Malaysian Airlines flight possibly lost.

Malaysian Airlines flight possibly found
ahha , the dramatic Hollywood finish . The RN SSN "on the way" , signals heard just before the battery runs out . Wait a few months for further cooling down and the searchers will find the black boxes as if they put it there by hand , as the Turkish phrase goes .
and the thing is the Chinese were already committed to buy a ton of Airbuses ...

for the question in question , am not a Boeing salesbot .
wow, that BBC article was a real palimpsest. Awfully written.

My mother told me not to do that which was never a problem as I only have a brother.
wow, that BBC article was a real palimpsest. Awfully written.

Are you sure you are using the term palimpsest in any way it can be used? :hmm:

Cause a palimpsest is an (unrelated, and older) text which was written over by a newer text. The practice was around back when printing was not invented and so either lack of paper or negative view for the work originally written on it, lead to the re-use of the same paper for a new text, erasing the old one which by now tech allows us to reproduce.

So BBC articles cannot really be palimpsests, since all people know that they are made on the spot on sponsored -but otherwise clean- toiletpaper :yup:

(complimentary oxford dictionary link, with a definition of the term:
In colloquial English, a palimpsest can refer to any jumbled collection or writing. In this case the article jumped between 3 or 4 different subjects from one paragraph to the next. It reads as a poorly edited amalgam. Very poor quality writing from a decent outlet.
not much of a bump in that the local media suggests 11 El Kaide members arrested or under investigation in Malaysia for the plane and a plan to bomb a Muslim country ; presumably with a T . 2 or 3 false alerts in Turkish airliners in the last month and what gives ? Is there a need for battalions in Kiev ? Or is it something else ? Oh yes , let's talk not .
Moderator Action: r16, could you please explain why your post above isn't Spam? I was close to deleting it, but perhaps you can explain?
They had to settle for Al-Qaeda?

Surely some group of Russian pro-Tzarists or even Old Believers would have been better for the US target audience at least. Man they are getting soft :yup: Al-Qaeda is yesterday's (made-up) news.
At what point do the terrorists actually claim credit for it, to, y'know, actually create terror or in some other way further their goals? It doesn't make a lot of sense for them to crash an airplane and kill a bunch of people, if most people think that it was the work of a suicidal cockpit crew.

I wouldnt be surprised if this was made up to divert attention away from government failure.
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