LWC discussions


Nov 5, 2001
The LWC thread in completed MODs is getting quite long. We have started to discuss lots of new features. I figured I might try to start a discussion thread outside of that one. Keep just updates, bug reports, and help in that thread.

Please only discuss things that CAN be changed :)

So I would like to start a thread with some ideas I have sent to Plutark (the god of mod). Feedback would be great.

> I also am very much into the culture aspect, so many of my ideas effect
> that. I tried to come up with good ideas that would help gameplay. I also
> started to think about specifics, but figured I would stop, and just work
> the ideas you liked. Here they are broken down by category:
> Great Wonders:
> Internet: 4 culture, 1 unknown tech of a known civ, 2 happy people in
> Requires 4 telecommunication centers
> Health care plan
> The great Novel
> DNA testing (lower corruption)
> Nutrition (might be a science)
> Population Control (future wonder?)
> The Biosphere (helps with space race?)
> Better Business Bereau
> Chunnel
> Weather Forcasting
> Human Rights Movement
> Red Cross / Greenpeace
> Associated Press (Not sure where I was going with this one)
> It is tough to come up with good wonders for the later ages. I was also
> thinking about maybe having more future wonders. ( Cure for common cold,
> Limited Transporters, Virtual Simulation rooms, ect...)
> Small wonders:
> Criminal Justice System
> Robot servents (Kind of corny, but a decent future wonder)
> National Cuisine (Nothing better then having your nationality known for
> food. great for culture)
> GPS Satelite system (would increase movements)
> Highway system
> Circus / Amusement park
> FDA (Food and drug administration. Increase food production)
> Zero or low emmision vehicles (Help with polution)
> Corporate Monoploy (e.g. microsoft. Lots of ideas for this one)
> Professional sport Franchise- 3 culture, 1 happy in all cities, requires 2
> television stations
> Lottery
> Social Security Program
> Sciences:
> Cryogenics
> Hortaculture
> Cloning
> Leisure time (Big one after WWII I believe)
> Pasterization (not sure on this)
> Fuell Cells (Low emmisions and help with space)
> Kitchen Automation (Seems weird at 1st, but think about this one for a
> second!)
> City Improvements:
> Tellecomunicaton center
> TV station
> Water treatment plant
> Museum / art gallery
> Grocery store
> Trade port
> School of the arts
> Military units
> U-2 spy plane or SR-71 Blackbird. ( not attack or defend, just a high
> movement rate to fly over other nations and check out troop movements.)
> I only want to try to come up with things that make sense. Many of these
> need to be balanced with BAD things. (Like the IRS) I tried to think of
> things that would help the game, with both corruption and culture. I'm
> you get a ton of military and unit comments. So I left that stuff out.

What do you guys think?

PS: Big thanks to all other Modders who have contributed to the LWC mod. Hell Yeah!
i like the FDA one, but maybe every once in a while they find contaminated food (chances are higher when pollution is around) and all food the city (any city, as long as it yours) produces for 1-3 turns are lost
I like the idea of building spy planes and/or spy satillites. I think there needs to be another way to gather info besides the slow, expensive, and dangerous spy game.
looks like u got heaps of ideas for wonders and whatnot .... i would like to see more "littlebig" wonders ... as i call em ... like the ironworks ... wonders where your geographical location is soooo important

new terrains? if it is possable yet?

btw .... i have recently changed my LWC (i call it my lifeshardLWC) and make desserts the baron wasteland that they are ... took all production food and u cant build mines or irrigation .... same with tundra but u get 1 food from that ... and to counter it ... floodplain gives extra food and hills, mountains and oil give an extra production .... the biggest reason i did it was to piss off the tracts of dessert and tundra full of mines .... most ugly (and i usually play on arid and cold contenents or archepeligo)

oh yea .... and to steal other peoples units and use em for the unit pictures that are replicated (slow and ongoing?) u have to many new units :p

btw .... just thought i would add .... great mod!!! is lotsa fun
Good idea for a separate LWC thread to discuss future mod ideas. As far as new Wonders go, I have three comments:
i) Looking at CTPI/II for additional wonders is a good idea
ii) No new Wonders should be make or break Wonders, which is less a problem with Civ3 than any previous Civ/CTP games.
iii) More Small Wonders rather than Great Wonders, e.g. Internet can't be a Great Wonder - just look at all the Countries that are involved with this site. I would also suggest that the benefit for this Wonder be increased happiness, as commercial/scientific benefits haven't been demonstrated yet, but I, for one, certainly enjoy it.

I like the idea of a second UU.

New Strategic and Bonus Resources would be nice.

Making luxury resources a little more common on bigger maps would also be nice for those of us who like to play on very large maps (current game, 25 well-spaced cities - no luxury resources).

Making sea squares (e.g. coast, sea, ocean) a little more useful a little earlier would be nice. CTP is much better at this than Civ - and a lot of the great cities of the world are ports (including all 5 I have lived/worked in - Montreal, Vancouver, Auckland, Sydney and now Philly).

I personally would like to see some early new buildings to bump production in the first two ages, e.g. sawmills, stone masons to add a couple of points of production if the city radius contains the right terrain (forests/jungle and hills/mtns respectively). Maybe a forge improvement that would bump shields and allow the production of more advanced units (maybe eveything past the warrior, certainly past horseman/spearman).

I think erp3 provides the horseman too late and would prefer an earlier horseman and an ancient heavy cavalry (4/2) with saddle.

I would also like an additional happiness modifier in the early game, e.g. shrine/temple with +1/+2 happiness. Managing happiness at high difficulty levels is very difficult in the first two ages on very large maps because luxury resources are very rare and untradable (no completed road nets/ports-sea paths).

Again, gorriladf, good idea :goodjob: and I like many of your suggestions. And thanks to Plutarch as well; both for doing all this work from which we benefit and for listening to all this feedback. :goodjob:
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