Live civ v mp faq


Oct 11, 2010

Post any question you may have regarding CIV V MP in this thread and me or (I hope) other experienced CIV V MP players will try to answer them. I will also try to copy the most relevant questions from this thread over time into the “sticky” MP guide.
How to increase AI difficulty in MP?

Here is a thread where this is discussed.

The main poits thought is that if all spots are filled by human players, Changing dificulty wont really matter except when it comes to how tough the barbs are and some City state producction levels...

If however you have some spots filled with AI players and just some with real humans the AI level will just as in single player makes a difference.

To change AI difficulty in Multiplayer. Just choose an AI in one of the spots when creating a multiplayer game and choose difficulty for that pericular AI.
Here is a thread where this is discussed.

The main poits thought is that if all spots are filled by human players, Changing dificulty wont really matter except when it comes to how tough the barbs are and some City state producction levels...

If however you have some spots filled with AI players and just some with real humans the AI level will just as in single player makes a difference.

To change AI difficulty in Multiplayer. Just choose an AI in one of the spots when creating a multiplayer game and choose difficulty for that pericular AI.

I don't think you can do this...difficulty is changed on a per player basis, not per AI. In fact, you cant alter AI difficulties.

I'm not sure how to change the difficulty, but this isn't it.

BTW, the AI technically always plays on the same level, which is roughly Chieftain. Yet I don't understand why they get more free stuff when you change your difficulty level in singleplayer, but nothing happens in multiplayer. :crazyeye:
I m faar from an expert when i comes to the AI. In MP I only play humans and only SP a few times to try out new builds. Anyhow I do know that u are correct in one thing. the AI never gets smarter (goes for both MP and SP) at higher dificulty. It only recives bonuses. In MP, and I am not sure about that, the AI wont recive the same bonus as in SP. However I am quite certain there is a thread somewhere discussing the matter and I think that the cconclusion was that in MP the AI do recive some growth, happines and produccion bonus if u set it at higher level....
Hmmm. I still don't think you can 'set the AI' in multiplayer. I think you can only reduce the bonuses of the humans. Like barbarian bonus, starting happiness (if below Prince), the ability to get workers/settlers from ruins (below Prince?), and...isn't there something else? I don't remember.
I haven't played any MP at all apart from one game where everyone left 30 turns in (which turned me off MP altogether), however I am curious to get back into it with the upcoming expansion.

What are the realistic victories that can be acheived in MP?

Every LP or story that I read about for MP games are always about everyone fighting everyone else.

Is it feasible to win a Culture or Diplo victory in MP??
I haven't played any MP at all apart from one game where everyone left 30 turns in (which turned me off MP altogether), however I am curious to get back into it with the upcoming expansion.

What are the realistic victories that can be acheived in MP?

Every LP or story that I read about for MP games are always about everyone fighting everyone else.

Is it feasible to win a Culture or Diplo victory in MP??

Victories: for most part only domination, in NQ style ffa I guess science is also possible. But i mostly play league games so probably better if an NQ player answers that, League games (civplayers) I d say domination in 99,99999% of the games (for info about NQ and Civplayers look at the MP guide)
It certainly depends on how many players there are, their playstyles, and how good they are.

If there are only 2 players, domination is prevalent. (Unless of course neither player wants to conquer the other)

If there are more players, then diplomacy starts to matter in that people can ally against the runaway domination player. Weaker civs (militarily) can try to find protectors that are not strong enough to conquer them (without the military leader backstabbing mid-war) but want to keep the balance of power so that the domination player can't win.

Map type can help divide the number of players up so that domination is once again king because it is just multiple small duels everywhere. But then it is possible to have the diplomacy stalemate late game, and thus science wins.

I doubt culture or diplomacy is ever very likely to win. Both would essentially be time victories. Have a military strong enough to defend against everyone at once (even your allies. If you are about to win, they will not hesitate to kill you) or enough money to suddenly buy all the CS.

