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Lets Make a Deal #1: Possible trade deals


May 28, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona
Here are some possible deals ive researched but couldnt post in time for this turn chat. I like our high money deals and the possibility of getting nationalism since it looks like we are not researching this at all. Personally i like riflemen(less money for upgrades :)), but the mobilization trait for our civ would be good too.
Possible Trade Deals


They Offer		We Offer
Nationalism		Medicine
82 gold			Electricity

They Offer		We Offer
6 gpt			Magnetism
20 gold

They Offer		We Offer
WM			Scientific Method

They Offer		We Offer
WM			Dyes
4 gpt
40 gold

They Offer		We Offer
WM			Dyes
11 gpt			Electricity
3 gold

They Offer		We Offer
WM			Wines
Gems			Electricity
14 gold

They Offer		We Offer
WM			Medicine
23 gpt
80 gold

Anybody and everybody chime in and lets see if we can get this closed up for the next chat.
Go for the Persian one because we will be getting the ToE in a couple turns and i don't know how they will beat us to it.

Go for the japan one because we can always use the extra gold.
Whatever you do, don't trade Sci Meth, Atomic Theory and Electronics to anyone. Also refrain from trading Electricity. Those trades harm the chances of nailing both the US - wonder and the HD - wonder.

Conehead: Sci-Meth is an essential tech to research Atomic Theory. Let's not help our competitors in the Wonders-battle.

If I look closely, I like hardly any trades.

Greece: No, Nationalism isn't worth 2 techs.
England: Too risky, perhaps they get destroyed soon.
Persia: Yeah, let's shoot ourselves in the foot.
Aztecs: Well this is an exception; I think this is trade we should do.
Babs: They offer too few and we have to be careful about trading Electricity. I'd like to hold tech trades till after US and Hoover are build.
Russia: same reason as Babs.
Japan: They offer too few.

Let the opponentss assemble money so we can make more profit selling the techs we get from ToE After US is buils and HD is build and the cascade has died
I agree with Rik. Lets keep the tech to ourselves until both wonders are complete.
I would say go with the English and Aztec deals...
we will more than likely defeat other civs for universal sufferage, so i dont see why we cant trade for nationalism. As for Sci method, big deal if a civ gets it, we will have already owned and revieved the techs from ToE for it to not make a difference, plus we get nationailsm without researching it. I think Espionage is essential if we ever decide to wage another war in this era. And having the mobilization exploit is a good excuse as well

I think the concern is coming from how tight the current wonder race is. Persia is 29 turns away from completing US, which is the same cost as Hoover's. Gorina can easily beat Persia to Suffrage. The trick is to get to Suffrage before Persia researches Electronics, and break the cascade. Any techs we give them at this point at least has the potential to help them by reducing the total number of techs they can research. Even if it's an optional tech, it's one more that they might have researched, but got somewhere else.

Until we get closer to completing US, and forcing Persia to build something useless, I'd like to keep the tech trading away from any Industrial Age techs. I would like to investigate Persepolis in 20 turns and use the information from that and the techs Persia doesn't have to get an idea of their situation. At that point, if we are confident of reaching US before Persia can get Electronics, I would support maxing out our trade opportunities.

Given the value the AI places on AT and E, trading them at some point (like a few turns before we get HD!) should yield us some huge returns! Germany and Persia especially look like good targets.

-- Ravensfire, President of Fanatica
I would like to refrain from tech trading at this point, as even if we trade it to a civ we think is harmless with the technology, it could fall into the wrong hands, because we all should know that the AI trade among themselves. I would however like to trade AT and E when possible, see ravensfire's post above.

Also, because of wonders, tech trading isn't the best thing right now.
Given the value the AI places on AT and E, trading them at some point (like a few turns before we get HD!) should yield us some huge returns!
I agree, But don't don't don't trade AT and E some turns before HD is finshed. That would sink our chances of getting both wonders. The essential part of the plasn is to finish the US before the Persians have Electronics. And for further protection against Leader rushes, refrain from helping any civilization by trading Sci Meth, At and E. We'd be kicking ourselves if we loose HD because of some lump gold or some gpt for trading Electronics when an opponent gets a Leader and rushes Hoover Dam.

The turn Hoover decides to live in Fanatica is the turn we can sell around AT and E. Not before.

These matters have to be timed and coordinated perfectly and with delicate planning. Greed is a bad advisor here.
Rik is correct, the timing is critical. Any trades involving technologies of the Industrial Age should not be made until we have built US and confirmed that the cascade is broken. This means we must make sure that Persia has switched to, and completed, a city improvement with all the shields they have put into their build.

Then and only then should be look into trading technologies.

-- Ravensfire
then the only trade that i found we can do aside from renewing the current ones is the Aztec trade.
Fionn, are there any trades out there that can net us an extra Luxury? We have some cities on the verge of revolt right now, and it would be easier to get an extra lux than to scramble to the aid of 4-5 cities. :)
yes if we trade a tech we can get another luxury, but ill check with latest save as my information.

trading medicone or a middle age tech will not hurt us in any way. especially since the AI hardly tries to research Sanitation opting to trade for it and research techs like RP, MP, and flight
What would our cost be in gold for a lux from another civ?
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