MadDjinn Kavithan Protectorate Let's Play

Unit strength changes

Raptor bug: 14
T2 melee: 14
T3 melee: 24
Marauder(harmony T4 melee): 48
T2 Ranged: 6/14
T3 ranged: 12/26
Shredder(harmony T4 ranged): 20/52
T2 cavalry: 18
T3 cavalry: 32
Cobra/Redeemer(harmony/supremacy T4 cavalry): 52
Dragoon(Purity T4 cavalry): 58
Damn it, I just made that chart...
on your next stream, on the trade route stream, will you click on the pull down menu for sorting the possible routes, so we can see the options, since the default sort is by faction... Is there a sort by Best Science, best energy....
Also, I know there is no Demographics screen, but what about other menus, such as the economic overview showing your cities yields in a sortable list? What about advisors? Is there a unit list somewhere as well? I assume there is also a Deal History screen again? Does it show when DoF's and Alliances expire?
I wonder what frenzied aliens do, I remember raging barbarians as being broken, I've had better barb action in non-raging games than with them turned on.

Up spawn rate from nests?
Makes them more aggressive?
Makes new nest spawn more often?
I'd love to see frenzied aliens change nest from a 'step on to pop' to a half-health station, you actually need to siege that sucker to make the aliens stop spawning.

Of course that could be hard on harmony players if 'their' resource requires combat but the others don't.

Would also be cool if alien nests replenished miasma out to 4 tiles similar to cultural border expansion. Actually that would be a good model. It can't replenish within your borders, but you might want to take out that nest or have to keep throwing up repulsors.
Also, I know there is no Demographics screen, but what about other menus, such as the economic overview showing your cities yields in a sortable list? What about advisors? Is there a unit list somewhere as well? I assume there is also a Deal History screen again? Does it show when DoF's and Alliances expire?

I've shown this already in this stream.

advisers do exist, but I don't use them.
Well, he mentions that mines now get +2 production right off the bat (they used to get +1 plus a chance at a later +1 through a tech)

Oh, that's interesting, That means hills are as strong as in civ5 initially, but only if you mine them. farming them won't be a real option any more.
Oh, that's interesting, That means hills are as strong as in civ5 initially, but only if you mine them. farming them won't be a real option any more.
Sure it will, if you get the farm upgrades.

The tame alien units take your orders, even if it means certain death. You should be able to tell them to get on a boat.

Do you honestly think it's a good design choice that in this game you can find an alien unit in a resource pod, then it's trapped on the island you found it on forever? I find that difficult to believe.
Granted that it's a bit silly to be able to control wild alien units at all, but it's fun, so hopefully we can overlook the problem of how your commands get to and from the alien; it's a game control issue. My point is that these aliens are cooperating with you, but they're not "trained" (when you get them, it could be on the other side of the world, and they might never see any humans except your Explorer), and they're still animals and not sentient, and there's no humans handlers with them; how to they even know what a transport is, much less radio to headquarters for one?

And yes, I don't have a problem with acquired on aliens on islands being essentially useless. It's okay for certain random rewards to have quirks and situations in which they may or may not be useful.
I kind of like how they changed negative health to be less punishkng, and gave bonuses to positive health, as compared to happiness in CiV, but they really need to make the positive health bonuses better, to incentivize people to stay in positive health. I don't think the problem is that the negative health penalies are too soft on their own, I think it is just that when compared to the bonuses for being healthy the penalties have a sort of why worry anout them when staying in positive health gives such small bonuses.

1. For the love of Pete (Murray?:lol:) can people on these forums STOP saying there is no positive benefit to happiness in CiV? GOLDEN AGES PEOPLE:c5goldenage:! All that extra :c5gold: and :c5culture: (and subsequent :tourism:) apparently counts for nothing?

2. While I certainly admit that players who know what they're doing can still effectively operate in negative :health:, as others have pointed out, there are plenty of bonuses for positive health.

a. +10%:c5science: (if you have the Knowledge opener that is)

b. 10%:c5production:(which is a pretty nice incentive)

c. Reduced intrigue (nice, it has its uses)

d. Quicker outpost growing speed (again, file under decent I suppose)

So while these bonuses might not seem very huge (I think 10%:c5production:is sweet) in some ways you can also count the fact that you're NOT getting a hit on your :c5science::c5culture: and growth (and intrigue). I saw one recent playthrough where someone had negative health so early on that they were making 0:c5culture: per turn. (Granted, it was because they didn't have their relic out yet:lol:) Overall, I agree that changes need to be made: particularly on the positive side, there should be a difficult-to-attain 20+:health: bonus for people who really want to keep it up. (And yes, I mean other than the virtue of positive :health: converting to :c5culture:)
I don't think golden ages exist in CivBE.

Anyway, has anyone noticed the impact of quests on affinity levels is still quite nebulous? I could've sworn they don't provide affinity XP, unlike techs, despite options being marked Purity/Supremacy/Harmony.

MD, could you provide any insight into this, please?
Anyway, has anyone noticed the impact of quests on affinity levels is still quite nebulous? I could've sworn they don't provide affinity XP, unlike techs, despite options being marked Purity/Supremacy/Harmony.
Some quests do provide Affinity, but usually only the last step in the quest chain rewards Affinity. So you may see several quests that have Affinity choices that give no reward, just lead to the next step.
Considering that negative health is not that bad and trade routes depend on number of cities, it seem that "going wide" will be a very strong strategy indeed.
That negative health isn't particularly disadvantageous is probably unintended and something they might be looking to fix in the near future.
He has made two pretty clear mistakes IMO.

- Not getting "Indepence Networks" virtue (+25% for internal trade routes)
- Not getting low level tech "Biochemistry" that gives you possibility to build Water Refinery -building (+1 food and +1 production for all water tiles) AND Petrochemical Plant -building that gives +1 Production and +1 Energy from Petroleum.
He has made two pretty clear mistakes IMO.

- Not getting "Indepence Networks" virtue (+25% for internal trade routes)
- Not getting low level tech "Biochemistry" that gives you possibility to build Water Refinery -building (+1 food and +1 production for all water tiles) AND Petrochemical Plant -building that gives +1 Production and +1 Energy from Petroleum.

The first isn't a mistake. that was done on purpose as I wanted/needed the Prosperity health bonuses first. I can always go back for it later.

the 2nd one.. only a minor mistake while I had little to no oil/water resources. At this point, yes, it's needed.
cost: 1150 production
+7 food
+2 health

Tectonic Anvil
cost: 1550 production, 5 geothermal
+9 production
City must have at least one canyon within 2 tiles.
Need to get a tall player to play, that focuses on positive health, and see which empire is the strongest, and which one fits the individual play style..

I do NOT want to see BE complained about to the point that everyone takes the same path, same techs, same wide or tall strategy, to get the quickest win... like we have in Civ V. Allow for different strategies, different paths, and different play styles... and just because a style does not work for an individual, does not mean it is Over powered, or unbalanced.
I feel that tall play is not viable on higher levels, because number of trade routes is based on number of cities. And trade routes seem to be extremely powerful. I personally dont like the trade route spam. Its just too much in bigger maps. You could have almost 100 trade routes going if you have big empire. 30-40 cities with 3 traderoutes in all of them. It takes too much time and most of the time you are not even making big decisions with them. Just spam spam. Not fun IMO.
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