Lavra is a superb district

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The problem with the OP's statement is that none of the good things about the Lavra are specific to the Lavra except the GP bonus territory thing.

Faith? Appeal? Cool. So does every other Holy Site provide those things.

Half cost? No District slot? Cool. So does every other unique district offer those advantages.

Lavra offers one perk that is unique to the lavra - and it sucks.

Yes but the timing is the key here, while every other district has half cost and no pop requirement, the Holy site being the UD does factor in, as it comes so early and would allow you to kickstart your religion fast.

The fact that its GP tile bonus seems so weak I think its to balance the fact it comes cheap at the early game. Even makes me wonder if we'll see other UD holy sites, later down the road, and if we do, if they'll have to have a weak bonus like the Lavra to balance it out.
The Lavra perk is good because it is part of the overall scheme of Russia's perks with Peter's leadership. The Lavra by itself is weak, but combined with the wider initial city expansion, it is very, very strong. Synergy.
I would've preferred the culture needed to expand the border be given to you when effect is used, but that would be insane in the late game.
The Lavra's unique effect is just okay, but it is more useful when combined with Russia's UA.
The Lavra perk is good because it is part of the overall scheme of Russia's perks with Peter's leadership. The Lavra by itself is weak, but combined with the wider initial city expansion, it is very, very strong. Synergy.
That feels more like anti-synergy, actually. Getting 'more' on top of 'lots' feels like.... so what? Watching various games, cities expand quite comfortably. With a half dozen extra tiles at the start plus natural expansion, a few bonus tiles scattered around just feel random and pointless.,
Yes but the timing is the key here, while every other district has half cost and no pop requirement, the Holy site being the UD does factor in, as it comes so early and would allow you to kickstart your religion fast.

The fact that its GP tile bonus seems so weak I think its to balance the fact it comes cheap at the early game. Even makes me wonder if we'll see other UD holy sites, later down the road, and if we do, if they'll have to have a weak bonus like the Lavra to balance it out.

Eh, as it stands right now the Lavra is only slightly better than a Japanese Holy site - and virtually the only metric that really makes that the case is that you can spam them in any city without worry about the opportunity-costs of district limits. Which, admittedly, is a great bonus. That's a great bonus for every district though.

If we're talking religion - Well at least Japan will give Russia a run for their money on early religion due to fast holy-sites. Greece may very well beat both of them with a Mysticism beeline depending on the timing; On a one-city basis Greece can triple their GPPs with their free wild card slot. Even if they're not first, they'd probably be second due to the rising costs of GPs in the game. Also, Egypt and Aztecs offer competition as well, Aztecs more-so as you can pre-build a builder in anticipation of rushing a holy site while you're teching Astrology.

The Lavra perk is good because it is part of the overall scheme of Russia's perks with Peter's leadership. The Lavra by itself is weak, but combined with the wider initial city expansion, it is very, very strong. Synergy.

Echoing the above poster - I feel like it's redundant. In fact, if this perk existed without the Shoshone ability, I'd probably like it better. Russia is already getting 8 free tiles per city. If you build 10 cities that a potential 80 free tiles. If you get 10, 20, even 30 GPP in the life of the game you barely sneeze on that number. Not that they should be equal, mind you - but the point is that the bonus feels redundant to the point of uselessness, for some.
The problem with the OP's statement is that none of the good things about the Lavra are specific to the Lavra except the GP bonus territory thing.

Faith? Appeal? Cool. So does every other Holy Site provide those things.

Half cost? No District slot? Cool. So does every other unique district offer those advantages.

Lavra offers one perk that is unique to the lavra - and it sucks.
Again as I said it's not the abilities themselves, it's the combination thereof that's important. Only Brazil and Greece get something similar, but they don't have Russia's UA that is also a part of this combination. Only Russia can build a city and be able to build a National Park right away, even if there aren't tiles with required appeal. So for Russia the Lavra is a superb district, it can do wonders for it. Even if there's a civ in the future with a unique Holy Site (I highly doubt it), it won't have the synergy that Mother Russia provides.
It is one tile per great people charge not one tile per great person.

Which great Persons have more than one charge? There are some that create multiple Great Works, but they create them all with one charge I believe.
Everything in your post is just wrong, you have some weird bias since apparently you just don't like how they depicted Russia.