In singleplayer, winning as fast as possible feels rewarding. But in multiplayer, it is hard to win at all. You can't one-trick pony your way to a science, culture, or diplomacy victory. You always have to put something into military (unless nobody else does. But in that case, why didn't you go into military and win with domination?).

Why is military the area you always have to put some focus in? Because it is the only area where your opponent can actively HURT you. Them getting policies or techs never affects you directly (only through military or wonders), and them building wonders doesn't actively hurt you (besides possibly wasting your production).
i played a nq 6 conts ffa, and eygpt won culture due to being isolated wonderspam while the other 2 civs perma war on his cont. other wars on other cont prevent an effective late game scramble to stop him. 1 other civ was 5 or so turns fro mscience win at the time of culture win.
i played a nq 6 conts ffa, and eygpt won culture due to being isolated wonderspam while the other 2 civs perma war on his cont. other wars on other cont prevent an effective late game scramble to stop him. 1 other civ was 5 or so turns fro mscience win at the time of culture win.

And this is where player skill/playstyle comes into play. It should be easy for good players to see that Egypt is going to win culturally (or at least want to take his juicy wonders with burial tombs! I mean, c'mon) and make a truce to prevent that. At least to try. They may all not trust the others to not backstab once victory is secured (or rather, removed from Egypt's grasp), and thus the attack will be half-assed, but at least they should try.
And this is where player skill/playstyle comes into play. It should be easy for good players to see that Egypt is going to win culturally (or at least want to take his juicy wonders with burial tombs! I mean, c'mon) and make a truce to prevent that. At least to try. They may all not trust the others to not backstab once victory is secured (or rather, removed from Egypt's grasp), and thus the attack will be half-assed, but at least they should try.

Yeah that's pretty funny, it should have dawned on those players that "Egypt has completed the ......." being spammed 20 times during match meant he was rushing to a culture win.

It's interesting though that the 2 other players could call a truce, focus their military on taking down Egypt and then resume their war when he's eliminated. That's dynamic strategism that just doesn't exist in SP.
Yeah that's pretty funny, it should have dawned on those players that "Egypt has completed the ......." being spammed 20 times during match meant he was rushing to a culture win.

It's interesting though that the 2 other players could call a truce, focus their military on taking down Egypt and then resume their war when he's eliminated. That's dynamic strategism that just doesn't exist in SP.

Exactly. That's because the AI can't handle it. And no, that's not because the AI is bad, its because the game is complicated!

And one thing the AI does do excellently is if it were to call that truce, they would constantly be preparing to backstab their "partner". The problem with that is that many players play singleplayer because they DON'T want to be competitive like that. They want to play a nice game, and the AI doesn't play nice ;) So then they are surprised when the AI backstabs them, and take it as "the AI is ridiculous, they declared war for no reason!"
It s a bit funny thought how an MP FAQ turned into discussing AI. Makes my knowledge kind of obsolete. I thought the reason to play mutliplayer was to not have to deal with the stupid AI but play with and against real humans. For me, personaly a MP game containing more than zero AI, then someone has quit, and thats not good...

I do understand that some people for casual games like to team up against AI. I justthink teaming up against another team of humans i more fun.
ok so we established that dom win is most likely

lets discuss it further:

1. how to win dom in ffa taking into account that after you take down the first civ with classical/ medieval unit the other civs will be aware of you and may gang up. Rush to arty then keep pushing? sit back and try to out build once stalemate?

