaten you enough. Now leave!!"


But John, instead of leaving, pulls out a knife and tries to stab Xiang. Xiang, however, dodges the knife. John tries again and this time he manages to stab Xiang's right hand. John then tries to stab Xiang again, but Xiang kicks John's head. John falls on the ground. As John manages to get up, Xiang kicks John again other twenty times in the face. John loses his consciousness. Xiang then grabs John and throws him against the wall. He then grabs him again and does the same thing. This happens for five times. He then grabs John from the head and hits John's face in the wall thirty times. The wall becomes red with John's blood. John is dead.

"The age when foreigners could humiliate us Chinese are gone!!"

OOC: Critique about this and the other story would be appreciated.
Name: Alexei Aleksandrov
Nationality: Russia
Style: Bare-knuckle Boxing and "Sloppy" Piguaquan
Alexei usually sticks to a very rigid form of boxing as a matter of honor and showmanship. However, in very serious situations, Alexei catches opponents off-guard with very quick and unexpected movements that he has picked up on during his limited exposure to Piguaquan.
Signature Techniques:
-Gentleman's Hand- Alexei tenses up and focuses in anticipation of an opponent
s strike. Alexei focuses his qi to negate the blow, or at the very least ignore the pain, and follow up with an alarmingly fast punch (especially as opponents expect their assault to have an effect).
-Storm Palm Strike- Fusing his style of boxing with Piguaquan, Alexei begins to unleash a payload of swift back-palm strikes, each with the power of a haymaker. For a brief moment Alexei can ignore all other distractions to decimate his target, but prolonged use of this technique can be interrupted by others, or by Alexei's own fatigue.
-Far Reaching Hook- Alexei relaxes his body, and then lashes out like a giant whip, his arm extending forward in a clawlike shape. With blinding speed he either catches this outstretched hand on a limb, but other times opponents have been unfortunate enough to have the "claw" hook into eye sockets, or between ribs. Alexei lashes backwards after "hooking" the opponent, ripping apart whatever was hooked.
Character Background: Tall, muscular, but appearing quite lanky when wearing his baggy clothing, Alexei does not radiate or even hint at the power he possesses. Instead, Alexei prefers to appear completely mundane, so as to ensure no more trouble follows him. See, Alexei has a habit of bad luck, and wishes to avoid it from now. Alexei was deported to Siberia after his group was captured by the Reds during the Russian Civil War. He saw the Communists as godless and barbaric, and managed to break out of a labor camp after killing what few guards watched over him. After wandering south with his ragtag group of fellow prisoners, Alexei wandered into China. Mingling amongst local martial artists, Alexei better learned how to protect himself. Numerous scuffles with local militias, bandits, lowlifes, as well as natural disasters, desertion, and Alexei's stoic demeanor have combined to ensure that anyone accompanying Alexei does not remain at his side for long. Nowadays, Alexei seeks some way to turn around his fortune, perhaps joining this new conflict shaping up in the Far East, or maybe just working as muscle for the bigwigs in Shanghai and finding happiness in worldly comforts.
Location: Shangai, probably staying in a hotel or with some family in exchange for work. As long as Alexei has a place to rest when the job is done, he's fairly content.
I imagine Chen as more of a kindly old monk exterior disguising a really quite petty and sarcastic interior. He'll probably evolve Uncleward as he begins to fight and learn that selflessness and proactivity is actually cool and not simply useful for maintaining the facade. Still probably gonna have a talented apprentice who he devotes most of his efforts into humiliating.

@Christos - I didn't originally like the stories flavourwise (particularly the second), but they're actually quite good once I remember the stories that gave this NES inspiration. Would recommend that future stories include our heroes at least occasionally getting hit (and yes, I realize that mine doesn't pass that criticism, so I'll break Chen's leg next story to compensate).
@Patchy: Zatoichi-type things are perfectly acceptable. This NES doesn't demand realism, just a lack of the explicitly fantastical. Zatoichi isn't, you know, realistic in any way, but he's sufficiently realistic for martial arts literature. :p

@Christos: the stories are excellent. I like the use of the present tense (not sure why, it gives it a more actiony feel. I dunno) though you're swapping between past and present tense at points. Still excellent, however!

Because somebody asked, Update 0 will begin when a few more people who expressed interest either post their characters or finish them off. Update 0 will be a setting update - it'll establish where everybody is, what the various NPC armies are doing, and so on.

Because somebody also asked, I'll make a map of Japanese positions in China and post it at some point. But for now, remember that it is July 10, 1937. There are 26,000 Japanese soldiers on the Beiping-Tianjin lines trying to take that city, as well as ~2500 professional Japanese soldiers and ~5000 reservists firmly entrenched in the International district of Shanghai tensely waiting for orders to hold out, evacuate or to furiously defend when the CPPC finally attacks. On top of this there are a few Japanese Navy gunboats and destroyers, along with a single armoured cruiser, anchored in Shanghai.


