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Occultic practice necessitates the spreading of negativity pent up by dumping it apon others so they can do so in turn until one is unable to dump and they perpetuate evil action, are destroyed in kind, and thus flushes out the evil for good.

Better out then in, sort of like entropy, manifests around town as a butterfly effect, perpetuates evil "over there" so it is not here.

Stoicism is bad because it makes one into the last one holding the hot potato and without expressing negative emotions and dumping it on others they become the one who acts and does the evil.

Negative emotional outbursts are thus necessary so I can commit no evil but rather someone "over there" does so in my stead. I remain pure and receive positive energy to replace, to feed, and to grow.

It is a sacrifice, the accursed share.
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Is there really a true universalist ideal other than the self? We after all only perceive reality through the self, so I believe I can therefore conclude true universalism is selfishness.
You bring basically a half cook or made just for you post-structuralist and post-modern perspective to defend the idea that you're the center of your universe, nothing is real but you, everything else are just products of your perception, you are alienated from others by the barrier of perspective and the eternal gap of signified and signifier. In that case, when you read my commentary you're just reading yourself, or when you get triggered by others commentator you're just annoyed with your own negativity, all these times you're just biting your own tail.

My text are nothing but a reflection of your own perception. I, in actuality, do not exist, except in the flickering pixels on your screen.

Stoicism is bad
For now?
Moderator Action: How about we get back to the topic at hand and step away from too much personal information. Thanks.
Dude, chill, for real. You are really using a very racist words and went full abusive over nothing, the words like "subhuman" or "dreaded Southern or Eastern Europeans" are classless and doesn't reflect whatever value you are claiming on withholding. You seems angry and frustrated and just spitting to your own reflection.
He's just a basic edgelord. Very uninteresting.
Also think there are some significant issues with the facts as you've laid them out here. In the US hours of work are not regulated, workers in non-exempt categories (generally those who earn an hourly wage as opposed to salary) are owed time-and-a-half for every hour they work above 40, but there is no upper limit of hours per week or anything like that. And people frequently work multiple jobs to hit 60-70 hours a week.

In fact in the US if you have a job that respects your boundaries and accepts that you have a life outside work, that is really not the norm or even all that common. I would not say that having healthy work-life balance is anywhere close to "hegemonic", it's more like something some people are lucky enough to have.

The "hustle" culture is far more hegemonic in the US than a healthy work-life balance is.
I said "in the more enlightened parts of the West".
tldw : free enterprise so stifled in China that there's not much point being a go-getter there as the connection between hard work & reward is not there

As opposed to the west, a perfect meritocracy where nobody ever toils their whole life on minimum wage and never escapes it despite working hard or gets gifted everything in life for minimal effort because of who their parents are.
They're significantly more capitalist in mindset than Americans. But that's just money. Not being allowed to organize in mundane ways, like picking up garbage, or belonging to a religious congregation, that's a mindset, too.
Why is it that the people who talk about free enterprise encouraging hard work always have a job like "making videos on Youtube" and not "meat-packing-plant lineworker" or "fruit picker" or "sex worker" or even "custodian"
Why is it that the people who talk about free enterprise encouraging hard work always have a job like "making videos on Youtube" and not "meat-packing-plant lineworker" or "fruit picker" or "sex worker" or even "custodian"
Because most folks who post videos are selling something, even it if it just themselves.
I'm not going to say being a video producer isn't demanding. Some successful content creators probably are never really off the clock. But yeah, I sort of hear their work-related complaints like I hear people doing the whole "pastoral dream" thing, then I try to count my blessings. Which are many. It's like a mental tick I've had to run that track in my brain so many times, I swear.
It is kind of hilarious, that author thinks "lying flatism" emerged in China. Must be very young.

After reading article in the OP, this immediately springs to mind:

The old trend on the new loop of historical development.
I'm not going to say being a video producer isn't demanding. Some successful content creators probably are never really off the clock. But yeah, I sort of hear their work-related complaints like I hear people doing the whole "pastoral dream" thing, then I try to count my blessings. Which are many. It's like a mental tick I've had to run that track in my brain so many times, I swear.

Yes, I shouldn't give the wrong idea about this. I don't believe any kind of work is inherently "harder" or more valuable/"real" than any other kind of work.

But the people who are in the most brutally subjugated positions (and thus working hardest in the sense I think is meaningful) in the global economy are certainly not the same ones capturing most of the rents from production.
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