2. How to win in duel skirmish? how to tailor start if playing a top 10 player vs average league player?

3. I played east vs west 2v2 other day. i was eygpt spammed 10 city all size 9 ish. teammate was iroq had only 3 city size 15 cap size 10 and size 7. vs inca and aztec with 3 main city each. They planned pyure defence army to go sci win. We planned to attack and win dom. We hit arty a few turn before them and with my massive hammer advantage decided to spam arty and rifles / lancer to support with 4 frigate vs 2 , but they have himeji and enough arty and rifle to defend as we land so we pull back and build to nuke. We nuke and fast move to capture 1 or their 2 coastal city - built late on a junk city.
We have 10 turns of nuke before they get nukes as they go for sci techs first and we spam nuke and tank. but now we have the junk coastal city and start to save nuke for cap, we nuke cap down to size 4 but now they have nuke also, we quickly atttack cap and get to 3 hp but cannot take it as they have himeji and tank to defend, it isa very close.
but now it is a messy nuke fest and all the units i make has ruined my gold and science is stopped, we planned to win with the nukes. Now we save nukes for one more try, i have 4 in the city and tanks ready to follow up and then i am nuked and my 4 nukes are gone (((( they can defend us easily and win sci so we concede gg.
my analysis was that himeji saved them. Also iro my teammate had only 3 city and 4th in hammers, so maybe my estimate that we had significantly superior hammers to push was wrong.
any ideas?
It s a bit funny thought how an MP FAQ turned into discussing AI. Makes my knowledge kind of obsolete. I thought the reason to play mutliplayer was to not have to deal with the stupid AI but play with and against real humans. For me, personaly a MP game containing more than zero AI, then someone has quit, and thats not good...

I do understand that some people for casual games like to team up against AI. I justthink teaming up against another team of humans i more fun.

Yes, which is exactly what I said in my "People play singleplayer because they want a nice game, and the AI doesn't play nice" statement. If you want a competitive game, play with humans. If you want a casual game, play with the AI. If you just want to see how badly you can abuse the AI, then play on Deity. At that point you are no longer playing civ.

If I could, I would always play against humans. But civ is a game that takes a very long time (or at least people think it does. I have completed games in less than 2 hours on Standard) so it is hard to get people to play. And it is complicated enough that skill discrepancies are a big deal. I have few friends who play civ, maybe 15. Only about half of those are willing to multiplayer, and it is hard to get them all to sit down for a session. So we get on average 6 people. Then only 1 is anywhere near my skill level, 2 are trolls, and the other 2 are new to the game. So it goes back to being a stompfest like it is vs the AI, but AT LEAST THEY DON'T CHEAT.

ok so we established that dom win is most likely

lets discuss it further:

1. how to win dom in ffa taking into account that after you take down the first civ with classical/ medieval unit the other civs will be aware of you and may gang up. Rush to arty then keep pushing? sit back and try to out build once stalemate?

2. How to win in duel skirmish? how to tailor start if playing a top 10 player vs average league player?

3. I played east vs west 2v2 other day. i was eygpt spammed 10 city all size 9 ish. teammate was iroq had only 3 city size 15 cap size 10 and size 7. vs inca and aztec with 3 main city each. They planned pyure defence army to go sci win. We planned to attack and win dom. We hit arty a few turn before them and with my massive hammer advantage decided to spam arty and rifles / lancer to support with 4 frigate vs 2 , but they have himeji and enough arty and rifle to defend as we land so we pull back and build to nuke. We nuke and fast move to capture 1 or their 2 coastal city - built late on a junk city.
We have 10 turns of nuke before they get nukes as they go for sci techs first and we spam nuke and tank. but now we have the junk coastal city and start to save nuke for cap, we nuke cap down to size 4 but now they have nuke also, we quickly atttack cap and get to 3 hp but cannot take it as they have himeji and tank to defend, it isa very close.
but now it is a messy nuke fest and all the units i make has ruined my gold and science is stopped, we planned to win with the nukes. Now we save nukes for one more try, i have 4 in the city and tanks ready to follow up and then i am nuked and my 4 nukes are gone (((( they can defend us easily and win sci so we concede gg.
my analysis was that himeji saved them. Also iro my teammate had only 3 city and 4th in hammers, so maybe my estimate that we had significantly superior hammers to push was wrong.
any ideas?

1.) If you try to sit back and outbuild after conquering 1 or 2 civs, aren't you going for science victory? Let's say you take your continent before Astronomy. Clearly when the other civs meet you they KNOW you are a warmonger, but they don't know if you plan to win that way.

What I would do as the small civs is make an alliance against you, but still trade with you. Try to convince the others not to trade with you. This way, you are essentially allying with both sides, but they don't get benefits from each other. The dominating player will be unable to take anything else (as they are 1/2 the world and your alliance is the other 1/2).