I am going to have more trouble, but it is early days yet. Him losing shall be part of Jimmy's character development for me.

And I was sort of just trying to make him look like a badass in his first reveal. :p
Grandkhan: I've added my background, my character should now be complete. Tell me if anything is missing. :)
Grandkhan: I've added my background, my character should now be complete. Tell me if anything is missing. :)

Absolutely nothing is, welcome aboard! :)
The tea was adequate, Rin Kimura decided, considering the present company. It would have been excellent tea to the Triad Enforcer sitting across from her, making her wonder why he would waste perfectly good tea on a stranger, let alone a woman of dubious qualities such as herself. Sipping quietly, she waited patiently while the Enforcer, a large doughy lump of a man named Tu Bao, conferred with the three cronies on either side of him.

"...thought you said you took her gun..." Tu Bao whispered loudly enough to carry.

Without a word, Kimura drew her sidearm and slid it across the table. He took a moment to admire it.

" Type 14 Nambu. Walking around with this in Hong Kong might get you hurt," he said, a grin spreading across his stretchy pale face.

"So I've been told," Kimura remarked noncommittally. "Hasn't given me much trouble though."

Tu Bao chuckled darkly, making a slight gesture with his hands, one that he obviously didn't expect her to notice. She feigned checking her watch, easily spotting the orderly standing behind her in the hidden mirror, and began teasing her short black hair. All the subtlety of a battleship, she thought.

"My time is limited, Tu Bao, so I'll be brief. My superiors feel that your skills would be invaluable to their current goals, and they would like to hire your services."

Tu Bao chuckled again. "I see. What do your 'superiors' want us to do, then?" He's humoring me, she decided.

"Information, resources, contacts, bodies," Kimura listed off, draining her tea cup. "In short, anything to make the current government sweat."

"I see..." the portly enforcer mused, picking up the gun to examine it. "And you're offering...?"

"One thousand," Kimura stated. "More if you're successful."

Tu Bao paused, weighing the gun in his thick hands. "That's certainly a tempting offer." He removed the clip and set the gun back down, turning to look at her. "Certainly more than the first two."

"First two?" Kimura said, reaching for the steaming teakettle.

"Twenty years ago, we were approached by the Germans, offering us the same thing. A substantial payment for making British occupation as difficult as possible. Ten years afterwards, it was the British who came to us, asking me personally to work against the others. Tempting, yes, but turned down nonetheless. To accept either would have been disloyal to my betters."

"There is honor among thieves after all," Kimura commented sardonically as she filled the teacup.

"Not everyone's loyalty can be bought, woman," Tu Bao growled, dropping all pretenses of politeness. "I would not betray the Triad by working for your 'empire', not for all the money in Hong Kong."

Another subtle hand movement. Kimura finished pouring the tea, raising slightly off her chair. "I find that...regrettable," she said quietly.

"Enough of your lies," Tu Bao said coldly. "All the Japanese talk of is loyalty and honor, yet they show little of either. I will not stoop to any imperialist scum , and I will not stoop, least of all, to you."

Kimura quietly sipped her tea, then delivered a sharp elbow to the man behind her approaching with the piano wire. The other three thugs jumped to their feet, but not before she brought her arm around, smashing the teapot against the attacker's skull with a crash. He fell to the ground, screaming in agony from the scalding liquid, while Kimura tossed the broken handle aside.

"What a waste..."

The order to attack was hardly necessary, but Tu Bao gave it anyway. The closest brute produced a machete and slashed wide. She easily sidestepped and caught the arm, shoving him backwards into the chair. Tu Bao reached for the gun, but a hard kick sent the table sliding into his stomach, winding him.

"KILL HER, KILL HER!" he wheezed, as though saying it forcefully enough would make it happen. Stepping around the machete wielder, another thug drew his sidearm, an old British Wembley. She deflected the arm before the gun discharged, and easily flipped him into the wooden table, which splintered under the force of the body slam. The third thug dove at her arms outstretched, but three quick jabs to the chest brought him to his knees, where he was finished off with a spin kick to his temples. Tu Bao went for the Nambu again, but Kimura was too fast and swiped the gun off the ruined table, backhanding him back into his chair.

With a cry of rage, the machete wielder charged again. Kimura jumped backwards as the blade nicked the button on her jacket, and caught the arm on the backswing. One sharp twist and arm his snapped like a twig. One good hit with the Nambu and his jaw was broken as well. She released him unceremoniously and he fell to the ground.

"That's enough!"

Tu Bao was on his feet, the Wembley in his hand shaking. Kimura raised the gun in turn, prompting a derisive laugh from the Enforcer.

"The clip is removed, you stupid-"

There was a sharp bark as the gun in Tu Bao's hand shattered, metal shards cutting open his hand. Screaming in pain, he collapsed into the chair, which broke under his weight.

"It's a semi-automatic, idiot," Kimura said, taking care to tread on Tu Bao's bloodied hand. "You forgot the bullet in the chamber." Producing another clip from inside her coat, she loaded the gun and leveled it at his forehead.

