LotR21 - Revenge


Catan player
Jan 10, 2002
Great Plains
Random Civ (Greece)

Here's our start...

I move us 2 SW onto the plains hill, for the immediate boost. We'll still have stone in range quite early, but it gets us a bit more OOMPH at the start.

I start on a worker and moving towards Pottery. Our capital ain't gonna be a shield powerhouse, but it can be a tremendous commerce site, with a little TLC. I think our second city should be earmarked for a ton of military action.

Exploring shows we're in the lower left-hand corner.

A reasonable site down here to claim the silver and potentially have some really good shield potential. Not sure it should be our second city, though.

Continued exploring shows me some of the earliest bears I've ever seen -- 3680 BC. A scant 8 turns in and strength 3 animals are on the loose! OY!

I'm able to avoid them, though, and continue scouting a bit north. I don't want to scout too far, but I do want to find some good sites. Unfortunately, we're found already, by a foe I'd really NOT have chosen as a neighbor.

Yes, boys and girls. That's Monte. On our doorstep already. Fortunately, his scout can't take our city. And we'll have a warrior before TOO long.

Our scout returns to see what's closer to home. We have gold and silver in the near north, which are really nice, as they only require mining. Our first cottage is built and will be worked very soon. We might want to irrigate an fp or two (once we get the tech), for faster growth/settler pumping, but most of them should be cottaged, I believe.

Here's our corner (literally) of the world.

And the save...


I played 20. Next player should play 15, and then 10. Warrior and growth are due on the first interturn. Archery is almost complete. Mining->BW would be my next tech choices, with Agriculture also a strong contender. We will probably want to pop in a quick barracks, too, as those are cheap for aggressive civs, even with our poor production.

Our second city should go on the desert north of the corn, I believe, to claim 4 resources. It will also have 3 flood plains for growth and several hills for shields. WHEN to found is another question entirely. And copper could easily change the equation.

Not an ideal start, but there's a TON of potential here, if we can utilize it.


Jaffa Tamarin -- UP NOW
Arizona_Steve -- on deck

Please, re-re-verify interest.
I definitely still want to play, but got a busy weekend coming up. Maybe you could move me to the end of the rota?
Arizona_Steve -- UP NOW
Greebley -- on deck
Jaffa Tamarin

This will be the roster order going forward, then.

@ticktockclok -- this is "Always War" Noble, which is a fair bit harder than normal Noble. It's also a revenge game for our loss in LotR20, with the same individuals on the roster. Sorry.

Arathorn said:
It's also a revenge game for our loss in LotR20, with the same individuals on the roster.


lurker's comment:
Which map are you using? Not the maze map again, it appears.
ChrTh said:
lurker's comment:
Which map are you using? Not the maze map again, it appears.

Great Plains map. As said in the first post. But not well-highlighted. Will have a HUGE front, I imagine.

lurker's comment:

Good luck! :) I'll be following this game closely. Ever since I played in the Zealous Zulus (LotR2?) game, I've loved the excitement and pressure of always war.

Great plains map will be rough for always war. At least it's only noble so getting the tech lead should be relatively easy if you can hold the fort down.
Just spotted this - will play tonight.

Yeah, 2 1/2 whole hours have passed since you were up. How could you have missed it? :) Hopefully Greebley will find it, too, since he's the only one not to have checked in.

@cpp1: Glad to see you're still around. LotR2 still ranks as one of my favorites. And AW was popular enough to get official scenario blessing from Firaxis. That little experiment has grown a long ways! :)

Lurker's useless comment:

even though u lowered the diff settings from ur previous game,but a big connected map for aw is still suicide unless u hand pick the civs IMO;0

gl 2 u anywayz and hope u make this one
lurker's comment:

Being in the SW corner is an advantage. You only have to defend the north and east boundaries.

@Arathorn - I burned out on civ3, but civ4 revived my interest. I'm on my fourth solo game. The first was for learning at a low level. The second was a space race win on emperor, the third was a space race loss by 9 turns on immortal, and I'm in the middle of another immortal game.
Lurker: Sorry to butt in here (looks good, BTW) but what does LotR stand for - I initially read it as 'Lord of the Rings' but after reading the post I don't think that can be right.
ruff_hi said:
Lurker: Sorry to butt in here (looks good, BTW) but what does LotR stand for - I initially read it as 'Lord of the Rings' but after reading the post I don't think that can be right.

lurker's comment:
Don't look at the post, look at the poster
LotR is Lord of the Rings -- a series of Succession Games named in honor of my favorite books. Tolkien's other stuff is also pretty good, but the trilogy really stands out. But the games don't really have anything to do with Lord of the Rings....

Not a great deal to do here. I'd like to get the second city up as soon as possible, as we need a center for production of troops. Our capital will probably end up being a commerce center.

Archery comes in. Mining selected. It would be a pretty useless tech for us right now, but is a pre-requisite for Bronze working which will allow us to chop some forests and speed production.

Athens - Warrior -> Archer. Warrior fortifies in Athens.

Our scout moves to the top of a forested hill, where he will suppress barbarian spawning and serve as a lookout for incoming troops. I see little point in exploring further before we've settled a few more cities.

Mining comes in in 2960BC, and Bronze working is selected. It will complete in ten turns, but that will speed up as more population is added. Since we don't have Masonry yet, I continue to cottage our lands.

Athens grows to size three in 2920BC, and is already unhealthy. Yikes. In 2760BC, a third cottage is completed, and I move to the desert hill to build a mine to get some much needed shields, and to slow down growth a little when size four is reached.

In 2680BC, an archer is trained in Athens, and the city reaches size four. A settler is ordered.

Bronze Working is researched in 2640BC, and Masonry is selected (to connect the stone). War is declared on Catherine as her scout comes in range of Athens. Our archer moves out to intercept the scout.

Now at war with two civilizations - 2600BC

Let's hope we have copper nearby. We'll need it for good troops. If not, we need to push for IW, I would imagine. We need some metal ASAP.

I wouldn't worry too much about unhealthiness. A cottaged flood plain, with unealthiness, is just as good as a cottaged grassland while healthy. We can grow to the happiness limit if we want to, with essentially no worries.

Getting that stone and Pyramids up would be nice, too. But a second (and third) cities will probably have to come first. One military, one workers/settlers/commerce, and one wonders wouldn't be a terrible start, though we may need 3 military cities for a while....

Greebley -- UP NOW
Zed-F -- on deck
Jaffa Tamarin

No word from Greebley in this thread yet. I'll PM him, too, so he will hopefully see this and play.

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