First of all, it makes no sense to compare Russia with Japan, even if you somehow prove that Japan>Russia, it only means that Japan>Russia. Japan might be God tier civ, and Russia still might be top 5 civ in the game.

Second, your first bold is nonsense, Lavra is clearly better since it doesn't take district spot (which you refuse to take into account). It also gets some free tiles, which is not amazing, but still probably worth at least thousand gold.

I don't get the part about islands and so on - that's Japan's UA, so if you want to talk about it, talk about Russia's UA too. Yes, Japan gets great adjacency bonuses, but Russia gets tons of free tiles worth thousands of gold. At this stage, we have absolutely no clue what is better.

Religion - you haven't play a single game, yet you know in bold that Japan has outdone Russia in acquiring religion and generating faith. I'd say we have to see, it seems pretty unlikely. As Russia, you can instantly have Holy Site with +5 adjacency, you only need to place it in tundra, which you are likely to get, and get Dance of the Aurora pantheon, which will most likely be available anytime - not to mention that you can have fastest pantheon with Russia if you want to. Yes, you will need to sacrifice growth for a time, but it can be helped in other ways (with your fast and strong religion, for example).

Finally, getting defense. There are two things on which you mainly spend money in first 50 or so turns - tiles and units. Since you won't be buying any tiles with Russia (or at least extremely less than any other civ), you'll be able to rush buy many more units. Again, I (unlike you) am not sure how it will work in comparison with cheaper Encampment, but saying that Japan will have much better defense is just silly.

EDIT: It is not that relevant, but I don't think you're right about Japan's adjacency. I seriously doubt that it actually stacks up, and they get +1.5 for each district. My guess is that it is +1 only. I might be wrong ofc.

So because I really dislike their approach to their depiction Russia, that means I can't point out the mechanical flaws of the civ? That because there is a bias, I must inherently be wrong?

Japan being better than Russia is relevant though, considering that Japan trumps Russia in the only field Russia can really do moderately well in (religion; culture is another topic altogether).

I like how you outright claim that I refuse to consider the lack of a district spot being taken up by Lavras. I'm fully aware of this - where Russia will be spamming Holy Sites to get their Great Prophet points and, consequently, focusing less on Food to build pop to actually utilize the Faith from tundra, Japan will be building additional districts - however limited - to build those adjacency bonuses, providing Faith of their own. The only edge I would give to Russia would be if they get a pantheon first, and that's assuming they work tundra tiles from turn 1 when they should be working farms on grassland. Speaking of which, Tundras aren't exactly great for building pop; Russia's tundra bias will keep them from good grassland tiles, where Japan's coastal bias will not. This grants Japan the edge in pop and, as such, utilizing every tile and district built in their territory, at least before Russia can.

Considering one city's Lavra will grant only one tile per GP, that's either about 150 average if it's tiles from expending the unit, or 500 on average if it's tiles from expending a charge. Neither are bad, but necessarily good either; I'm more appreciative the Gold the UA will save.

Speaking of which - the Russian UA will save Gold over time, true, but will it be enough to provide a civ with proper defense? Especially a wide civ, which will put more of a strain on your treasury. Plus you'll be wanting to spend that Gold on GP when your Faith isn't enough.

Japan, meanwhile, has literally direct combat bonuses thanks to Hojo's ability, plus the quicker acquisition of Encampments means you're at least guaranteed some raw form of defense. Russia is more up in the air - it's up to how the saved gold gets spent and acquired.

Where does that +5 adjacency come from, hm? Holy Sites get adjacencies from forests and districts (+0.5), mountains (+1), and natural wonders (+2). The only thing close to a guarantee from that is forests, as tundra tend to have those - and even then, at best that's assuming an all-tundra terrain with all forests surrounding the Lavra. That would give +3 Faith from six surrounding tiles in the best case scenario, whereas Japan can guarantee +3 Faith in their Holy Sites for every two adjacent districts, with no need for the best case scenario from terrain. Meanwhile, an all tundra region would severely hinder growth in Russia's city and thus less pop to work the tundra in order to generate Faith, whereas Japan is far less likely to be in such a position and can get a steady pop.

On Dance of the Aurora, that will undoubtedly boost Russia's Faith output for sure. But where Russia will have to spend time founding cities, spamming Lavras, fighting defensive early game wars, and slowly getting citizens in their cities, Japan can secure itself with its direct defensive bonuses and better starting terrain, building up their religion over time and setting up proper infrastructure that will later be boosted even further with the Electronics Factory.