But now they can just go defensive and win through tech right? This means you have to win through a different strategy, because you are certainly not going to out-tech the behemoth. So if you still want to tech, you need to go specialists (for GS) and RAs with all powers (but convince your alliance to not sign RAs with the dominator). Try to pull ahead of the other members of your alliance so that you can control it through diplomacy and essentially "merge" them with your empire by signing RAs, trading luxuries, and coordinating defense.

Now of course the dominating player may wish to mount an offensive rather than tech up. Some players want to do that. In that case, use your alliance. Remind the players that it is in their best interest to truly defend allied lands, because the dominating player will surely win if any of you half-ass the defense. Then you have to half-ass it as much as possible without losing (and this is the hard part). If you spend so much on units, your economy will 'fall behind' where it should've been. And so will everybody else's. But if you can waste less than everyone else, you are technically pulling ahead of them. So finding the perfect balance where you can just barely survive is key.

2.) Scout. Scout. Scout. Go wide to insure you get iron. Get Iron Working, but get as much as you can afford before that. Just like with defending just barely enough as I stated above, getting as many economy techs before Iron Working will be better for the long run. So when you get Iron Working, declare war (once you have a few more swordsmen than opponent) and keep the pressure. Blockade (not just at sea, prevent settlers and workers from roaming), pillage, and take cities if you can. Put their economy behind yours, and always keep your army ahead of his. As long as he can't BOTH defend and get ahead in economy (like in part 1), you are winning. He should start to fall behind.

If you are the defending player in this scenario, again you need to defend exactly the right amount that you don't fall behind in economy. Experience at the game is key here. Hopefully you can use terrain and your cities to defend against a slightly stronger army, but this isn't the AI here. Players should know how to move their units. You cannot hold off 3 swordsmen with a city and an archer (unless the city is huge, or only 1 swordsman can ever attack at once, that kind of thing)

3.) I never play teams and don't intend to. It changes too many rules in too many different ways for me to bother with, so I really can't help you. Also, I have never nuked anyone, so I have no advice for that either, sorry.
If I could, I would always play against humans. But civ is a game that takes a very long time (or at least people think it does. I have completed games in less than 2 hours on Standard) so it is hard to get people to play. And it is complicated enough that skill discrepancies are a big deal. I have few friends who play civ, maybe 15. Only about half of those are willing to multiplayer, and it is hard to get them all to sit down for a session. So we get on average 6 people. Then only 1 is anywhere near my skill level, 2 are trolls, and the other 2 are new to the game. So it goes back to being a stompfest like it is vs the AI, but AT LEAST THEY DON'T CHEAT.

If you play in the Civilization player leagues or in the no quitter group (or both) you can always play humans.

..and the averages skill level is much higher then what you ll find in public multiplayer games (or among your friends that you beat to easy)
2. How to win in duel skirmish? how to tailor start if playing a top 10 player vs average league player?

I am a top 10 player (9th) so there are a few player s who can answer this better then me.

There are a few players who I am still trying to figure out how to beat on general basis (once I do I ll be top 5)

And once you figure out how to beat top 10 you ll be top 10.

...there is no general "how to", only difference (I think) between top 10 or and top 20-30 is that the higher u get, the faster people move, the better decisions they take regarding where to place cities and in what order to settle different spots. Making the right choise between getting a wonder or put some more pressure. etc etc. Most top 20 players got the skills to beat top 10 players (just that the top 10 win a tiny bit more in average) Most top 20 players are actually as good as most of the top 10 players. Its very little difference. and like myself a lot of us are top 10 one month and top 20 the next. there are just a handfull of players capable of never beeing outisde the top 10 (I am certainly not one of them)
GamerKG, you need to play the league or NQ - it will open your mind :)

You stated you don't have much time. Based upon what you have written, if you duel a good player you will be able to get 2 games per hour in. Perhaps you have the potential to beat a good player with more experience.
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