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LINESII- Into the Darkness- Part II

Goddamn you for your lies Farow! But I'm not finished yet, and I intend to return the favor...
Amazing Update, I'm printing it to read at school, but from the map, well done. Its 14 freakin' pages!

Lightfang, the insane bloody ruthless Master who convinced you to go to war was Evern IV Willipi, Evern III was his sadistic father who beat him and his mother and siblings regularly, thus causing IV's sociopathic tendencies. He dissaccociated human life and worth when he was young. Thusly he ad no problem sending tens of thousands of Swade to their death in every battle, or genociding and entire people.


From: Otaria
To: The Warring World

We wish for peace. The Ascendancy is overthrown, and we are not them. We are peaceful and cultured Bladeists, valueing the half-aspect of the Blademaster The Ascendancy ignored. Thusly, we sue for peace. Let us keep and live upon our little Islands, and the mainland can be yours. Let us live here in peace, and the Swade are no longer a problem, only a partner. We disavow the Extinction Doctrine as flawed and declare is Heresy. The brutal reign of the Wilipi's is over, let this war end as well.
The Image of Noble Valins is gone, because a dagger in the dark is worth as much as a thousands swords at dawn. I will reclaim what is rightfully mine. (tropical fruit)
Not quite, Kal. I think Gorin's have seen more bloodshed. I mean, entire peoples have vanished... :rolleyes:
Tristaria/Nkondi/Gerber area was more violent.

Dula-Hathran destroyed, Gargari Destroyed, Aney-Tigot massively damaged (All by Eldrania), Eldrania destroyed, Gerbers and Moguls fight a bunch of foolish wars, Gerbers destroy Tristaria, Lengels invade Nkondi, Gerbers destroy Shalamari and are devastated by the Shalamari counterattack, Gorin Genocides the Gerbers... and the area is still largely uninhabited today.
The Aftermath

Jarel was the highest ranking officer stationed in Kelios, but before the Most Revered and the Guides, he bowed his head in honor.

Saereen rose. “I speak with the voice of all the Guides, and the voice of the Council. Captain-General, tell me, what has happened today in the streets of this very city? I hardly believed my eyes, and the tales less, yet by your cloak, they would seem to be true.”

A streak of red marred the perfect cream of Jarel’s cloak of office.

“Revered One—”

“There will be no need for titles, Jarel.” Saereen was sharper than usual. She softened her tongue for the next words. “I want to hear your story. I know you well, and you are not such a flowery man as to shower me with ‘Revered One’ and ‘High Guide’. Perhaps you believe that only one of the military can stomach the tale? I was in the army once, yes, long ago. Few remember. Continue.”

“Yes. There was a riot in the streets, this you must have seen from the Council building. Divotheists, out in force against your banishment of their priests. They seized good citizens of this city.” At this there was a gasp from the assembled. Jarel continued unheeding, “And threatened to kill them if their voodoo artists were not returned.”

“There is blood on your cloak, Captain-General. You engaged them?”

“Yes. It was a messy business. There were near on a thousand of them, possibly nearly the entire Divotheist population of the city. The Street of the Chandlers is slick with blood, but the bodies have been hauled away.”

“Good. Better that their pestilence in death do less harm than their folly in life. You killed them all, to be sure?”

“I believe so. We cannot be certain. The populace panicked and ran hither and thither. Some may have escaped among them. I have set monitors in known Divotheist neighborhoods to watch for those trying to sneak back.”

“You have done well. And your losses were not great, I hope? I am only aggrieved that it has come to war in Kelios before war abroad.”

“I am saddened to lose any soldier, High Guide.” Saereen snorted at the title. Jarel plowed ahead, “Our losses were few, yet I knew the four deceased as if they were brothers, as I know all of my soldiers. Their bodies are being prepared and will be sent to their widows and widowers before the day is through. The other, I thought I knew. He tried to join the rioters. His body will be burned in their pyre.”

