Mafia and Werewolves - Game Thread

Anyone got a current vote tally they can just post, or do I have to make one?
Being certain is at the core of Alison's mafia play...even when she has no basis whatever for it.
I guess I endorse this partially. I wouldn't describe certainty as being at the core of my play but I do think being certain is the correct play most of the time. Like if you're certain then you're certain. And if you're uncertain then you need to obtain information, which usually means faking certainty to see how people react. There are times to be uncertain but a lot of the time it's the best play to just seem certain.
I guess I endorse this partially. I wouldn't describe certainty as being at the core of my play but I do think being certain is the correct play most of the time. Like if you're certain then you're certain. And if you're uncertain then you need to obtain information, which usually means faking certainty to see how people react. There are times to be uncertain but a lot of the time it's the best play to just seem certain.

I endorse the strategy as *a* strategy, despite the fact I play a polar opposite strategy most of the time, at least in the early game. By maintaining a pure uncertainty I become a magnet for information.
Vote: topsecret

mind giving a readslist?

Are you trying to add pressure...which seems extraneous given that there are a lot of votes on already...or "accidentally" push an easy wagon over the line?
Being certain is at the core of Alison's mafia play...even when she has no basis whatever for it.

did tim and alison get together before this game and just say "let's confirm meta for each other that makes us both very difficult to read muahaha"

i'm kidding but jeez y'all baseless certainty and a refusal to read d1 sure ain't helping me
I wonder why a player who clearly has an ability to articulate her thought processes would be both extremely certain and tight-lipped about a read she has.

are you softing daycop or something?
I endorse the strategy as *a* strategy, despite the fact I play a polar opposite strategy most of the time, at least in the early game. By maintaining a pure uncertainty I become a magnet for information.
I mean it's just a question of playstyle. I don't think I'd become a magnet for information if I adopted an uncertain stance. And I doubt you'd get much farther if you tried playing the way I do. The way we collect information is dependent on our individual personality, playstyle and posting style. For me certainty works, so I'll do it. I often try out new playstyles just to see how well they work, like in 7th Saga.
did tim and alison get together before this game and just say "let's confirm meta for each other that makes us both very difficult to read muahaha"

i'm kidding but jeez y'all baseless certainty and a refusal to read d1 sure ain't helping me we're just in a sort of PTSD from our last game together
are you softing daycop or something?
I don't know how to make it any more obvious to you people and clearly you aren't picking up on it so I'm just going to say it. I'm obviously softing that I have more information than a regular vanilla townie. I'm not that specific role, I would probably daycop Tim if I was.
I don't know how to make it any more obvious to you people and clearly you aren't picking up on it so I'm just going to say it. I'm obviously softing that I have more information than a regular vanilla townie. I'm not that specific role, I would probably daycop Tim if I was.

is topsecret confirmed mafia to you?
I don't know how to make it any more obvious to you people and clearly you aren't picking up on it so I'm just going to say it. I'm obviously softing that I have more information than a regular vanilla townie. I'm not that specific role, I would probably daycop Tim if I was.

Now we are getting somewhere...chop Topsecret and if he is town we just bury can afford a one for one here.
@topsecret do you have any hidden powers that would make chopping you an absolutely horrible loss for town?
Now we are getting somewhere...chop Topsecret and if he is town we just bury can afford a one for one here.

I am just waiting on confirmation from @Alison that topsecret is mechanically confirmed to her. Which, if that's the case, would explain why I couldn't fathom any plausible explanations for alison's actions. I simply never considered some sort of d1 information check
is topsecret confirmed mafia to you?
Not 100%, but like, 90% or more. I think it's better if I don't go into the full specifics of my role so that scum can't be sure exactly what I do and don't know, and have to make difficult NK decisions thereafter. Here's what I'm willing to share.

- I have a semi-reliable (but not completely reliable) way to get info about certain players in the game.
- topsecret was implicated as a result of said information, and the way he has responded to it has been very bad. He looks a lot more like a mafia member who's given up after being caught than an innocent player who is trying to vindicate themselves.
- If topsecret is scum, Marcher has pretty decent teammate equity with him because of a combination of extra info and the way they have treated topsecret in the thread. For instance, Marcher did not seem to have an interest with interacting with topsecret (and I know, based on what I have access to, that Marcher should have some interest in doing so) and uncovering his alignment at the start of the game, and has been steadily ignoring him and hiding behind a push on Ace. Then just as the topsecret push gains momentum, they switch. I think that could mean they realized they can't save topsecret since he's given up and is just trying to maximize cred off that wagon.
I don't know how to make it any more obvious to you people and clearly you aren't picking up on it so I'm just going to say it. I'm obviously softing that I have more information than a regular vanilla townie. I'm not that specific role, I would probably daycop Tim if I was.

i mean you're obviously softing - i just think that it'd be better if you hardclaimed whatever information it is you have. if you feel like that'll help mafia, then don't, BUT it would be easier for us to make sense of whatever information you have. plus i've been burned before by people claiming a "guilty" because they misinterpreted the information.
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