Rise of Asia v0.95

Map for Rise of Asia 2016-10-05

Blue Monkey

Archon Without Portfolio
Jul 31, 2005
Timeless Isle
This is the map I created for the Rise of Asia mod (which is still in development). That thread includes extensive discussion about the geographical limits and features of the map. Thanks to Sword_of_Geddon & Shirou for letting me be part of the team; and to Ogedei and 7Ronin for their especially valuable input to its creation.

Because the development of the mod has been inactive for some time, I decided to make the map available for the community at large. Feel free to adapt it to your own uses.

One feature of the map is the use of LM Hills for passes through impassable Mountains. The zip therefor includes the necessary graphics, which were adapted from those in Rhye's of Civilization. The map has no resources placed.

Map for Rise of Asia

The screenshot is from the editor; you may notice yellow diamonds to indicate LM terrain, these do not appear in game.

Wow, I had no idea this map existed. It looks really good (so the necromancy wasn't all fer nuthin'). ;)
OKAY, yeah mabey I am posting on a dead thread, but I couldn't help but congradulate you on your work.
Not a dead thread now. & I think your bump really bumped up the number of downloads it's gotten.;)
Very interesting size 143 x 103. Excellent detail also you must have taken some time making that.
Size was determined by the geographical limits Shirou & Sword_of_Geddon wanted converted to playability.

It took 10 months -could have taken less if I wasn't such a nit-picker.

Thanks for the "details" comment: There are some treats - the hidden passes in the Himalayas & things like single tile flood plains in the northern wastes to represent prominent lakes too small for graphics. Exploration pays off on this map. ;) If we ever get some "bamboo" LM terrain I'll rework the forest/jungle & post an update.
Greetings, Blue Monkey. Thanks for the map. I will see what I can do about putting resources in the correct locations, and then sending it back to you for your review. I finally have my Windows box up and running for game editing, as otherwise I am on Macs, with no editor for Conquests or Play the World.
Greetings, Blue Monkey. Thanks for the map. I will see what I can do about putting resources in the correct locations, and then sending it back to you for your review. I finally have my Windows box up and running for game editing, as otherwise I am on Macs, with no editor for Conquests or Play the World.
Your effort would be a great help to the community. We can post it as a separate version with shared credit.
Your effort would be a great help to the community. We can post it as a separate version with shared credit.

Greetings, Blue Monkey. Would you have any problem with variable resource yields, similar to the Test of Time scenario? That does assume that I can get them to work right. I like the ToT resource list, but not sure that I can adapt it to the map. In reality, the Chinese should have pigs in addition to cattle, and obviously rice over wheat in South China. The Asians have also been using fish ponds for a long time, and I need to figure out how to reflect that. Fish pond yields in terms of protein are far superior to cattle, but do require plenty of water. I will start out with the basic resource list, and then see how creative I can get.
Greetings, Blue Monkey. Would you have any problem with variable resource yields, similar to the Test of Time scenario? That does assume that I can get them to work right. I like the ToT resource list, but not sure that I can adapt it to the map. In reality, the Chinese should have pigs in addition to cattle, and obviously rice over wheat in South China. The Asians have also been using fish ponds for a long time, and I need to figure out how to reflect that. Fish pond yields in terms of protein are far superior to cattle, but do require plenty of water. I will start out with the basic resource list, and then see how creative I can get.
Feel free to make any mod you want with it. I just did the mapwork (except for the LM Mountains) for a now defunct mod. I'd love to see something playable come of it. & There are certainly starting to be enough units, buildings, & LHs for South Asia as well as areas further East.

Edit: For the fish ponds - make a "carp" or "tilapia" resource. Place it only beside fresh water. Then let cities build ponds only as long as the resource is "within city radius". R8XFT has several buildings set up in a similar fashion in AD Classic.
Feel free to make any mod you want with it. I just did the mapwork (except for the LM Mountains) for a now defunct mod. I'd love to see something playable come of it. & There are certainly starting to be enough units, buildings, & LHs for South Asia as well as areas further East.

Edit: For the fish ponds - make a "carp" or "tilapia" resource. Place it only beside fresh water. Then let cities build ponds only as long as the resource is "within city radius". R8XFT has several buildings set up in a similar fashion in AD Classic.

You obviously were online. Thanks for the information on the fish ponds. I was thinking about siting them on river terrain, so it is in line with my ideas. They will need to be "carp" or "catfish" ponds, however. The tilapia is actually an African cichlid that originates in the African Great Rift Lakes and Lake Victoria. It was not known to the Asians until modern times. They also had fish farms in salt water, but I think those I will simply make enhanced fish resources. I will keep you posted, and probably do a basic map first before I see how creative I can get.
I just did the mapwork (except for the LM Mountains) for a now defunct mod.

I'd still be happy to get such a project rolling again, although I myself am a little (well, very) short on time these days. I think we had some great ideas in RoA, such as location-specific resources, and the such. (Coincidently, I was playing around with this map the other day, adding in the civs from RoA in their correct locations, although I progressed no further than that)
I'd still be happy to get such a project rolling again, although I myself am a little (well, very) short on time these days. I think we had some great ideas in RoA, such as location-specific resources, and the such. (Coincidently, I was playing around with this map the other day, adding in the civs from RoA in their correct locations, although I progressed no further than that)
The map is free for anyone to use or adapt. I've been thinking of eventually adapting it to the AD Classic rule set, although some civs would need to be added. I might also try a TAM version (with the same needs).
I think that I have the fish ponds figured out, with them set to kick in with the Engineering advance. I have a test map set up, and will let you know the results. If it works, I will post how to do it to the main customization forum.
My attempt at fish ponds partially worked. The "pond fish" resource added properly, and the Engineering trigger for it worked as well. The fish show up in the marsh as intended. However, although I had the underlying terrain set to COAST, when the workers cleared wetlands, I had GRASSLAND instead of COAST. Need to work on it more. The fish looked weird on the grass, but okay in the marsh. The option right now looks to be manually putting in COAST tiles along the rivers, which has major effects on the map, as simply adding the pond fish resource to the marsh hexes in China, and letting the trigger of Engineering or Construction activate them. Having the river as a separate type of terrain hex would help a lot.

I have been going through the forums, looking at terraforming, and it looks like in Civ2 you could get to coast from a marsh, and oddly enough, the effects of pollution on a MARSH are to convert it to COAST. I am not sure if there is a way that I could do that through workers though. How is the other individual who is trying this making out?
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