Looking for someone to multiplay with me

ah you are there...can you go to civplayers.com and find their link to their lobby on left side? I will be there. My steam nick is KaminOnan as well. We're here and ready to go. :)
Sorry that didn't work...we should have mentioned Gods and Kings!

keep us posted if you get the expansion. It's worth it. :)
I tried to buy but Steam is denying my credit card :/

I sent them an email and I hope it will be fixed soon... Let me know when you will play again... We can also be in touch through Steam, Skype or email...
Some banks you need to allow purchases over internet with credit cards. Most, if not all banks in Sweden have that for example. Check with your bank/whoever you have your credit card with.
I used this same credit card to buy Civ 5 and other games in Steam before as well... And I still have been using it all the time... I am sure it's some Steam annoyance =p
I did too. Bought G&K with one credit card, a few days later when I was going to pay for something else I couldnt cause they put up that block.
If its not steam, check with your bank. Just sayin. :)
Yep, I will too just in case... They shall all be dealt with extreme prejudice for this impertinence
People interested on being my civ buddies, please contact me through email or skype!

Email: czerwona33[at]hotmail[dot]com
Skype: m.czerwona
Update: Just bought and downloaded G&K expansion!!! It was steam ing me up :)

(ops sorry for bad word)
Excellent! Enjoy practicing with faith and spies!
It is much better indeed, and because some mechanics and AI behavior are more realistic now, the game even got easier for me :)

Although I am having to run on DX9, turn off the windows fancy graphics processor and don't run anything else along with the game to keep it under a steady temperature of 90 degrees... Or else my computer shuts down after 15-20 minutes of play at nearly 120 degrees D:
Yikes! Maybe get a fan or clean the dust from the vents? DX9 seems to be preferred for MP anyway.

I've been enjoying SP a lot more too. It used to bore me. But last night I was up till nearly 1am finishing a huge game on emperor--managed to pull of a culture win with Carthage and seven cities, forever war with biggest civ Ottomans, who always wanted at least two of my cities for peace! Fun game.
What gpu are you using??? It sounds very much like you have a cooling problem in your case.

I use crossfired 5870's (dual high end cards that run very hot and use tons of power) but with my proper cooling setup they don't spike anywhere near that.

On that note....: a) How many fans are you using?
b) what size fans?
c) Are your fans set up so as to create a strong intake and outtake within the case itself? All the fans in the world don't do a thing if they're working against one another and don't move air in and out of the case.
d) How hot is your cpu running during this? (and what cpu is it)
e) Again which gpu, and how much power is it using?
f) Assuming airflow is decent, have you considered closed circuit liquid cooling on either cpu or gpu or both?

Sorry for so many questions but this is NOT a problem you need to be having if you're set up right. Hope I can help :)
All that said always run in DX9 for MP because it helps the game not go blitzkrieg on itself and die lol.

Oh and g) are you overclocking either the cpu, the gpu, or your ram?
Haha thanks for "supporting" me (as the game developers never do really) :)

In fact, I am not so surprising I am having overheating, not only because it is said Civ overheats more than any other game (which is true, I play many others without issue), but also because my ventilation system sucks bad!

I have a laptop (video card is GeForce GT 330m - 1GB dedicated memory) in an Acer computer with not so good ventilation system, and I dare not opening it to clean (I am dumb with computers)... Apparently it has only one videocard fan which has 2 wires, so I cannot manually control the fan speed. I use MSI Afterburner to monitor my temperature, but I don't really overclock it (and by the way it's also summer here in Poland, and in my ancient 200 years old house it gets quite warm)

a) one fan on the laptop.. do you think that buying one of those cooling supports to put under the laptop will help me?

b) I never met him in person

c) He is lone child

d) I can fry an egg on it (I can only monitor GPU temperature through Afterburner)

e) I also have no manual control over power usage in my GPU.. I guess my card doesn't offer that choice?

f) These are options for desktop computers I guess... I think that my biggest issue is that ventilation options are limited on a laptop, no?

g) no overclocking
Ah laptop yes that makes it more difficult. Desktops run much cooler overall because you can get much better heat dispersal than with a laptop. You also have many more options with desktops.

Having done some research the GT 330M is actually not built to run anything in DX11 at all. Its driver support may extend there now but that may be the big reason why you're getting so much heat off it - its working VERY hard to deliver performance under those settings. (It was a dx10.1 mid range card)
So on that note how is the heat when running in DX9? If it is still running very hot you may want to consider picking up a laptop heatsink (just a stand with or without a fan in it that the pc sits on top of and pulls the heat away, whether by using the fan or just by being a big chunk of cold metal to spread the heat out) It is very bad for the life span of the hardware to be running so hot for extended periods of time (this is why it forces itself to shut down so as to prevent it from damaging itself) as the hardware WILL begin to melt.

Also check what settings you are running Civ on - the GT330m is recommended to run dx11 games on medium detail settings and resolutions rather than high settings - so if your settings are cranked then consider dropping back a bit to give the gpu an easier time keeping up with the game.

Only other thing is if it is very hot make sure you use it on a table rather than your lap as extended exposure to the high heat is very bad for your body. It is also possible that the fabric of your clothing is blocking the air vents when you use it - they really prefer flat surfaces for use.

If none of that helps then you can keep your disc drive (dvd/blu ray, whatever is on there) open to encourage air flow. It helps more than you'd think but is often annoying (and careful cuz they break easy when they're open). It may come down to cleaning out the dust - you would use a can of compressed air so it's not that difficult.


a) check settings, check temps running in dx9 with (possibly) revised settings

b) Possibly acquire laptop heatsink (I prefer with fan if you get one)

c) Possibly clean out dust. (theoretically you want to do this every 3-6 months anyways)

Sidenote: Is it a thin laptop? Thin laptops often run much hotter, much quicker because there is so much less natural heatsink for dispersal. Thin and portable comes at a price :(

lmk how it goes.
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