Luchuirp - Golden Hammers


Jan 1, 2008
I've been playing a couple of games as Luchuirp and I've got a question re their world spell. It gives you a golden hammer in every city... I've got no idea what to do with them... they weren't movable, so I used them up and got a handful of hammers added to the production in each city. Is that it? Or is there some other trick?
You can move them, just pick them up with a unit and disband it on your capital (assuming you want it there), and mass up your free engineers in one city.
You'd get some pretty quick great engineers this way too.
Some prefer to simply cast it on turn 1 for an early boost though.

Or if you find deleting scouts for the sake of moving golden hammers lame, you could use soldiers of kilmorphs to pick them up and rush buildings in your other city :lol:
Or you could use disciples to spread culture or to research (AV disciples lame alternative) if you prefer.

If you don't care so much about production you could just use them to add +1 str to the units carrying them.
Ah right -- so it's a free engineer per city :D (I should have paid more attention...doh)

Well then the idea of casting it early sounds tempting, that way you get a great engineer not too long afterward...
although stacking specialists in the mid-late game is always fun too :)
Yea I usually do keep one spare hammer to be passed around just like what I do with commanders later on :lol:
turn1 is not longer possible as they have a tech prerequisite, masonry or something.
moving is also quite fast with birds, i used some (~10, as many cities as i managed to get) for my mercurian victory (gotta fill the trophy hall...). was quite fun, 3 turns before i was able to build the gate i got 3 war declarations (on deity, no less), had a great engineer saved (of course) and switched just 1 turn before getting crushed. was a fun game, the engineers were not worth the trouble though.
Heh i must admit i haven't been playing the Luchuirp much so I forgot about the tech req :lol:
Then again I usually like to cast it just after my 3-4th city when my city count might be stagnating for a while.
But yea, sometimes it takes quite some effort to shift all the engineers over to one city, but if you were gonna go Merc or Infernal to take over that city it can be quite fun ;)
try a 50 cities huge map, put in capitol then take over with Mercurians
Very fun :)
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