Magic Iron

Ur Mum

Mar 15, 2003
ok. was playing a tiny peagea on regent difficulty as aztecs. mid game, jsut as i was finishing off the chinese.... a source of iron was "exhausted" on a mountian tile. then, the next message, was "we discovered a new source of iron" on exactly the same tile, on the same turn it disappeared.

David Blaine has been doing magic on my iron sources... making it disappear and then reappear maybe?

i just found it very strange.... same turn, same tile.....

What are the odds on that? Small right? (as new sources are not always found on the same turn a source disappears right?)
It's not as uncommon as you may think. It's wierd, really.
happened to me once too.

it was the first time i had ever seen a redource be exhausted, then it reappeared back right away.

So i thought it was SUPPOSED to happen

man did i get ticked off when my only source of oil exausthed and a new one didn't come up :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Tomoyo said:
It's not as uncommon as you may think. It's wierd, really.

amen to that!

i've been playing civ3 for ages now.... and never had that happen before.
The oddest one ive ever had is we have found a new source of camels. A few turns later some more camels turned up again. Ok who has been breeding Camels ? I thought. Just a thought your happily trading say Iron with someone and then your resource runs out What happens to the trade deal. Do you effectively end up breaking it or are you forced to give the non exces Iron you have if you have any.
Tomoyo said:
It's not as uncommon as you may think. It's wierd, really.

Agreed. In the modern age, it prolly occurs 75% of the time. The reason is that the game has to keep certain numbers of resources in the game at all times. When one is "exausted" it has to add another to keep the balance. Exaustion is based on a percentage, which varies based on the type of resource.
A tiny map will increase the odds as you have fewer tiles that can have iron.
Himalia said:
The oddest one ive ever had is we have found a new source of camels. A few turns later some more camels turned up again. Ok who has been breeding Camels ?

I cant say anything about camels cause that would have to be a moded game (RAR?/DyP) but in C3C/C3 horse have no chance of exaustion and can only increase in number as the game goes on.

I thought. Just a thought your happily trading say Iron with someone and then your resource runs out What happens to the trade deal. Do you effectively end up breaking it or are you forced to give the non exces Iron you have if you have any.

Unsure what you are saying. If you are supplying iron to another civ and run out, you have broken the agreement and get the bad rep cause of it. If you have 2 sources, I am unsure as if you lose your supply or they lose theirs.
You lose yours.

can a resource, say like iron, be exhausted even if u dont build unit that require iron?
Yup. Exhaustion of a resource has no connection with how many units you've built that use that resource. So, theoretically, you could never build any unit that uses iron and your iron supply could be exhausted.
Yeah. The only thing required for a resource to be depleted is if you have it connected.

Luxury resources don't go away, right?
I've never seen bonus or luxuary resources disappear.

However, I know you can make them be exhuasted in the edittor. (There's a number option that specifies the probability of disappearance)
It's not uncommon???

I got it sooo many times where it would disapear and reappear on the same tile, the same turn.
Bluemofia said:
It's not uncommon???

I got it sooo many times where it would disapear and reappear on the same tile, the same turn.
That's what it means to be not uncommon. ;)
I ment common. I wasn't really paying close attention to what I was typing.
I once actually got magic iron :rolleyes: , A new source appeared all of a sudden, like I hadnt run out of it or anything. :p Go figure. :p
I have never had this not happen. (I love using double negatives)

In other words EVERY time I lose a resource it appears in the exact same location. Granted I usually play regent or monarch - does the chance of a resource disappearing vary based on the difficulty?
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