"Whore..." Tu Bao hissed up at her.

"Your loyalty can't be bought, so I'll have to extort it," Kimura said coolly. "You will go on as if nothing happened, but you work for me. You will do what I say, when I say, and exactly how I tell you to do it. Breath a word of this to anyone, and you will BEG for death by the time I'm finished with you."

There was murder in Tu Bao's eyes. Kimura pressed the barrel of the gun hard against his temple.


There was a long pause, interrupted by the pathetic whimpering of the tea-scalded minion. Slowly, Tu Bao nodded. Smiling politely, she replaced the gun in its holster. "Thank you for your time. I'm sure our work together will be mutually beneficial." Without another word, she folded her arms behind her back and walked to the door, making sure she avoided the bodies on the way out. Stepping into the late afternoon sun, she shut the sliding door behind her just as a large black vehicle pulled up to the curb. She opened the door and swiftly ducked inside.

"Fahren Sie auf, Hermann," came the order. The speaker was a middle-aged blond man in an expensive suit, holding a plain black briefcase on his lap. He looked over at her, his face an emotionless mask of professionalism.

"Was he compliant?" he asked in Japanese.

"Tu Bao has been recruited," Kimura replied in an equally businesslike tone. "He wouldn't accept the money, so I had to be a bit more aggressive with the negotiations."

"Sehr gut," Arthur Lieberenz said, opening the briefcase with a snap. "But he's a relatively small fish. You'll have a hard time dealing with his superiors." He handed her a sheaf of papers, leaning forward just enough to block from sight the stump that replaced his right arm. "Here are their names, as you requested. How are you planning to persuade them?"

Rin Kimura took out the Namba, examining the grease stains left by Tu Bao's sausage-like fingers. Disdainfully, she wiped it clean with a fine silk cloth.



Name: Rin Kimura
Nationality: Japanese
Style: Jujutsu
Signature Techniques:
Breaker Spin Kick: A jumping spin kick powerful enough to incapacitate.
Typhoon Throw: A strong grapple and throw that uses the enemy's momentum against them, seemingly defying the laws of physics in the process.
Shattering Hand: A brutal attack that uses several precise, powerful strikes to the torso and head to incapacitate an opponent for an extended period of time.

Character Background: A black-haired maiden born in Kyoto, she was the only daughter of a noble family. Her father and uncle doted on her, and in return she picked up some techniques from their preferred hobby: martial arts. When she turned 18, fighting began in China, and a draft went out for all eligible young men. A clerical error meant the Kimura family received a letter as well. Encouraged by her liberal-minded uncle, she masqueraded as a male and responded to the draft, enlisting in a distant location that would be less heavily scrutinized.

She performed admirably in all fields, always volunteering for extra work, until the truth of her gender was revealed. Initially slated for execution, she was saved, oddly enough, by her superiors, who felt that she was too valuable an asset to waste. She was instead transferred to a division of the Kempeitai working in foreign espionage. Perfecting her combat technique through rigorous training, she was finally deployed overseas to Hong Kong, ordered to work with the Triads to establish espionage and instigate civil unrest in the British-occupied city.
Location: Hong Kong
Name: San Shimozawa
Nationality: Japanese
Style: San is a master of Kenjutsu and Iaido, he wields a sword hidden in a cane when fighting.
Signature Techniques:
Surudoi Chōkaku (Keen Hearing) Due to his blindness San's other senses have greatly increased to compensate. In particular his hearing when bolstered with his inner qi allows him to keep track of his enemies while he fights.
Kami No Te (Hand of God) The school of kenjutsu used by San, it emphasizes quick movements and infusing weapons with qi to increase their durability and cutting power. The final technique goes by the same name as the style and involves being able to cut or deflect bullets with a blade.
Hayauchi (Quick Draw) San's skill in iaido is particularly deadly when combined with his hidden sword; he takes pride in being able to dispatch an enemy before they even notice the sword being drawn.
Character Background:
Born on the island of Hokkaido San was orphaned at a young age and raised in a Shinto monastery. Blind since birth San had a greater affinity for sensing qi than any other child the monks had ever seen and attracted the attention of the head monk Shingen. Under his tutelage San learned to use his qi to improve his hearing and be able to "see" where people were by sound alone.
When San turned eighteen he left on a journey that carried him through much of east Asia. Upon seeing the highly divided China and how the feeble nations of Indo-China were under the boot of western powers San began to develop a Pan-Asian ideology. He became convinced that the Asian nations must unite in order to free themselves of the chains imposed by the westerners, but he knew that unification would not come easily, it would require a strong nation to unite all of the Orient and San knew that nation would be Japan. Thus he returned to China and went to Beiping, sensing that the siege would be a major battle that would affect the war, San is determined to do whatever he can to ensure the victory of the Japanese forces.
Location: Beiping (Japanese lines)
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