Make post count optional?

To be frank post count has very minimal value anywhere, as it could just mean your just a colossal spam merchant, who posts two posts when one would suffice or three or more if they can get away with it, despite there being a multi-quote option. You know the people who think they are being clever, plus of course the abject spammers who just post detritus in the hope that no one will notice. It's quality not quantity, basically. I don't care where you post, if you post drivel then how are we to know your post count means anything and vise a versa. There are plenty of examples on this forum, of people who's post count is even more arbitrary than most; I wouldn't make the faux pas of pointing them out, but most people know who they are. :)
Removing the post count will not stop the "avid posters" from posting avidly.

And you've said it yourself, we all know who they are! So just ignore them and let the others enjoy seeing their post count.
Don't let a few rotten apples dictate what kind of forum features we can enjoy. Thats basically surrendering!

Besides, we also know who the good quality posters are. And If we see that one of the quality posters has a high post count, then the number does mean something!
We are talking about it being optional. And yes most people if they spend enough time know who deserves a post count and who's posts could quite easily be halved and still not get rid of all the junk posts. But they still devalue the whole thing anyway.

You'd better back that up. When do I spam ever? Ask the mods how many warnings I've had for spam, here I'll save you the effort zero, on any forum ever. I'm thinking you're either one of those idiots that makes two posts when you could make one and five when you could make four or that you lord spam kings yourself and feel all bent out of shape, or as is more likely you take post count far more seriously than you like to let on, like the rather outrageous spammers on this forum. Why don't you actually think before you post, instead of making completely baseless accusations that just end up making you look a bit like a fool. Thanks for sharing though, come again when you feel like shooting yourself in the foot some more. :lol:

Unlike most of the spam kings here, I never waste 8 posts to say what I can in two, and I certainly don't spam, so stop making it up and go back and hide under your bridge, thanks. I deserve that post count because I say things that are relevant to discussion, I fell no need to justify the fact that I have a lot to say to someone who generally has nothing to say, and is therefore jealous. And since I have made enquiries to have my post count reset (as you would know if you read the thread) enquiries that are totally unrelated to whether I feel I deserve my post count, you now look and sound a bit dum.

Oh and by the way trolling is worse than spam.

Anyway, since the time it takes for anything to happen on a forum is an ice age (assuming they even agree with the idea of making post count optional) I think I might as well see if I can expedite matters.

Actually, that doesn't make any sense unless the teapot isn't black. If the teapot IS black, then the pot has every right to call it black, especially since he is black himself.
It's not even a kettle... It's a teapot. So it's a pot calling a teapot black. Two pots calling eachother black.
It's not even a kettle... It's a teapot. So it's a pot calling a teapot black. Two pots calling eachother black.

The teapot isn't calling the normal pot black... edited anyway.
I really would like the posts-in-certain-forum stat! The purpose of post count is for people to have a way to determine the general experience of the poster in the forum, but someone who's been hanging out in the Civ 3 forums until recently, and decided to get Civ 4 recently would generally not be familiar with Civ 4 specific acronyms and the like.

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