Ma Teng - Monarch


Meatbag Destroyer
Aug 3, 2003
Faction Selection]

I was loving my Yuan Shu selection from last game; however, after the issue there (see my other thread) I have been forced to restart. So my decision process came down to selecting someone totally different to Yuan Shu.
So I needed to start nowhere near Mr Yuan and with a different style of play. What could be more different than a horse lord??

So with that decided it was only a matter of picking between Ma Teng and Han Sui. Since they are virtually identical, it was a deciding if I liked 'Aggressive' or 'Expansive' as my trait. I much prefer to stomp people, so chose Ma Teng.

The Starting Area

Spoiler Starting Area :

Ma Teng's vast plains

Ma Teng starts with five "cities", though two are little more than villages in the far west. Two more are cut off by Han Sui's territory, meaning they are rather isolated.

The capital and the isolated cities are on rivers, so that's a plus; however, all five cities are surrounded by plains, plains and more plains. They are never going to be big, specialist laden cities... even worse they aren't going to be able to support cottages either!
I do have LOTS of sheep and plenty of horses, so initial growth will be just fine. They are going to be slow going to get beyond 5 or 6 though.

I begin with three heroes. One is AWESOME (Ma Chao) and two are very good, but not excellent (Ma Teng and Peng Da).

So what is my game plan from all this? Well let's summarise.
I need workers to get out there and grab those sheep, cattle and oasis that are nearby.
I have a stalwart ally in Han Sui (who, historically, was a good friend).
My cities may be poor in science, but they are going to be great Cavalry pumping cities (size 4-6 is just fine for spouting out cavalry every 4 turns). So I need to get them up to size quickly and steal some lands that will be useful for science. To be this aggressive I plan to rely on Han Sui for assistance. He will assist me by being beaten down and giving me his cities (which, I assume, will also be good Cavalry Pumpers). After this, I will look to the Pass-West Faction of Li Jue.

Turn 1

Workers all around! I need them everywhere, so everywhere can build them.

I then sign Open Borders with my good buddy Han Sui and send some horses to scout his nearby cities, while moving them toward a rendezvous point on our border.

I make a Philosophy Civic change from 'Power' to 'Confucianism'. I don't plan of fighting within my own borders too much, plus I cities that are unhealthy at Size 2! It will also be a big benefit once I get my workers out, as they will be far more productive.

Finally, as Turn 1 comes to an end I get a message that Gongsun Zan has been captured and executed by Yuan Shao. Shi Yuo has succeeded him as leader. Hopefully he will be more successful than his forebear (though that won't be hard as the guy didn't even last a whole turn!).

The Game Commences

Early March (ie Turn 4) and I have four light Cavalry (three of whom are lead by my Heroes) sitting in my territory, but within reach of Han Sui's capital.
I don't even bother talking to my former friend, I simply invade (Alt + Click = Instawar).

Spoiler Invasion! :

A typical family outing for the Ma's

Before Han Sui can even say "Cursed backstabber!" my first cavalry unit, lead by Ma Teng himself, crashes into his lines. My brave leader is immediately thrown from his horse and captured by the treacherous Han Sui. How dare he betray me by not giving up his lands!
Ma Chao and Pang Da immediately seek vengeance. The defenders of Jin Cheng are put to the sword and my forces waltz into Han Sui's capital. Ma Chao himself captures the city, along with Han Sui, before rescuing his father from Sui's prison.

Han Sui begs for mercy, even offering to abandon his own faction and join me. I accept and put him straight to work. So now Han Sui is a Hero in my army, as well as the leader of his own faction... interesting.

I juggle a few Archers, freeing up my Cavalry to continue their invasion of Han Sui's territory.

Soon my Workers are appearing from their cities, allowing me to get some more units to support my invasion.

From Turn 8 onward Lu Bu and Cao Cao begin trading blows, with both armies having Heroes defeated. It is Late July (T11) that the news arrives of Lu Bu's execution by Cao Cao. Sadness takes hold of my heart as my beloved Lu Bu is farewelled. I cheer myself up by capturing another city (Han Yang).

Soon my forces are readying themselves to take the last of Han Sui's cities (though, since Han Sui himself is in my employ, I prefer to look at it as reclaiming what is rightfully mine.

Right before I order the attack to commence a messenger reaches me and passes on some news. First, Taishi Ci has been killed in combat with Sun Ce. Secondly, Ma Dai (Ma Teng's son) has come of age and joined my forces. I give the messenger a hug, and offer to let him take his pick of the women we are about to enslave liberate for bringing me such wondrous news.

Lang Yi falls to me without problem, completing my domination of the plains of North West China! Woo!
My men and I party long into the night.

Spoiler New Lands :

More Cavalry Pumpers!
I seriously like this mod now, since i found out
it's about the Three Kingdoms period in Ancient China --
I'm practically a geek when it comes to character histories...
My favorite char histories, at least :3
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