Live Recording Details: PolyCast Episode 100, July 31 at 1PM ET (North America)

Yes it was a very good show Dan, glad I could have a small part in it.

For those that did not catch in there were a few titbits of info given by the devs.

1. There will be a Civ5 demo before release. Date TBD.
After this was confirmed by Firaxis Games Executive Producer Barry Caudill in response to a question from one of the show's return guests, I asked in follow-up a few moments later if it would be similar to CivIV's: [X] number of turns with a selection of [X] number of civs. CivV Producer Dennis Shirk answered this as "it's gonna be basically the full game just locked down for time".

Whether this means most if not all CivV civs will be available to play during whatever the given timeframe is not clear; there was also no indication if let alone how the technology tree will be affected, as was the case with CivIV's (limited scope).

3. And Steam acheivements will be in Civ5, but no details released yet.
No PolyCast achievement... yet. ;)
I was IMing you right before the recording and you said no thanks. :p
Pardon the delayed reply here... somehow I missed the question below to respond to.

How about a 2nd live polycast? ;)
The possibility is certainly not being ruled out.

I know that's no definitive answer still :D, but there are still some logistics to be worked out in part.
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