As for the possible incorrect stats for Japan: I think there's gameplay out there of Japan so it would be worth checking to see if district adjacency is boosted at all.
science or culture victory like the video suggests while being farther away from everyone else as you sit on the top or bottom of the map in tundra and quietly doing your own thing and turtled. i think that is why it is better then say brazil and rain forests. you are probably going to be in the middle of the map with brazil and have more neighbors.
Which great Persons have more than one charge? There are some that create multiple Great Works, but they create them all with one charge I believe.

No they dont. They create them one at a time (source: Marbozir Lets play). It seems that Great Artists create 3 works, Great Musicians and Great Writers create 2.
Which great Persons have more than one charge? There are some that create multiple Great Works, but they create them all with one charge I believe.

Artists, Writers and Musicians create their works on separate turns (creating a GW ends their turn). Many Engineers have two charges, and some Merchants as well. I don't think we have seen any Scientists with multiple charges.
To be honest, all of the bonuses to unique districts that other Civs have (not counting Baths and Neighborhood since those aren't normal districts) seem kind of mediocre too. I think Hanse just provides additional production for Commercial Hub adjacency and Acropolis is 1 culture instead of .5 from district adjacency and +2 from City Center in exchange for having to be built on a hill? The fact that they don't use pop requirements and especially the reduced production cost seem like the real benefits.

The Lavra still bugs me a little because it seems like it forces you to use GP in cities that have a holy site and the extra tiles are overshadowed pretty badly by the UA, but oh well.
No they dont. They create them one at a time (source: Marbozir Lets play). It seems that Great Artists create 3 works, Great Musicians and Great Writers create 2.
Artists, Writers and Musicians create their works on separate turns (creating a GW ends their turn). Many Engineers have two charges, and some Merchants as well. I don't think we have seen any Scientists with multiple charges.
OK, that makes sense now... which means that the Lavra is even better for 'cultural' great persons (a good representation for Russia's cultural contributions) [and I do like the idea that the extra tile is where the Great Person gets exiled to]
I have a question. Is the border expansion still tied to culture output of the city? I see no indication either way.

But if it still is, then Lavra's bonus is stronger than it may seem at first. Consider that, unless going for havy culture strategy, multiple cities can have no culture output other than Monument.
I have a question. Is the border expansion still tied to culture output of the city? I see no indication either way.

But if it still is, then Lavra's bonus is stronger than it may seem at first. Consider that, unless going for havy culture strategy, multiple cities can have no culture output other than Monument.
Population produces culture in civ6 (although a tiny amount ~0.3 culture per population)

However, the point that border expansion is slow is still important
Would be a lot cooler and more thematic and useful if Lavra provided 1 GP of respective type point for each adjacent district. If 1gp point is to much, then maybe 0.5?

Russia have produced tons of scientists, engineers, musicians, writers and artist during the last 300 years. Our maybe they should get gpp from trade routes instead?

I think they are almost OK power wise right now but a tad boring.
To be honest, all of the bonuses to unique districts that other Civs have (not counting Baths and Neighborhood since those aren't normal districts) seem kind of mediocre too. I think Hanse just provides additional production for Commercial Hub adjacency and Acropolis is 1 culture instead of .5 from district adjacency and +2 from City Center in exchange for having to be built on a hill? The fact that they don't use pop requirements and especially the reduced production cost seem like the real benefits.
The city centre only provides +1 to Acropolis. At best Acropolis can give you +3 more culture than a regular Entertainment District, though in practice it is more likely to be +1 or +2 most of the time. And as you mention, it comes with the penalty of having to be built on a hill, which is a waste of a good tile to work. Even if the Lavra isn't the best UD, it could be argued that it is better than Acropolis. And both of those seem to be better than Brazil's Carnival district. Though I would still take Brazil's Carnival district over America's Film Studio any day.
I think the interesting part is that Russia's faith generation can easily snowball out of control under the right circumstances, GP faith buying doesn't seem like it would be very hard with them, heck you'll probably even have an easier time buying them with gold due to your savings on tiles, specially GP with several charges to make the Lavra's bonus count.

I think Russia can grow into a monster if left alone for too long.
Russia can grow into a faith monster? What would Stalin, Putin, or Catherine the Great have to say about that I wonder.
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