“I am as saddened to hear of the loss of four of Kelios’s finest as you are to deliver the news, Captain-General. Remember, of course, their pay will continue to go to their widows and widowers for a year following today. I am afraid some of our commanders have developed leaky memories on that reform.”

“Be certain that I did not forget. I ask of you leave to return to the barracks, High Guide. The men will expect another speech, and I must deliver.”

“Yes, you must. Go now, you have my leave. You have done a great service for the Path today. We have been too lenient with these Divotheists who deny.”

Jarel left. In the bright light of the Hall of the High Guide, Saereen allowed herself a slight smile. It has begun. Now I must call the Council.
Tristaria/Nkondi/Gerber area was more violent.

Dula-Hathran destroyed, Gargari Destroyed, Aney-Tigot massively damaged (All by Eldrania), Eldrania destroyed, Gerbers and Moguls fight a bunch of foolish wars, Gerbers destroy Tristaria, Lengels invade Nkondi, Gerbers destroy Shalamari and are devastated by the Shalamari counterattack, Gorin Genocides the Gerbers... and the area is still largely uninhabited today.

I beg to differ. Gerber did not destroy Shalamari as much as the opposite. Still, thanks for supporting me. :)
lurker's comment: You should be grateful to me, otherwise we as a region would have had two genocides less. ;) Nevertheless, I think that Kal'thzar was reffering to the battlefields; whereas genocides occured over a much wider area, and in a somewhat more disparate fashion outside of the cities.
He said he owned the 'bloodiest fields'.

I believe that is most accurately interpreted as the place where the most people died.
He said he owned the 'bloodiest fields'.

I believe that is most accurately interpreted as the place where the most people died.

Ditto. And I acutually agree with you, das. I was getting a bit beat with Shalamari at the end. A glorious crashing end is far better than slowly resigning to the creeping lack of interest. ;) Although I feel my golden age could've lasted a bit longer... (meh)
You get 15 minutes like everyone else...
He said he owned the 'bloodiest fields'.

But how many genocided people actually died in the fields? I suppose that if the Gorinese simply charged around and cut down whatever peasants they saw in the fields, but thats not the disciplinned and brutally-organised Gorinese way, is it? And it wouldn't have been effective enough. Whereas my little massacres were primarily urban, from what I recall.
The most people per area died in the region between Gerbers, Nkondi, and Eldrania. That's my last word on this.

Unless someone continues the discussion. :p
From: Oceanus Selenica
To: The Valin Republics

As commander of the largest remaining allied army, I hereby order all Valin forces, and request that all Ardanese forces, temporarily cease hostilities with Khemri. I and my officers will maintain temporary control over the government until a new Assemblum is convened, according to the law set down in the Act of Vandrios.

From: The Valin Republics of Veritas
To: The United Kingdom of Khemri and Kehexou

Our nation and resources are exhausted from war. Despite your face-saving gesture at Swade, your main ally and dependency is gone. However, we fully realize that the Valin Republics will not defeat Khemri in war, and that is no longer our goal.

We propose a peace treaty. We will recognize the majority of Old Veritas as Khemran territory, in return for ceding us the Holy Island of Veritas, and the city of Salvation, just across the strait. The Order of the White Rose will disband, and no longer operate within Khemran territory. We will encourage all potentially rebellious Valins to emigrate to the Valin Republics, thus preventing any chance of rebellion in your territories in the future.

We hope that peace can be achieved between our nations.

From: Oceanus Selenica
To: Otaria

We understand your situation, and agree that the evil doctrines of the insane Swade must be reversed, and their damage undone. However, you are currently occupying sovereign territory of the Valin Republics, and we will reclaim the island of Exilsium.

We wish only for friendship with your people, and if you agree, we will provide Valin ships to find a fertile land in the far East or South for your people to settle in.
That's it! Cuiv is the scapegoat of next round! :D
Thats one long update.
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