Make your own civ attributes!


Jun 29, 2002
After playing as just about every civilization,I had thought that they could have made more civs if they had more attributes to make them with.

After thinking of that,I decided to try it...


Effects: military engagements 25% more times.
2.more likely to have stategic resources.

Nativeness Effects
1.extra 50% defense bonus if fighting in your territory. takes opponents twice as much culture to culture flip your cities.

I'd like to see what other people can make up.:D
'Luckiness' appears to be nothing more than an excuse to cheat like the AI.

My modifications:

1. Advisors pop up twice as frequently with helpful advice ('The Aztecs admire our Spearmen - don't you want to build some more? Just one, so cute over in the corner next to the Horsies? What - it would kill you to just build one more?')
2. All pieces move twice as slowly (because they are concerned they've left the oven on)
3. Neighboring civilizations' cities sometimes spontaneously disband to get away from you (a modified culture flip).
UU: Psychotherapist - costs 10 gold per turn to maintain, causes all people in city it's in to be content - not happy, just medicated.

1. Units can see everything in a 4 square radius.
2. Half of the things a unit 'sees' aren't really there.
3. If there isn't a military unit for each population point in a city, one content person becomes unhappy.
UU: Conspiracy Theorist - upon entry into foreign city, convinces it that space aliens are running its Civ, and the city flips to a random other Civ.

1. CD automatically ejects, throws self in trash
Luckiness is a bit unfair and just down right silly.

I was thinking about something to do with the second one: Native Effects.

However I thought a better attribute would be that if you start off in a desert region, any future cities you have (in deserty areas) would have a slight food bonus on the immediate circle of squares surrounding your city.

If you started of in an area with a lot of jungle your workers would in future be better able to clear it, or the jungle movement bonus could be brought down to two.

If you can think of any bonus associated with tundra by all means suggest it.

But again I don't think this is a well thought out attribute , or at least more thought is necessary.

How about AGRICULTURAL. This just occured tro me now. A food bonus on some irrigated squares immediatly surrounding your city. Similar to what Commercial and Industrial civs have?

Granarys are cheaper to build. Maybe a small reduction in the cost of workers? I've only just tought of this while replying, so I haven't got a good argument for it.
Luckiness was just something I thought up,nothing to be taken seriously.

Nativeness I actually thought about more.There could be a attribute that makes you start in a jungle or desert like this..

Desert Skills
1.50% defense bonus when on desert tiles
2.Add extra 1 commerce to every desert tile.
3.No disease from Flood Plains.

Jungle Skills
1.All opponents units movement reduced to 1 on your jungle tiles
2.Add extra 1 food to each jungle square that you own
3.No disease from jungles

All these attributes make you start in lots of desert\jungles.
Naval Units are cheaper to produce
Harbors are cheaper to produce
Coastal Fortresses more effective & cheaper
Mapmaking yields both galleys & tiremes (can move on sea squares, cannot transport units, +1 movement over galleys)

Half the time of "has refused to even acklowedge" messages with ai civs
Reduced damage to reputation from negative acts other than RoP violation
Cheaper Spies
Free Embassies

Very much cheaper palace (easy capital moves)
Abandon City yields nomadic settler if pop > settler cost
Nomadic Settlers (2 moves, cities founded with them
have temples, marketplaces, baracks, and granaries if the city abandoned to form the nomadic settler had them, and retains
the old population - 1 (1 is lost in the move)
This one might be too much, but it'd be fun if the ai could use it effectively :) (pictures the mongols picking up ship and moving their entire civilization into the razed french lands your roman empire has just burned)
Hey great ideas Wervdon ! I especially like the seafaring and diplomatic ones...

What I would suggest is that these attributes are gained according to your starting location. For instance, starting on an island would give you seafaring, starting near the desert would give desert lore, starting close to more than 2 other civs would give diplomatic, and so on...
Those are some good ideas Wervdon.:goodjob:

I think I got another one...


1.Declares war even when weaker than opponent
2.Send non-combat units and artillery to fight opponents undefended.
3.Makes stupid trades(like giving all gold,10 gold a turn,and all luxeries for the Republic)

Of course,I don't think that many people would want to use that atrribute.:crazyeye:
It sounds just like the AI.:crazyeye:
Any more ideas from anyone?
graneries cost less
workers irrigate faster
no -1 less food in tiles with more than 2 food in despotism
workers dont cost any pop?
That would be way too powerful; cheaper granaries is already very good. I think if you drop the free workers ability it would be fair enough (but still a cool attribute, especially for the ancient age).

Military units will have a chance of invading and attacking other civs without your approval.

You may not build workers but must purchase or capture them from other civs.

UU: The BarneyBot, a purple dinosaur that speeds assimilation of foreign nationals.

- Always at least 2 techs behind every known civilization after Ancient Times. Otherwise, research stops until previous condition is reached.

- All Ancient Age military units get +1 AR/ +1 DR.

- All trades with Isolationist civ last only 10 turns and is non-renewable for 10 turns after that.

- Isolationist Leader can only get up to cautious stance and not more than that.

(i'm thinking of an actual Aztec or Inca civilization)
Originally posted by jpowers
My modifications:

1. Advisors pop up twice as frequently with helpful advice ('The Aztecs admire our Spearmen - don't you want to build some more? Just one, so cute over in the corner next to the Horsies? What - it would kill you to just build one more?')
2. All pieces move twice as slowly (because they are concerned they've left the oven on)
3. Neighboring civilizations' cities sometimes spontaneously disband to get away from you (a modified culture flip).
UU: Psychotherapist - costs 10 gold per turn to maintain, causes all people in city it's in to be content - not happy, just medicated.

1. Units can see everything in a 4 square radius.
2. Half of the things a unit 'sees' aren't really there.
3. If there isn't a military unit for each population point in a city, one content person becomes unhappy.
UU: Conspiracy Theorist - upon entry into foreign city, convinces it that space aliens are running its Civ, and the city flips to a random other Civ.

:lol: :lol:

AI civs become Gracious when you declare war on them.
Artillery auto-bomards all friendly units.
Instead of war weariness, there is war enthusiasm.

1.Once to the Industrial age,you don't research any more technology.
2.Citizens never become happy or unhappy.

- Cannot produce workers. All citizens who die of starvation or die due to poprushing become skeleton workers instead. Skeleton workers work twice as long as non-industrious workers.

- May sacrifice 20 Skeleton workers to poprush any wonder using their bones as building blocks.

- Stranger than fiction.
White Trash (for non-Americans out there, see 'population of American South').

1. Workers work when they get around to it.
2. Trailer Park city improvement gives double rate to population growth.
3. No need for aqueducts, hospitals, mass transit, sanitation, recycling. We're not talking about avid bathers here.
4. No communism.
5. Rival Civs can only raze White Trash cities - no other civilization could possibly live in that level of filth and squalor.
6. Scientific research rate halved.
7. UU - country-western line dancer. Causes other units to die laughing at unsightly attempts at rythmic movement.

1.Never able to build military units.
2.Never able to go to war or sign MPP'S or alliance's.
3.Peaceful improvements are cheaper.
4.If another country goes to war with you,all the other countries become furious with that country.
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