Map Scripts, Wondering what ones others are using


Jul 11, 2010
I usually play with Erebus Continent, but I was wondering what map scripts others might be using with MNAI. I know there are some out there that were made for other mods but not sure of their compatibility with this one... The best FFH mod IMO ;) :D
I play erebus continent

Usually decent maps, one weird thing i've found though. If more than one large continent generates, the game will squeeze all civs on to just one of them and leave the other ones completely empty
I like the various Tectonics mapscripts. Mediterranean, Earth, 60% water and 70% water are all great for different kinds of games.

Try playing Illians on Fantasy Realm. You can find ice floodplains with a resource on them (most commonly incense) for an absolutely insane 5 :food: 3 :commerce: tile on turn one, without any improvements. Put a plantation or an aristofarm on there, well...
Full of resources, normally lakes with more water.
Favorite concept I posted in the main ffh forum a while back.
I've been using the "big and small" continents maps, mostly, with islands mixed in, and with "snaky continents" selected. This gives you lots of long, skinny, winding continents. I have modded the mapscript a bit to be bigger than usual, since I like to play with all 19 civs on one map.

Lately I've been thinking of trying to mod this mapscript to produce one extremely long winding continent. This nearly happened basically by accident one game I played - 16 of the 19 civs were on one continent, although I had explored almost the entire world before I realized that two "other continents" were actually connected to my continent. If you put everyone on one continent, it becomes a bit like the "lakes" mapscript, but with more chokepoints, with navigable oceans instead of navies being mostly irrelevant, and with some side islands for later expansion possibilities.
Psst, that's what I mean by full of resources with lakes ;)
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