Managing Greece

I rarely take the Patronage tree even when going for a Diplo VC. It is a relatively weak tree. If you have enough gold income you don't really need the influence boosts, and the other policies in the tree aren't great either (particularly after the Scholasticism nerf). The only time I even go for the Patronage tree is sometimes as my 5th policy tree in a cultural VC. The one useful policy in the tree is the one that doubles strategic resources gifts from CS, if you are going for a domination VC with a strategy that uses lots of oil or aluminum-based units (like tanks or bombers) and you have none of those resources in your territory. But the investment in the tree is steep to get there.
City-States are going to get nerfed? Meh. They should just make it so the A.I. pursues them more aggressively when they have allot of gold. I won a diplo game when Siam had 34,000 gold in the bank. I try to win by score now.
Patronage is a much better tree when you are a maritime power without a lot of expansion available early. Aestetics is the real killer here, letting you dominate the city states early. Its important to be able to defend your city states either directly or through gifted units otherwise they will get conquered.
For pangea domination victories you don't need any cs or RAs. Excepted for deity where you should sign a couple of RAs to not fight under tech par unless you outnumber your opponent with a big load of ranged units. Maybe 1 cs for extra iron but that's all.

For continent maps, get all your continent and beeline astronomy. Send everything on the other continent.

For heavy water maps, just go for navigation with some iron and you should be fine for any difficulties.
bhavv yeah many things will probably change with Gods & Kings Expansion, first off you'll need to do quests or use espionage or religion to sway city-states, you can use gold but it's not gonna be as powerful.

Also Research Agreements are supposed to be able to make with Civs you have made Declaration of Friendship with so you can't just do it with everyone.

And getting an isolated start on a small island might not work as well anymore as they are (supposed) to make it more easier for AI to launch naval invasions.

Sorry for derailing from Greece topic, I think it's just interesting to compare your situations to the expansion's changes. Of course no-one of us have played it yet but from the look of it some strategies will change a bit.. :)
Its important to be able to defend your city states either directly or through gifted units otherwise they will get conquered.

If you are a military force in your own right to be reckoned with, you don't always need to gift units. A pledge to protect or allying with a CS can cause the AI to make peace. Try it late-game: you are dominating militarily, a CS is getting hammered. Just give it 1000 gold and watch the AI immediately make peace.
Sure. You're a not at bad spot. It is epic, right? This game is winnable I believe. You just need to adjust you priorities and do some warring later on.

Yea epic speed, immortal small pangaea. I hate playing on Normal because the game progresses too fast.

I actually decided to restart anyway, and I have no idea how this is possible but on top of TGL and Colossus in my capital, I finished GL in one of the mountain cities in 80 BC, took education for free, rushed porcelain tower with my second GE, and then built Oracle:

Spoiler :

I'll stick national epic in that city too instead of my capital, but still put NC and an Academy in my capital, so I'll have 3 strong science cities once I have observatories done. I'm delaying Aqueducts and Marketplaces this time until all the science buildings are done first. I thought that getting PT built this early means that a single academy will pay off well through the rest of the game.

The AI is ******ed in Civ V if I can manage all that on Immortal.

I also have 3 research pacts active, one AI doesnt have Chivalry yet, and Hiawatha declared on me and wont accept peace even though I'm comfortably fending all his attacks off with a single trireme (I buit 2 triremes after monuments in my second and third cities, one died and now I'm just waiting for caravels).

I have 6 iron to for Frigates.
34 beakers/turn on turn 167?? I usually aim for 5-6 times that amount by that time. 300 beakers/turn by around T200 sounds about right. Unless you are aiming to get all of your science through RA's.

Edit: Ah, epic speed not standard. Still science is low though.
No idea how people get science out faster than I do. Construction is too slow in this game, and even with building universities, NC, 2 observatories, 2 academies and running 6 scientist specialists, my science would still only be at around 150 by turn 250 on epic.

I had more science in my first try by focusing on markets and buying out CSs with the middle patronage policy. Policy acquisition was also quicker from buying out cultural CSs first, I don't see the point in buying Maritimes first because I was always at the happy cap even with a colosseum in every city.
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