Liberate outpost -> free city "exploit"


Dec 4, 2005
Maybe this has been mentioned here before, but I only grasped the significance of it today (yes I am slow).

If you found an outpost, you can "liberate" it once it finishes (from the "all cities and outposts" screen top right). So why would you ever want to do that? well, at least on humankind difficulty, the outpost turns into a city immediately the next turn - and what's worse is that city is completely undefended, size zero city. You can literally waltz right in and capture it the next turn with a scout!

The possibilities this gives is endless. It means for example that you could have 3 cities at turn 10 for the cost of just 2 outposts (first city is free) - if you want. Or you could have 10 cities at turn 15 (somewhat impractical with the city limit, but new "ignore influence" city spam strategies are emerging). Basically, you will never pay influence for creating a city ever again if you are willing to use this trick.

Yes, you could capture size 0 cities with the "free people" cities that spawn around turn 25. But then you can get cities in sub-optimal locations, and you have to find them in the "sweet spot" before they start getting population and thus militias, making taking them over harder.
Can you still do the thing where you repeatedly capture and liberate cities multiple times each turn and they build a quarter every time? Combine the 2 exploits and you can have a free *developed* city in every territory.
Can you still do the thing where you repeatedly capture and liberate cities multiple times each turn and they build a quarter every time? Combine the 2 exploits and you can have a free *developed* city in every territory.

I had to check this, so I did. Yes, that happens. First a farmers quarter, then a makers quarter, both in the same turn after a couple of liberations. That's really silly....

While you don't have to use those exploits, I hope they fix them soon, the temptation is just too great, esp. the first one (why pay for cities when you can get them for free :) )
The Spiffing Brit made a fun video with this exploit. Worth watching imho.
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