Light In The East: Civs Of The Orient(And Beyond)

Natan, how many times were you dropped as a baby?

EDIT: Don't answer that. I want to retain some vestiges of sanity.

How did you get to the conclusion that babies speak English?
More importantly, how can a baby open a forum account?
The answer is 1. time too much mwhahahahahhahahaha,haha,hahahahahahhaha and such.
Natan, how many times were you dropped as a baby?

EDIT: Don't answer that. I want to retain some vestiges of sanity.

Brother Civtar read no more I feel presence of heresy within the scripture, this man's mind is shrouded with heresy only vile enough for Tzeentch, his words are not sane but penetrate thy mind and fill it with evil and destruction! ask Sigmar for guidance brother too many have fallen!

Sorry too much Call of Warhammer/Rage of the Dark Gods. :lol:

But for real Nathen limit yourself, you are not making a whole lot of sense.
Brother BttLsht (Sigmar only knows how close I came to typing Battlehorsehocky), this man's mind is not shrouded in heresy - it is a heresy in itself, which can only come from that dread realm beyond the Lynsk. And reading nothing more is not sufficient - these pages must be burnt and the ashes flung into a coffer lined with wyrdstone and flung into the sewers...
(based on Warhammer Fantasy lore, how well do you think that's going to end?:hide:)

Head on over to my thread if you like Warhammer Fantasy.;) We got priests and Chaos and galore.

And now, let's stop hijacking Light in the East for fictional theological discussions of the inside of Natan's head, in the hopes that poor regalman and COF have not yet been driven into hiding by the fireworks...
I like the infographic, though I still think the civ colors should appear somewhere...
I really do not like the new map in the OP though - seems to me that the pattern needs not to overlap with the land... and it makes it hard to see the outlines of forthcoming civs, particularly the Ainu...
Bengal/Bangladesh hype!

The thing says "Deccan Plain", and I'm fairly certain that the sea shown is the Bay of Bengal. =]
Darn, Scapegrace beat me too it by about 20 minutes :lol:

It is most definitely Bengal (or at least something near it), the rivers in the hint match up with ones on some maps of India.
Decca! The capital of Bangladesh!mwhahahahahah
Of all people, BttLsht got my name wrong... :p

hype train eastern line:
Next station:
That's Dhaka you're thinking of.

A repeat of my guess for what the Civ will look like is in order, I think, so here it is!


Bangladesh (Sheikh Hasina)
Start Bias: Rivers/Marsh (or something)
Capital: Dhaka
UA: Land Of Rivers
Cities on a River gain a +25% bonus to incoming and outgoing Trade Route output (whether :c5gold: Gold, :c5food: Food, or :c5production: Production). +1% :c5food: Growth and +1 :c5faith: Faith per two River Tiles in workable range of your Cities.
UU: Toofangchi (replaces Musketman)
Slightly lower :c5strength: Combat Strength than the Musketman it replaces, but starts with Amphibious and Medic I. Additionally, has a unique promotion allowing it to generate Influence with the nearest Friendly or Allied City-State per kill.
UB: Hat (replaces Market)
+1 and +25% :c5gold: Gold. +1 :c5gold: Gold from incoming and outgoing Trade Routes. 1 Merchant Slot. +2 :c5gold: Gold, +1 :c5culture: Culture and +1 :c5faith: Faith per City-State connected to your Trade Network by a Road, rising to +3/+2/+2 after Combustion is discovered.


At least, that's something I think might happen and was posted in this thread last year.

(geddit cause we're only in january now this is why people throw stuff at me when i do standup comedy like tomatoes and rocks and hand grenades)
Decca! The capital of Bangladesh!
Actually Deccan is the name of a plateau in the middle of India. The area of the map in the hint is about halfway between the northern tip Sri Lanka and Bengal.
Though that gets me thinking if it's something a bit further away from Bengal or something that stretches further across the map.
Or maybe I'm over thinking it and the hint's just the bottom left corner of the map for Bengal :lol:
Hm. Well then. I've got no idea. Damn.
Hrm, maybe the Sikh Empire, but the name Deccan being placed closer to the coast means something might be in or reaching into the middle of the continent...

I'd otherwise say Bahamanis but a certain map posted a while back says otherwise.
Hrm... just what is that underneath the Sikhs? Hrm...! :crazyeye:

The closest guess I'd have is the Indo-Scythian Kingdom, but that doesn't seem right. Argh just what is it! :crazyeye:
Could be Orissa or someone, I don't recall them being in the India split, it could be the Bahmanis, as you say, and it could be one of the Indo-Greek ones, or it could be further north... there's a lot of options here. =/
Hopefully, those arent just options.... ;)
I like the infographic, though I still think the civ colors should appear somewhere...
I really do not like the new map in the OP though - seems to me that the pattern needs not to overlap with the land... and it makes it hard to see the outlines of forthcoming civs, particularly the Ainu...

The pattern will be uncovered as soon as the Ainu come out.

Natan & Scapegrace, one of you has guessed the correct one :D. Now go figure
Great Sri Lanka!
No way the mystery civ is Bangladesh because this area wan't marked in the map that was posted in previous pages
Okay... has this civ been done before?
Is the territory that civ ruled over belongs to more then one country today?
Was the civ close to the Bengal Sea?(that sea between Burma and India)
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