Major League Baseball 2012 Season

Every time I see that Holliday hit on Scutaro it looks worse. He's out, he's too late to have any chance of getting in, and the slide is aimed at the man, not at the base. If I was a Giants fan, then I'd reckon it's poetic justice that the game's key AB has Scutaro doubling to Holliday who then misfields an extra run in.

Hell, as a Cards fan I still think that's poetic justice. You could break the guy's leg like that. If he's unlucky, you could just about finish his career. Playing hard, fine and dandy. This is assault legalised because it's on a sports field.
That guy throws hard... but doesn't look too sure of where it is going. Didn't ever seem to find his groove.
Glad Scutaro is actually doing something, unlike what he did in Boston, which was be a meh shortstop.
I also support the Giants vs. Tigers for the WS.

Anyways....who d'you think will be the new Red Sox manager?
Yankee's fans are all worthless jerks. They're so used to winning they can't handle losing.
Anyways....who d'you think will be the new Red Sox manager?
Not following it or Boston, but the Toronto media seems to think there is a good chance Farrell will be heading there now that the Jays have said he is free to go.
I'm primarily ranting and stereotyping based off some "fanspeak" from NYC showed on one of the MLB Network shows, where every fan they interviewed took a "holier than thou" attitude.
Dang. Raul could have been the hero again :( .

Those ninth inning at bats is what the Yankees do well... fight on every pitch.

Nunez should be hitting 4th... the dude was right on Verlander in the ninth and he was still throwing 98 mph.
Well, you take a NY sports fans superiority complex and everyone else's inferiority complex and you meet somewhere in between.
now we're calling out yankees fans? really? while i'm not a yankees fan by any stretch, perhaps we could not insult ? very tacky imo and reeks of an inferiority complex.

I do tend to agree. On the other hand, my (limited) experience of Yankees fans is that they'd rather be talked about than ignored.

For the Yanks, being liked is good, though infrequent. Being envied is the ideal. Being disliked or disparaged is allright - just as long as you understand you can't talk about baseball unless you're talking (at least partly) about the Yankees. Because the Yankees are baseball. Etc.

Honestly, ignoring them or (worse!) focusing on the National League is way more hurtful than being disparaging about them, questioning Jeter's parentage, or doubting that Riviera is really the best closer of all time.

Actually, I'd love it if they came back from 0-3 down. I've been rooting for the Tigers in my off moments from the real (NL) baseball, but now I would kinda like it if the Yanks found a way back.
i have a hard time criticizing yankees fans...mainly b/c they are really not a whole lot different than philly fans or boston fans. in-your-face, calling-the-kettle-black and all that stuff. and you know what? they can get away with it. what is it? 27 championships? something like that. yea, obnoxious etc. but tigers fans can not speak with such historical bravado, nor phillies fans, and surely not red sox fans.

the best is watching yankees fans beat down mets fans :hammer:
What are your thoughts on the A-Rod situation... and how it will go in the off-season.
And from down under. Seriously, how can he play there after being benched several games in a row in the playoffs?

He still is a top 10 or so MLB 3B... and his replacement (chavez) was 0-13 :eek:

Over 600 HRs and you don't even think he might accidently crank one. If somebody was on fire... I might understand it. He has more hits than Cano too. Weird stuff IMO.
It looks one half of my prediction at the start of the year is going to be right. I predicted that it would be a Detroit Arizona world series. Shame about my team not stepping up like I thought they would after last year. :( Well I did also think that Detroit would win the world series, so far so good on my thinking.
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