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LizNES5: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying, And Love The Bomb

Vice President Jonathan J. O'Neill Announces His Candidacy for the Dixie Party Presidential Nomination
December 26, 1960

Vice President Jonathan J. O'Neill has announced his intention to seek the Presidential nomination of the Dixie Party for the 1962 national election, in a public news conference earlier this morning.

"I know there have been rumors of a potential presidential run, and I hoped to address those before they became too out of hand," he stated. "In that light, I wish to publicly announce my intention to seek the Presidential nomination for the Dixie Party."

After the brief announcement, the Vice President entertained several questions from the reporters present at the conference. When asked how his military background has prepared him for an executive position, he replied, "Of course the President is the commander in chief, but there's many other nuances of my career in the Air Force that have prepared me for this position. There are a multitude of administrative, psychological, and moral issues when in command of an army or a nation, and my career has prepared me for that."

The Confederate Constitution states that each President is limited to one, six year term, which prevents President James Monroe Forrest from seeking another term. When asked about Vice President O'Neill's intention for higher office, the President stated, "We've talked about it in the past, and I have the utmost confidence in both Jack [the Vice President's] ability and his determination to lead the nation."

With President Forrest's approval rating in the eighties, it is doubted that the Vice President will face significant opposition in the primary race, though business tycoon Tristan Solignac has been considering a potential run as well.

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The Amsterdam Accord
For the defeat of communism, the maintenance of order around the globe, the furthering of capitalism and the betterment of these nations and peoples, the Dutch Empire and the North American Confederation hereby recognize and sanctify the state of alliance which now exists between the aforementioned. We shall go forward together to a better, greater, capitalist tomorrow.

Signed, Prime Minister Christofoor De Vries
Signed, Empress Juliana I
Hmm looks like one of you thinks they're more important than the other.

Hmm looks like one of you thinks they're more important than the other.


It is not actually as easy to find two flag images of the exact same size as you might think. :rolleyes:
The Amsterdam Accord
For the defeat of communism, the maintenance of order around the globe, the furthering of capitalism and the betterment of these nations and peoples, the Dutch Empire and the North American Confederation hereby recognize and sanctify the state of alliance which now exists between the aforementioned. We shall go forward together to a better, greater, capitalist tomorrow.

Signed, Prime Minister Christofoor De Vries
Signed, Empress Juliana I

Signed, President James Monroe Forrest
Try to get orders in by tomorrow.
To avoid this "problem" ( ;) ) when making agreements, I usually take the pyramid approach with flags, putting the smallest one on top, like this:

The Amsterdam Accord
For the defeat of communism, the maintenance of order around the globe, the furthering of capitalism and the betterment of these nations and peoples, the Dutch Empire and the North American Confederation hereby recognize and sanctify the state of alliance which now exists between the aforementioned. We shall go forward together to a better, greater, capitalist tomorrow.

Signed, Prime Minister Christofoor De Vries
Signed, Empress Juliana I

Though, of course, either way is fine, and I find nothing wrong with the Dutch method; I'm just giving two cents OOC.

Another problem is that I had to edit my nation's flag, so there aren't any "larger" versions of it just yet.
I'm always snarky. It just came in the Sarcasm variety this time :p

From the Secret Files of General Salmon Abdallah
Recorded by Lieutenant Alibaba Hatem, the Generals personal stenographer.


General Abdallah: Adjutant! Call in the officers. I need to pick a bone with them. Oy! Radio guy! Contact the kitchens. Ask them what we’re having for lunch.

Sergeant Matar: I doubt the kitchens have a radio sir.

General Abdullah: Well you better run then, haven’t you? Ah, gentlemen! Come in. I have a few concerns I would like you to correct. The first being, I feel that the soldiers’ lack of respect for superior officers. We can’t have that. If the men don’t respect their commanders… Well, let me put it this way. If another soldier takes a shot at me, I will personally execute the entire squad. Do I make myself clear?

Officers: Yes sir.

General Abdullah: We are at war! Everyday more and more soldiers lay down their lives for Turkey. We can not win if our soldiers do not wish to listen to our commands! Once we enter the fray, I would like to know that my soldiers are fighting with the courage of fanatics!

Captain Khalil: Erm… General, we are not currently in a war.

General Abdulla: What? Preposterous! Of course there is a war! There are many wars going on as we speak-

Captain Khalil: But Turkey isn’t part of them…

General Abdulla: That man there reads the report to me every morning about the goings on in China. You don’t call that a war? Radio guy, report!

Sergeant Matar: The kitchens say that the soldiers are having stewed goat and humus.

General Abdulla: Despicable. Radio that armored brigade stationed to the east. Ask them what they are having!

Captain Khalil: India is in that war. We aren't.

General Abdulla: I thought we conquored them long ago. Radio guy, what do they say?

Sergeant Matar: They don't have a radio in the kitchen either so they sent a runner. They sounded slightly surprised.

Captain Khalil: Sir, why don’t you hire a private cook? Officers are allowed -

General Abdulla: That is the kind of thing that make soldiers hate officers. If I eat what they eat, they see me as one of them.

Major Hammad: But you just put a call in for the kitchen of a different division! If you get a choice and they don’t…

General Abdulla: Privilege of command. When they become generals, they can do as I do. If one more person contradicts me or corrects me, I will make that person sorry.

Sergeant Matar: They are saying they have shish kebab and salad.

General Abdulla: Excellent! Send a strike team to retrieve some. Tell them not to return unless they have a tank.

Captain Khalil: What?! What do you want with a tank!

General Abdulla: None of your damn business!
Spoiler :

Captain Khalil: I am sure they won’t let them take a tank.

General Abdulla: That’s why am sending a strike team. You have to think ahead if you ever want to be a general, Captain!

Captain Khalil: I am sorry, sir, but if you steal a tank from the Second Armored Brigade, I will have to report- AHH! You shot me you bastard! AH!

General Abdulla: He was reaching for his weapon. You all saw him. Adjutant, you saw him reach for his weapon, didn’t you?

Adjutant Saleem: Uh… yes sir.

Major Yassin: No he wasn’t! Your-

General Abdulla: The major was suffering from a violent fit of insanity. It was only right I knock him out before he hurt somebody. You may go, gentlemen. Adjutant! Radio guy! Take Corporal Khalil and Major Yassin to the med tent. Lieutenant, give me that stenographic record. That’s enough for the day. Oh look, the gentlemen forgot to sign it. Oh, what a shame. I guess I’ll just have to sign it for them. Give it here!


General Salmon Abdulla
Adjutant Captain Hasan Saleem
Sergeant Ahmed Matar
Colonel Osama Ozer
Major Sadam Hammad
Captain Akil Khalaf

Lieutenant Alibaba Hatem
Um fyi - Pakistan is not in the Chinese Conflict as far as I know.
To Black Sea Nations
From The Ukrainian Ministry of Economics Marx

Greetings Ladies and Germs,

It's me again. Yes yes I know your old pal. Wait! Don't throw this letter away. I swear its not begging for a job/bomb threat. For I am now the Minister of Economics in the Ukraine.

Ha ha, well it is that time of year folks when we all start worrying about our budgets, and what better way to increase our tax income than by increasing trade? By the way, you are all invited to this 2nd annual Black Sea Trade Conference. I know what you are thinking, but we weren't invited to any trade conference last year. Well my friends, as it turns out we didn't have enough schnapps to go around last year so I went alone. Had a great time.

Anyway, come, drink, be merry, maybe lower trade barriers among our nations increasing prosperity and taxes, meaning more booze and more happiness for government officials!

Signed Yours Forever More,

Minister Groucho Marx

Orders sent.
Orders sent.
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